Finian McGrath
Ceist:592 Mr. F. McGrath asked the Minister for Health and Children if she will release the files on the case of a person (details supplied); if they will be given the maximum support. [28290/06]
Amharc ar fhreagraDáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 27 September 2006
592 Mr. F. McGrath asked the Minister for Health and Children if she will release the files on the case of a person (details supplied); if they will be given the maximum support. [28290/06]
Amharc ar fhreagraA large number of files have been recalled from the National Archives in recent times as part of the Access to Institutional and Related Records (AIRR) Project in my Department which facilitates individuals obtaining records in relation to time spent in institutional care as a child. The files referred to by the Deputy are among these files. A large number of requests for information in relation to these files have been received. My Department considers these requests to be most important and deals with them in a sensitive manner and as expeditiously as possible. A number of the files requested by this requester have been forwarded already and work is ongoing preparing the remainder for release. I am informed the request should be finalised in the next few weeks.