Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Joint Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 27 Jun 2018

Business of Joint Committee

Apologies have been received from Deputy Catherine Murphy. I propose that we briefly go into private session. Is that agreed? Agreed.

The joint committee went into private session at 9.35 a.m. and resumed in public session at 9.37 a.m.

Before we commence our main business, I wish to refer to correspondence.

No. 2018/294 is an email from Mr. Kevin Traynor, Coach Tourism and Transport Council of Ireland, requesting an invitation to appear before the joint committee. It is proposed to consider this item in the context of our work programme. Is that agreed? Agreed.

No. 2018/295 is an email, dated 21 June 2018, from Ms Michelle McElligott Carpenter, CEO, National Rowing Centre, Cork, offering the facilities of the centre to the joint committee if it intends to hold any forthcoming meeting in Cork. It is very generous of it. It is proposed to consider this item in the context of a visit to Cork. Is that agreed? Agreed. The Vice Chairman will update us on the dates proposed dates for the meeting.

No. 2018/296 is an email, dated 22 June 2018, from Mr. Myles O'Reilly, secretary general, Irish Taxi Dispatch Operators Representative Association, TDORA, who would like to appear before the joint committee to make his concerns on a variety of issues known. It is proposed to consider this item in the context of our work programme. Is that agreed? Agreed.

No. 2018/297 is an email, dated 15 June 2018, from Mr. Joe Bishop, senior account manager, Hume Brophy, requesting an invitation for Mr. Michael Duffy, CEO, Royal Dublin Society, to discuss the redevelopment of the Anglesea Stand at the RDS arena in Ballsbridge. It is proposed to consider this item in the context of our work programme. Is that agreed? Agreed.

No. 2018/298 is an email, dated 25 June 2018, from Ms Heidi Lougheed, clerk to the Joint Committee on European Affairs, concerning an invitation to meet a delegation from the French National Assembly and the French Senate which is engaged in a fact-finding mission on Brexit. A meeting has been organised for members of key Oireachtas committees to meet the delegation and assist it in its consideration of Brexit. The meeting is due to take place on Monday, 2 July, at 11 a.m. I am aware that it is a non-sitting day. It is proposed that any member who would like to attend the meeting inform the clerk by close of business on Thursday in order that the correct size of room can be procured. Is that agreed? Agreed.

No. 2018/299 is an email, dated 25 June 2018, from Ms Cáit Hayes, representative of the Houses of the Oireachtas to the European Union, advising that the German Bundesrat is considering adopting a reasoned opinion on COM (2018) 277, which decision is due by 6 July. It is proposed to note the correspondence which will be considered in the course of the upcoming committee's scrutiny of the proposal. Is that agreed? Agreed.
