Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Joint Committee on the Secondary Legislation of the European Communities díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 16 Apr 1980


The first item before us is Senator Robinson's draft report on work-sharing. Senator Robinson is unable to be here as she is engaged in the Seanad, but I do not think she has any objection to the draft report being dealt with in her absence. Alternatively, Members might like to have her here for a discussion on it.

Will she be here later today?

She is detained in the Seanad—she has to reply to a debate.

She will not be here?

No, but the draft report can be considered in her absence—or deferred.

I move the adoption of the draft report, which is not contentious.

Deputy Leonard

I agree with that.

I am a Member of Senator Robinson's Sub-Committee and I know the matter has been teased out thoroughly. I do not think there is anything contentious in it. We thank Senator Robinson and her Sub-Committee for the work they have put into it.

Paragraphs 1 to 32, inclusive, agreed to.

Draft Report agreed to.

Ordered: To report accordingly.
