Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Deportation Orders.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 21 June 2005

Tuesday, 21 June 2005

Ceisteanna (446)

Pat Breen


467 Mr. P. Breen asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if he will reconsider his decision on the deportation of a person (details supplied) in County Clare. [20654/05]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

The person concerned applied for asylum on 30 September 2003. His application was considered at first instance by the Office of the Refugee Applications Commissioner who concluded that the person concerned did not meet the criteria for recognition as a refugee. This position was communicated to the person concerned by letter dated 30 November 2004. The person concerned appealed this recommendation to the Refugee Appeals Tribunal who, following an examination of the person's appeal, affirmed the earlier recommendation. The outcome of this appeal was communicated to the person concerned by letter dated 19 May 2005. The decision of the Refugee Appeals Tribunal was to affirm the recommendation of the Refugee Applications Commissioner.

This person's file has been forwarded to my Department's ministerial decisions unit and he will, in accordance with the usual practice, be informed that the Minister concurs with the recommendation made in this case, that is, not to grant refugee status. The person concerned will also be informed of the options open to him under the Immigration Act 1999, as amended, that is, to leave the State before his case is considered for deportation, consent to the making of a deportation order in respect of him, make written representations, within 15 working days, to the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform setting out the reasons why he should not be deported or why he should be allowed remain temporarily in the State.

It is premature at this stage to refer to this as a deportation case.
