I propose to take Questions Nos. 1046 to 1049, inclusive, together.
The Outline Sectoral Plan, produced by my Department under the Disability Act 2005 and as part of the National Disability Strategy, proposed that Comhairle prepare a scheme relating to sign language interpretation (SLI) services in Ireland. In preparation for this task, Comhairle commissioned consultants to review existing SLI services and requirements and to research international best practice. This review was carried out and a report was completed in December 2005, and was presented to me in May 2006.
The review aimed to establish the overall demand for SLI services and the extent to which this demand is currently being met. The review also set out to establish the needs of the key stakeholders, to examine the models of good practice, including the use of technology, and to recommend models and structures for the future development of SLI services, including financial, governance and organisational structures.
The process included consultation with a wide range of stakeholders including the deaf community, representative bodies, service providers and Government Departments. Following the publication of the Report, briefing sessions were arranged by Comhairle with a number of the key stakeholders at which the outcome of the study was presented, the proposed service model was set out and implementation of the report was discussed.
The report makes recommendations in relation to how SLI services might best be established and proposes a model for the development of the service, including the establishment of structures that would facilitate access to interpretative services for deaf people throughout the country.
The two phased approach outlined in the report allows for the transitional and incremental changes necessary to facilitate the planning, managing and monitoring of the services during its implementation. My Department will continue to examine the implications of the recommendations of the report throughout the development of the service.
The briefing sessions have now been completed. The key stakeholders who took part in the briefings included Irish Sign Link, the National Association for the Deaf, the Irish Deaf Society and the Irish Association of Sign Language Interpreters. In addition, meetings were held with the TCD School of Linguistics, Speech and Communications and Bridge Interpreting.
A Steering Group has been established by Comhairle to implement the report recommendations. My Department is represented on the Steering Group.
The first stage of the implementation of the report will commence in early 2007. A new entity will be established which will have clear responsibility for setting the strategic direction and for providing leadership in relation to the development of the services.
I am satisfied that the proposed future model will improve public services accessibility to the deaf community.