Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

EU Presidency.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 1 April 2004

Thursday, 1 April 2004

Ceisteanna (5)

Simon Coveney


4 Mr. Coveney asked the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources the targets he has set himself to achieve as Minister during Ireland’s Presidency of the EU in his area of responsibility in an EU context. [10325/04]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí ó Béal (13 píosaí cainte)

I am responsible for a wide range of European Union Presidency business across the sectoral policy areas of telecommunications, energy, broadcasting, fisheries, maritime transport and maritime safety. I have commensurate chairing responsibilities for the agriculture and fisheries, transport, energy and telecommunications and education, youth and culture Council formations.

The development and take-up of broadband infrastructure and services is a key priority in the area of telecommunications and the information society, in line with the targets of the e-Europe 2005 action plan, which were reinforced by the Council of Ministers on 8 March last. I am giving particular priority in the broadcasting area to progressing a structured debate on the regulation of satellite television broadcasters, as well as advancing the review of the Television Without Frontiers directive. My priorities in the energy sector include promoting the use of renewable energy sources, increased efficiency and conservation of energy, the ongoing integration of the principle of sustainable development into energy policies and the reliability and security of energy supply for the EU.

My maritime safety priorities are progressing the proposed directive, introducing criminal sanctions for pollution offences, designating certain maritime areas as "particularly sensitive sea areas" to strengthen the protection of vulnerable areas from marine pollution incidents, introducing safeguards for seafarers and their working conditions, and progressing anti-pollution and ship security responsibilities within the remit of the European Maritime Safety Agency. In respect of the Common Fisheries Policy, I am giving priority to establishing regional advisory councils, accelerating the development of environmentally friendly fishing methods in EU fisheries and compiling recovery plans for endangered fish stocks.

I am satisfied with progress to date at Council and working group level in respect of the various dossiers for which I hold responsibility. Developments are highlighted on my Department's website, www.dcmnr.ie, and on the Irish Presidency website, www.eu2004.ie. That is the advertisement.

I thank the Minister for the sales pitch. I read almost exactly the same speech on the Department's website.

Why then did the Deputy table the question?

I was hoping the Minister would get to the point about the progress we have made on these issues. In the energy sector, for example, we speak of promoting new renewable resources of energy. What have we done about this in the past three months, apart from in the wind sector, in which there has not even been significant progress? We are half way through the Presidency now. In the area of telecommunications, we promised to promote broadband across the EU. In practical terms, what have we done to fulfil that promise? We promised to host conferences on key issues of e-government and its promotion. How many have we hosted to date and how many will we be hosting before the end of our Presidency?

In the maritime transport sector, we promised to introduce and promote measures to reduce maritime pollution. What have we done in practical terms in this area under the Minister's leadership? We promised to increase the attractiveness of the seafaring profession by promoting high quality shipping within the EU. What have we done in a leadership role to fulfil this? We promised to develop maritime relations with third countries outside the EU to improve shipping standards and so on. What have we done to achieve this?

We have spoken about the fisheries sector many times in committee. What have we done in a leadership role to promote new measures that will be effective in conserving fish stocks and keeping our fishing industries intact? I know what the aspirations are, but what have we achieved in practical terms now that we are half way through the Presidency?

In the broadcasting sector——

Could the Minister answer the questions I asked?

Did the Deputy not refer to broadcasting? I can go through them all.

Perhaps the Minister could concentrate on the area of telecommunications.

The Minister should just tell us what he has achieved.

During the Presidency we will obtain political agreement on the proposal from the Commission, which has been approved by the European Parliament and Council, for a framework for eco-design requirements for energy-using products. In the area of fisheries, we recently approved a directive on the protection of citations and of Darwin mounds. In the area of maritime transport, the Minister of State, Deputy Browne, hosted a significant conference in Gorey which will contribute to the next Council meeting. We will also have Council meetings every month during the Presidency period in all five areas under my remit.

I can list for the Deputy the informal meetings taking place which are making a significant input into each area. A broadcasting conference and a fisheries conference took place in March. On 17 March the International Maritime Organisation had a sub-committee meeting on flag-state implementation. A maritime safety forum was held in Gorey last week. Next week there will be a meeting of fisheries directors general in Dublin and Dundalk. There will be a conference on broadband in Dundalk from 21 to 23 April which will also facilitate the request made at a European Council meeting for a round-table meeting between Ministers from the EU and the chief executives of some of the main telecommunications companies, not only in Europe but in the world. This will be held later this month.

There is a meeting of energy directors general, a working group meeting on a recreational craft directive and a Euromed ICT conference. The list is endless. In the area of ICT, we will have major conferences on e-health and e-government. I assure the Deputy there is a significant level of work going on in each of those areas. Work will also be done on the various directives pertaining to the roll-out of broadband across Europe to ensure that Europe is benchmarked with countries such as Japan and South Korea.

I was at the Forum on Europe this morning and I accept that much is happening and many people are putting a lot of work into ensuring that we have a successful Presidency. However, I am anxious to ensure that Ireland puts its mark on European policy in the Minister's area, which is also my area of responsibility, and that we go into the many conferences that have been organised with set initiatives and agendas which will be pushed by the Minister as the leader of the team. This is particularly important in the key priority areas outlined by the Minister: broadband, fisheries, marine safety and energy. The Minister needs to make clear what he is hoping to achieve by setting out his targets in the media and trying to achieve them.

When we have a Presidency for six months, there is an element of carrying on the work that took place in the previous Presidency. We have moved a number of the directives on to finalisation in each of the areas. Similarly, we have the right of initiative in some policy issues. For example, in the area of fisheries, I indicated to the Commission before our Presidency started that I wished to promote the issue of environmentally friendly fishing methods within the Presidency. We had a successful conference in Ireland last month and, as a result, the Commission has agreed to bring forward an action plan which will contribute to the next Council meeting. The issue of the Irish box will be finalised at a subsequent Council meeting. The list is endless. If the Deputy looks at my website he will see the level of activity that is taking place.

I have done so.

Question No. 5 answered with Question No. 2.
