Jonathan O'Brien
Ceist:196 Deputy Jonathan O’Brien asked the Minister for Justice and Equality the capital allocation funding that will be given to the prison service building programme for specific use on Cork Prison. [34993/11]
Amharc ar fhreagraDáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 16 November 2011
196 Deputy Jonathan O’Brien asked the Minister for Justice and Equality the capital allocation funding that will be given to the prison service building programme for specific use on Cork Prison. [34993/11]
Amharc ar fhreagraAs I announced last week, the Government remains very much committed to addressing the twin problems of overcrowding and poor physical conditions particularly in Mountjoy and Cork prisons.
Since my announcement of its 2012 Capital Allocation (€24.1 million), the Irish Prison Service has commenced work on developing a five year strategy for the continued enhancement of the prison estate including the provision of in-cell sanitation. While it is not possible at this time to be specific on the funding for use in respect of Cork prison, I can assure the Deputy that the need to improve conditions there will form a significant element of the Prison Service's strategy.