I am informed by the Garda authorities that local Garda management have met the licensee of the premises referred to, and representatives of the residents' associations and Neighbourhood Watch, on a number of occasions over the summer period in relation to any issues arising in respect of the premises concerned. I am further informed that the premises concerned have been subject to regular Garda inspections and additional patrols have been put in place to deal with any issues.
The licensee has installed CCTV inside and outside the premises and put up signs to indicate in a proactive manner that the premises is properly managed. I am also informed that local Garda management have indicated that the next applications for late night special exemptions in respect of the premises are on 27 September, 2006. Local Garda management have no proposals to oppose any current applications. Gardaí will continue to monitor the situation and give regular and ongoing attention to the premises concerned from both mobile and foot patrols.