Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Joint Committee on Tourism, Culture, Arts, Sport and Media díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 22 Sep 2021

Business of Joint Committee

Good afternoon folks, and most especially to our guests, Ms Désirée Finnegan and Ms Susan Bergin. We are delighted to have them with us today. This is the first semi-normal meeting we have had. The two lovely ladies are on screen but at least I have one colleague sitting beside me today, which has not been the case for a long time. Deputy Munster, who we have with us online, is also welcome.

I have a little bit of housekeeping to go through first, so I hope our guests can bear with me. Is it agreed that the draft minutes of the committee meetings held in private and public session on Wednesday, 14 July 2021 and Wednesday 21 July 2021, as well as those from the committee meetings in private session on Wednesday, 15 September 2021 are formally agreed and that there are no matters arising? Agreed.
