Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Grant Payments.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 7 July 2004

Wednesday, 7 July 2004

Ceisteanna (175)

Tom Hayes


171 Mr. Hayes asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food the reason a person (details supplied) in County Tipperary is being penalised in their application for bull premium; and if he will take action in this case. [20705/04]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

The person named lodged three applications under the 2003 EU special beef premium scheme; on 06 March 2003, in respect of four animals, one on 12 September 2003, in respect of five animals and on 8 October 2003, in respect of one animal. It is a basic requirement of the special beef premium scheme that all animals are held for the regulatory two month retention period and applicants are advised, in writing, in respect of each application lodged when the particular retention period expires and the first date on which animals may be sold. In this case the first dates on which he could see these animals were 7 May 2003 for the first application, 13 November 2003 for the second application and 9 December 2003 for the third application.

Following computer validation it transpired that the six animals applied on under the second and third applications were sold on 1 November before expiry of the regulatory two month retention period. Accordingly, the animals in question were rejected for special beef premium, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the scheme.
