Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

State Property.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 16 November 2006

Thursday, 16 November 2006

Ceisteanna (10)

Dan Neville


7 Mr. Neville asked the Minister for Defence the position in relation to his Department’s lands at Gormanstown, County Meath; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [38143/06]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí ó Béal (15 píosaí cainte)

The Government decided on 1 July 2003 that lands at Gormanstown, County Meath, would be among the State lands released for inclusion in the Sustaining Progress affordable housing initiative. How land at this location might play a role in the delivery of affordable units is a matter in the first instance for the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, which is the lead Department for the development of the affordable housing initiative. The legal formalities relating to the transfer of lands at this location under the affordable housing initiative are being progressed in consultation with that Department and the Chief State Solicitor's office.

Is the Minister concerned that the construction of affordable housing in that area could affect the use by the Air Corps of the region as a range?

That is an obvious consideration that we have taken into account and the deal will be constructed so that there is no interference with Air Corps activities. We are still negotiating that point, among others, with the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government. The transfer is taking some time and it will take another year.

The news is better regarding other lands that are being handed over. We have completed a transfer at St. Brychan's and other lands at McGee Camp and Camp Field at Collins Barracks in Cork are almost ready for transfer.

What is the acreage of the lands being handed over and how much will be retained by the Department of Defence? If this land is for affordable housing, will it be sold to the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government? Is it part of a transfer arrangement to be conducted by the affordable homes partnership chaired by Des Geraghty? Will it be handed over to the local authority or how will the affordable housing be developed?

The lands in question are around 261 acres in size and about 57 acres are used for the Army camp. Some 25 acres is cut off from the main body of land by a roadway. The matter of how much will be handed over has not yet been finalised, although I would guess it will be about half of the 261 acre total.

My Department's brief is to hand the lands over to Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government. I understand that Department will discuss a possible land swop with a local developer or will give the land to such an individual in return for a certain number of houses. I am not sure of the details as they are being dealt with by other people, but I can supply more specific information if the Deputy wishes.

Will the Department of Defence receive the market value for the lands?

It is not a cash transfer. We are merely playing our part in the affordable housing initiative by transferring the land.

Well done.

I am delighted the Minister is playing his part. Many of my constituents have asked me about the future of Cathal Brugha Barracks in Rathmines and I have tabled a separate question in that regard. Is there any possibility of affordable housing being built on that site?

That had not been considered but since the Deputy has mentioned it, we will look at the possibility.

I would not like to see the Department of Defence become a soft touch for giving away land because when local authorities dispose of lands to State Departments, they get top dollar. The Government has committed that money received from the disposal of Defence Forces land will be reinvested in the Defence Forces. We must ensure we receive market value as this was not achieved with land given away in the recent past.

That land was given to other State agencies to advance State projects. There was no question of giving it to private developers.

I am aware of that but any money in this case is to be reinvested in the Defence Forces.

I see the point Deputy Timmins is making. The land bank available to the Department of Defence is kept under constant review. We will have progressively less land to dispose of on the open market in future and we will receive funding from the Minister for Finance to compensate for this and maintain the considerable level of investment in infrastructure, weaponry, training and so on.

I do not see that here.
