Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Northern Ireland Issues.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 21 March 2007

Wednesday, 21 March 2007

Ceisteanna (92)

Seán Ryan


128 Mr. S. Ryan asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs his Department’s views on providing funding for the new PSNI training college in Cookstown, County Tyrone; if his attention has been drawn to the funding difficulties that are delaying the construction of the college; if the college could be used for developing links between policing organisations North and South; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10508/07]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

On 20 February 2007, the British Government announced that a new custom-built training centre will be built for the Police and emergency services at Cookstown Co. Tyrone. The announcement stated that funding will be provided for an integrated college for police, fire and prison services.

At the British-Irish Intergovernmental Conference in Dundalk on 26 February 2007, both Governments welcomed the decision to proceed with the development of the training college as a fulfilment of a key Patten recommendation. The Governments also indicated their intention to examine ways in which cooperation in training between the PSNI and the Garda Síochána could be developed in the context of the planned new facility. The decision to proceed with the Cookstown site also has the full support of the Policing Board and the PSNI.

Question No. 129 answered with QuestionNo. 102.
Question No. 130 answered with QuestionNo. 104.
Question No. 131 answered with QuestionNo. 112.
Question No. 132 answered with QuestionNo. 108.
Question No. 133 answered with QuestionNo. 104.