I am advised by the Garda authorities, who are responsible for the deployment of personnel and resources, that no application for a Garda CCTV system on Fassaugh Avenue has been received by the CCTV Advisory Committee. All applications for Garda CCTV Systems must be made to the CCTV Advisory Committee by the local Garda Divisional Officer. The CCTV Advisory Committee was established by the Garda Commissioner to advise on all matters related to the use of CCTV as an aid to policing and to assess applications for Garda CCTV systems.
Applications for Garda CCTV systems are assessed by the Advisory Committee on the basis of Garda operational needs and take into account the following criteria: crime/public order statistics in the area; population and level of activity there; the recommendation of local Garda management; any special circumstances/needs that exist; and the likely impact of a Garda CCTV system on the area. As the Deputy may be aware I launched the Community Based CCTV Scheme on 15 June 2005 in response to the demonstrated demand from local communities across Ireland for the provision of CCTV systems. This Scheme is designed to provide financial assistance to qualifying local organisations towards meeting the capital costs associated with the establishment of local community CCTV systems. I plan to make a further call for proposals under the Scheme in the coming months and it is open to any Community Group to submit an application for funding under the Scheme when it is announced.