Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Training of Health Personnel.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 29 September 2004

Wednesday, 29 September 2004

Ceisteanna (772)

Seán Haughey


951 Mr. Haughey asked the Minister for Health and Children the reason the sponsorship terms of the training programme for clinical psychology in Trinity College, Dublin, has been changed to a bursary system; if this new system was initiated by his Department without consultation with the National Vocational Body of Psychologists or the union that represents psychologists; if his attention has been drawn to the fact that this has resulted in a loss of earnings and employee entitlements for trainees which is causing hardship is some cases; if he will reconsider this issue; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [22669/04]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

The bursary model of supporting post-graduate clinical psychology training was adopted to underpin the implementation of a key recommendation of the joint review group on psychological services in the health services to substantially increase the number of training places in clinical psychology and support the establishment of new courses at the National University of Ireland, Galway, and the University of Limerick. The bursary model is intended to meet human resource requirements for the health service while securing the best return on the significant resources currently invested in the training of clinical psychologists.

The terms of the model were agreed jointly by my Department with the health boards' directors of human resources group in August 2003. It is designed to assist students in undertaking post-graduate training in clinical psychology and provides each student with a bursary payment of €18,000 per annum, along with an annual contribution towards fees of €6,000 for the three years of the course. The Deputy may wish to note that the Health Service Employers Agency has recently requested the assistance of the Labour Relations Commission in addressing the industrial relations issues which have been raised by the national vocational group regarding this matter.

Question No. 952 answered with QuestionNo. 840.