I want to announce that it is intended the House will sit tomorrow at 11 a.m.
Business of Seanad.
At what time do we adjourn tonight?
At the usual time, 10 p.m.
The Seanad is to sit tonight until 10 p.m., or perhaps a little after, to finish this Second Stage and to meet tomorrow at 11 a.m.?
Yes, a little after 10 p.m. tonight, if necessary.
Is it still proposed to give a Second Reading to Bills which we will have in our hands for only about 20 hours by 11 a.m. tomorrow? In other words, is it proposed that we give a Second Reading to the Civil Liability Bill and to the Courts (Supplemental Provisions) Bill which we have had in our hands for only seven hours?
I mentioned before that that statement is hardly correct. These Bills have been in circulation much longer than that.
They have not. The Bills as they have emerged from the Dáil have not been in circulation for more than a few hours.
I appreciate that much time has not elapsed since they came to us from the Dáil and that we shall not have the advantage of the Official Reports of Dáil Éireann but we can do our business without having to wait for these Official Reports.
We shall be fresher to argue this in the morning.
Senator Hayes suggested that, if this Bill is not concluded, we may sit a little later than 10 p.m.
An Leas-Chathaoirleach
I think it will probably be finished or nearly finished.
Professors are always brief, Sir.