The mainstream staffing of a primary school is determined by reference to the enrolment of the school on the 30th September of the previous school year. The actual number of mainstream posts sanctioned is determined by reference to a staffing schedule which is issued annually to all primary schools. The relevant circular (0023/2006) issued to all schools in March 2006.
Under the staffing arrangements for primary schools there is provision for the allocation of an additional post where a school experiences rapid growth in its enrolment. In such cases, an additional post, referred to as a developing school post, may be sanctioned provisionally where the projected enrolment at 30th September of the school year in question equals or exceeds a specified figure. If the specified figure is not achieved on 30th September, sanction for the post is withdrawn. Application(s) for an additional post(s) under developing school criteria must be submitted on or before 10 October, 2006.
The enrolment of the school referred to by the Deputy on 30th September 2005 was 248 pupils, which warrants a staffing of a Principal and 9 mainstream staff teachers for the 2006/2007 school year. To ensure transparency and openness in the system an independent Appeals Board is now in place to decide on any mainstream staffing appeals. The criteria under which an appeal can be made are set out in Primary Circular 0024/2006, which is available on my Department's website. The closing date for receipt of appeals for the next Appeals Board meeting is 18th October 2006.