Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Health Services.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 27 June 2007

Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Ceisteanna (20, 21)

P. J. Sheehan


70 Deputy P. J. Sheehan asked the Minister for Health and Children if the €71 million the Health Service Executive failed to spend on capital projects in 2006 can be carried over to fund capital development in 2007; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [17731/07]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Ulick Burke


78 Deputy Ulick Burke asked the Minister for Health and Children if capital projects are multi-annual in nature; the reason allocated capital funding is not automatically transferred from one year to the next; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [17738/07]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí ó Béal (15 píosaí cainte)

I welcome Deputy Sheehan back to the House.

I also welcome the Deputy. I propose to take Questions Nos. 70 and 78 together.

The final outturn on Vote expenditure for the HSE showed a capital saving of €114 million, of which €42 million was used to offset a revenue overspend and a further €47 million was used to offset a shortfall in projected appropriations-in-aid. This left a balance of €25 million to be surrendered to the Exchequer. The HSE's appropriation account for 2006 will show an overall surrender of €365 million comprising the €25 million capital saving and €340 million in respect of the long-stay payments.

Unspent capital funding cannot automatically be transferred from one year to the next. However, under section 91 of the Finance Act 2004, Departments and the HSE may apply to carry over up to 10% of any net underspend on the capital Vote to the following year. If approved by the Minister for Finance, provision for such carry-over is made in the Appropriation Act for that year. However, the HSE was not in a position to provide a firm projection of its net capital expenditure saving for 2006 within the prescribed time limit. As a result, the Appropriation Act 2006 does not include any provision for the HSE to carry over its €25 capital saving.

The HSE has taken steps to strengthen its capital management capacity, including the establishment of a single estates function and the appointment of a new director of estates. The level of capital funding provided to the HSE for 2007 will support a continuing high level of investment in our public health services and will enable the completion and commissioning of many new acute and community health care facilities.

I thank the Minister. Will she also answer Question No. 139?

We will take Questions Nos. 70 and 78 submitted by the Deputy and Deputy Ulick Burke first. Deputy Sheehan should ask his supplementary question.

I congratulate the Leas-Cheann Comhairle on his seat of office. I look forward to happy days working with him.

Go raibh maith agat.

I also welcome the Minister back to her old seat as the Minister for Health and Children.

It is amazing that €25 million of the €71 million is to be returned to the Exchequer. Why was Bantry General Hospital's orthopaedic service withdrawn four years ago? While orthopaedic facilities had been available for years, they were withdrawn for some unknown reason. A minor fracture cannot be treated in that major county hospital. Fracture patients from the south-west Cork and south Kerry regions must travel more than 100 miles to Cork University Hospital for treatment. That should have been taken into consideration and that facility should have been provided.

I am sure a question is coming.

Kidney dialysis patients must also travel from south-west Cork and south Kerry for treatment. It is a pity that Deputy Healy-Rae is not present to support me. Perhaps he is too engaged elsewhere getting his package ready. Why can kidney dialysis treatment not be provided in Bantry General Hospital? There would be no need to return €71 million to the Exchequer.

Where is the €97.7 million, also allocated to the HSE due to be spent? My question reads: "the reasons it was not spent; the action she will take to ensure that urgently needed resources are delivered; and if she will make a statement on the matter."

We will get to that question later.

My going back to south-west Cork without an answer to why we do not have the facilities would be no good.

There will be no opportunity for the Minister to reply unless I call on her now.

I am not familiar with the reason the orthopaedic facility was withdrawn from Bantry General Hospital, but I assume it related to staffing levels and safety issues. I visited the hospital some time ago. It is efficient and I was particularly taken with how various staff members seemed to work well together at the local level. Government policy is to have services provided as close as possible to where people live, particularly in a region as peripheral as Cork South-West, which Deputy Sheehan represents, but it must be done on the basis of safety.

I can be half the way to Dáil Éireann and still be in County Cork.

I know. That has not changed since the last time the Deputy was a Member of the House.

Written Answers follow Adjournment Debate.
