Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Child Care Services.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 1 April 2004

Thursday, 1 April 2004

Ceisteanna (124)

Róisín Shortall


124 Ms Shortall asked the Minister for Health and Children, further to Question No. 392 of 23 March 2004, if the onward placement for this person to a centre (details supplied) on the impending closure of City Lodge was withdrawn on 24 March 2004; if his attention has been drawn to the fact that this withdrawal was due to serious concerns as previously highlighted by the person’s court appointed guardian ad litem; if his attention has further been drawn to the fact that good practice in relation to care planning for individual children and young persons, including the Statutory Child Care Regulations 1995, requires sufficient time for this person’s care plan to be revised with clinical input by their consultant psychiatrist and for the proposed alternative referral to be properly considered by the person and their court appointed guardian ad litem; if this vital care planning stage will not be pre-empted by moving this person prematurely from their present placement; if, therefore, in accordance with the undertaking given by him on 23 March 2004 that City Lodge will not be closed down until the person has been moved to their new accommodation, he will reverse the instructions to the manager of City Lodge to close same on the 5 April 2004 and allow City Lodge to remain open until a date yet to be determined. [10424/04]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

As stated in a previous response to the Deputy in this regard, City Lodge Hostel was opened by the South Western Area Health Board in December 2000 to fulfil the need, on a temporary basis, for additional emergency accommodation for young people out of home. It was initially envisaged that this would be a temporary service for a short period of time, as the building was not considered ideal on a long-term basis. Consequently, while City Lodge has served a very useful purpose over the last three years the board has decided to wind it down in the light of the broader development of services, which have been taking place as part of the regional youth homeless action plan.
