Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Proposed Legislation.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 28 October 2004

Thursday, 28 October 2004

Ceisteanna (116)

Liz McManus


115 Ms McManus asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children when she intends to introduce the long awaited human tissue legislation; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [26418/04]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

An EU directive on standards of quality and safety in relation to human tissues and cells was adopted on 31 March 2004. The directive sets minimum standards with regard to the donation, procurement, testing, processing, storage and distribution of human tissues and cells for human applications. The directive must be transposed in member states by 6 April 2006 and this will give Ireland a framework on which to build the legislative base for all such activities. Work has commenced on the drafting of legislation to transpose the directive and on identifying the other steps to be taken to ensure compliance with it.

The European Commission is considering the question of a directive in respect of organ transplantation, including the issue of consent, and proposes to conduct a thorough scientific evaluation of the situation. It will present a report on its analysis to the Council of the European Union as soon as possible. It is hoped this will provide the framework for the development of legislation in this area. In the meantime, it is intended to establish an expert group to review organ donation, procurement and utilisation policy in Ireland. The work of this group will inform Ireland's contribution to the discussions on the proposed directive on organs.
