I wish to advise the Deputy that the staffing of special schools is determined by reference to the recommendations outlined in the Report of the Special Education Review Committee, 1993, also known as the SERC Report. The pupil to teacher staffing ratios in Special Schools range from 6:1 to 11:1, depending on the category of disability. The allocation of Special Needs Assistants per special school class also varies, depending on the disability categorisation of the class, and the individual needs of pupils. The staffing ratios for special schools in respect of the various disability categorisations, based on SERC recommendations, are set out in my Departments Circular 0038/2010.
Given the different suppports involved it is difficult to estimate a definitive average cost per pupil of pupils attending special schools. The approximate cost per pupil attending Special Schools in respect of teaching, Special Needs Assistant and capitation costs is €22,185 per pupil per annum. Additional costs relating to school buildings, transport and assistive technology support also arise and are not included in this figure.