I have not got the Bill as passed by the Dáil but I take it that there was no amendment to it.
Decimal Currency (No. 2) Bill, 1969: Committee and Final Stages.
Section 17 reads:
Every order and regulation under this Act (other than an order under section 3 (5), 4 or 12 of this Act) shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas...
Section 12 (2) (b) reads:
The order shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas...
Is there some contradiction there?
This is the standard provision. I am not clear as to what the Senator's problem is.
Section 17 excepts orders made under section 12, as I read it.
This is the normal legislative provision, that an order is valid unless it is annulled. The other sections are more stringent. Sections 3 and 12 are more important and there will have to be a special arrangement for them.
I do not think that is the case in regard to section 12. I agree it applies to the other one.
Section 12 deals with its own business. It is more stringent than the normal one. All the others will follow the normal practice, namely that the House may annul them within 21 sitting days and if not they become law, but sections 3, 4 and 12 are particularly important matters and they set out their own mechanism. The provisions are stricter than the general provisions.
I agree with the Minister as regards section 3.
The same applies to section 12.
Section 12 is not quite the same. Section 3 provides that we must confirm the order by resolution but section 12 (2) (b) is the usual one.
The reason why section 12 is not brought within the general provisions is because (2) (a) is different. It is more stringent.
It is a drafting point but I cannot understand why section 12 was not included in the general provisions.
Because the provisions with regard to the order in (2) (a) are more stringent than the normal provisions and therefore it is set out separately within the section itself.
Perhaps (2) (a) makes it slightly different.