Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

State Properties.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 3 March 2005

Thursday, 3 March 2005

Ceisteanna (9)

Michael D. Higgins


9 Mr. M. Higgins asked the Minister for Finance the position regarding the planned sale of State property announced; if he will list the property sold and the amount raised; the way in which the money raised has been used; the properties it is planned to sell during 2005; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [7155/05]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí ó Béal (13 píosaí cainte)

The list of property sold by the Office of Public Works to date in 2005 and the amounts raised are as follows:




Closing Date of Sale

2 Church St., Dungarvan, Co. Waterford.

Fee Simple


12 May 2004.

Lad Lane, Dublin 2.

Leasehold — 92 years.


5 May 2004.

Blacklion Customs Frontier Post Site, Cavan.


16 March 2004.

72-76 St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2.

Fee Simple


15 Sept. 2004.

Kilmacthomas Garda Station, Co. Waterford.

Fee Simple


13 August 2004.

14-16 Lord Edward St., Dublin 8.

Fee Simple


30 August 2004.

Thomastown Garda Station, Co. Kilkenny.

Fee Simple


7 Dec. 2004.

Total 2004:


Two sites were also made available to the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government for affordable housing, one at Jamestown Road, Inchicore, and the other at Infirmary Road.

The bulk of the proceeds of these sales will go to finance the decentralisation programme, while €10 million has been applied to priority projects, mainly in the Garda area. Identification of properties surplus to requirements evolves continuously and it is not possible to confirm what properties will be disposed of in 2005. Premature release of disposal information and timescales would also affect the potential income from such disposals.

What is the position regarding the current proposals for decentralisation? The Minister of State indicated that the bulk of the money raised will go to finance the decentralisation programme but no progress is being made on that programme at present.

Even in Tullamore, in the constituency of the Minister and the Minister of State, FÁS has run into severe problems. The Minister of State may recall he suggested that one sell old properties at a high price and buy new sites cheaper for decentralisation, as in Tullamore. However, the board of FÁS has reported that the price at which the site in Tullamore is now being offered is double or triple that originally suggested and, as such, is unacceptable.

What is the impact on the decentralisation proposals of the resignation of Mr. Philip Flynn?

The Deputy is going way outside the remit of Question No. 9. That matter does not arise. I am allowing the Deputy's question on properties.

He is the chairman of the Government's decentralisation body.

I understand we are on Question No. 9, which refers specifically to the list of properties sold, the amount raised, the way in which the money raised has been used and the properties it is planned to sell during 2005. That is what the question is about.

I have asked the Minister of State those questions, specifically, because no progress appears to have been made. What is the effect of the resignation of Mr. Philip Flynn on the decentralisation programme?

I am allowing the Minister of State to answer those questions, but we cannot go into other questions because other Members have questions to be answered.

I believe that Deputy Burton is again relying on poor sources of information. The board of FÁS has no interest in any property in Tullamore.

I said FÁS was told to acquire a property, which it did not do because the value had tripled.

The Minister of State, without interruption, please.

The property in question is in Birr, County Offaly, which is quite a distance from Tullamore. The speculation referred to by the Deputy, which is entirely inaccurate, appeared, I believe, in one of the national newspapers. I understand the board of FÁS has now decided to buy that property. It has been advised by the OPW that the price sought is well within the range of the amount being paid for property throughout the country. I understand that particular deal is moving along quickly.

Likewise, in terms of the Deputy's reference to the lack of progress on decentralisation, I am hopeful the Minister of Finance and I will shortly make substantial announcements with regard to progress, in terms of the acquisition of sites and further progress.

Will the Minister of State comment on the price of the sites?

I would like to get another question in before 4.45 p.m.
