Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Seanad Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 10 Dec 2015

Vol. 244 No. 7

Sitting Arrangements: Motion

I move:

That, notwithstanding anything in the Standing Orders relative to Public Business:

(1) The Seanad shall meet at 10 a.m. on Friday, 11th December 2015 and the following arrangements shall apply:

(a) Standing Orders 29 and 30 shall stand suspended;

(b) there shall be no Order of Business;

(c) the business to be taken shall be confined to the items set out in the Schedule to this paragraph and, accordingly, no other business shall be taken unless the Seanad shall otherwise order on motion made by the Leader of the House or such other Senator as he may authorise in that behalf.


Finance Bill 2015 – Report and Final Stages

Subject to the conclusion on 10th December of Committee Stage, the proceedings on Report and Final Stages shall commence at 10 a.m. and shall be brought to a conclusion not later than 11.15 a.m. by one question which shall be put from the Chair and which shall, in relation to recommendations, include only those set down or accepted by the Government;

Criminal Justice (Burglary of Dwellings) Bill 2015 Second Stage

Subject to the passage by the Dáil of the Criminal Justice (Burglary of Dwellings) Bill 2015, the contributions of group spokespersons in the debate on Second Stage which shall commence at the conclusion of Report and Final Stages of the Finance Bill 2015 and conclude within two hours shall not exceed eight minutes, the contribution of all other Senators shall not exceed five minutes and the Minister shall be called on to reply to the debate after not more than 115 minutes;

Prisons Bill 2015 – Committee and Remaining Stages

The proceedings on Committee and Remaining Stages shall commence at the conclusion of Second Stage of the Criminal Justice (Burglary of Dwellings) Bill 2015 and shall be brought to a conclusion within 45 minutes by one question which shall be put from the Chair and which shall, in relation to amendments, include only those set down or accepted by the Government;

Courts Bill 2015 – Committee and Remaining Stages

The proceedings on Committee and Remaining Stages shall be taken at the conclusion of the debate on Committee and Remaining Stages of the Prisons Bill 2015 and shall be brought to a conclusion within 45 minutes by one question which shall be put from the Chair and which shall, in relation to amendments, include only those set down or accepted by the Government;

Criminal Justice (Sexual Offences) Bill 2015 – Committee Stage

The proceedings on Committee Stage shall be taken at the conclusion of the debate on Committee and Remaining Stages of the Courts Bill 2015 and shall be adjourned not later than 5.30 p.m., if not previously concluded.

(2) the Seanad shall meet at 11.30 a.m. on Tuesday, 15th December 2015 and the Order of Business shall be proposed at 12.30 p.m.

Question put and agreed to.