Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Fishing Industry Development

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 4 November 2010

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Ceisteanna (32)

Niall Blaney


32 Deputy Niall Blaney asked the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food his views regarding the possible transfer of fish quotas to Norway; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [40763/10]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

The annual consultations between EU and Norway on a bilateral fisheries agreement for 2011 will commence on 15 November 2010. At the last Fisheries Council meeting, held on 26 October 2010 in Luxembourg, the fisheries agenda item of particular importance for Ireland was the discussion regarding these negotiations between the EU and Norway on a bilateral fisheries agreement for 2011.

These negotiations are held annually, whereby Norway and the Community routinely swap fishing opportunities in each others waters as part of the agreement each year. As Ireland receives very limited fishing opportunities from the fish stocks received from Norway, our main interest relates to eliminating or, as a minimum, reducing to the lowest possible level the transfers to Norway from stocks in Western Waters which we fish. In the past a significant share of the blue whiting stock in Western Waters, in which Ireland has a share, has formed part of the transfers to Norway. Ireland has consistently opposed what has to date been an unfair and inequitable process which results in a Member State, like Ireland which does not benefit, paying for the fishing opportunities of other Member States.

At the Fisheries Council, Minister Connick reminded the Commissioner and his fellow Ministers of the Commissions statement from last Decembers Fisheries Council which provides that "Bearing in mind that Member States benefit to a different degree from the exchange of fishing opportunities with Norway, the Commission shall endeavour to ensure that the costs and benefits for individual Member States of the annual arrangements with Norway should be as balanced as possible.” Minister Connick strongly defended Ireland’s position, opposing the transfer of these fish quotas to Norway to pay for cod and other stocks which do not benefit Ireland. In particular the Minister made it abundantly clear that Ireland will totally oppose any moves to include stocks that the Irish fleet fishes in the waters off the west coast, such as horse mackerel and mackerel, in the balance.

It is very clear that there will be a major problem balancing the quota exchanges in any EU-Norway agreement this year especially as the TAC for blue whiting which was used to partly meet the balance in the transfers has been cut by some 90%. Ireland has called on the Commission to bring forward a new framework whereby Member States that want to avail of the Cod being offered by Norway can contribute to a communal EU pool of quotas to be exchanged with Norway. In this way those Member States that want the cod can avail of it, but not to the detriment of Member States who do not benefit. Minister Connick will be keeping in close contact with the negotiations and will be working to deliver an agreement which will protect the fishing opportunities for our fishermen in 2011.
