Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Schools Building Projects.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 27 October 2004

Wednesday, 27 October 2004

Ceisteanna (57)

Paul Nicholas Gogarty


159 Mr. Gogarty asked the Minister for Education and Science if she plans to facilitate the early provision of a second level school at an early stage at lands beside the proposed temporary railway station at Adamstown, in view of the growth in population in the rest of Lucan, the need for an Educate Together second level facility and the availability of land for early construction; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [26052/04]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

As the Deputy will be aware, a site for a post-primary school has been reserved as part of the Adamstown strategic development zone. Officials of the school planning section of my Department are working closely with the development agency, South Dublin County Council, regarding the optimum time frame for the delivery of the proposed school. Discussions have also taken place with the owners of the site. A management model has not yet been determined for this school.

With regard to the overall issue of post-primary capacity in the Lucan area, the position is that a new school for Coláiste Cois Life will proceed to tender and construction this year. This will provide places for 600 pupils, some 400 additional places relative to existing capacity.

Capacity at Coláiste Phádraig will be increased by 300 pupil places with the completion of the major extension project at the school. A further extension project at St. Joseph's College will also be completed this year, which will provide an overall capacity of 725 pupil places. This is deemed sufficient to meet demand from pupils in its catchment area.

The Deputy will also be aware that there is considerable capacity at post- primary level in areas adjacent to Lucan. Given that it is the current practice, particularly in Dublin, that post-primary students tend to travel some distance to attend a post-primary school, it is not unreasonable that my Department should seek to optimise the use of existing surplus capacity at post-primary schools in the general vicinity of Lucan as part of a range of measures to address any shortfall for post-primary places that may emerge in that area.
