Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Appointments to State Boards

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 18 September 2012

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Ceisteanna (500)

Ged Nash


500. Deputy Gerald Nash asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform the number of appointments that have been made to positions available on the boards of semi-State companies and statutory agencies following public advertisement; if he will provide details of the names of persons who have been appointed under this initiative and the agencies on which they now sit; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [37165/12]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

In response to the Deputy's question the following appointments were made to bodies under the aegis of my Department.

An Post National Lottery

Name of Appointee

Date Appointed

Mr. Donal Connell - Chairman


February 29th 2012.

The position to which Mr. Connell was re-appointed by me as Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform was not advertised as under the National Lottery Act 1986, the majority shareholder of the National Lottery Company (i.e. An Post) nominates the person to fill this position. On 22 November 2011, I re-appointed Mr Connell as chairman until 29 February 2012 in order to allow him time to appear before the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Finance Public Expenditure and Reform. Mr Connell appeared before the Committee on 14 December 2011 and his re-appointment as Chairman has been ratified with effect from the 29 February 2012.

Civil Service Arbitration Board

Name of Appointee

Date Appointed

Mr. Turlough O'Donnell, S.C. (Chair)


Mr. Gerard Barry

1 July 2011

Mr. Tom Wall

Mr. George Maybury

Date Appointed

Mr. Hugh O'Flaherty

In accordance with the Government’s decision, the new procedures for appointment to State Boards dictate that expressions of interest are invited from persons interested in being appointed to the boards of State Bodies and Agencies operating under the Department’s aegis. Persons being proposed for appointment as chairpersons of State Bodies/Agencies may be required to make themselves available to the appropriate Oireachtas committee to discuss the approach which they will take to their role as chairperson and their views about the future contribution of the body or Board in question and, following that discussion, decisions will be taken by either the Government or myself, as appropriate, to confirm the nominee as chairperson.

In the case of the Civil Service Arbitration Board the new procedures were not used and the Chairman was not interviewed by Oireachtas as the conciliation and arbitration scheme for the Civil Service, the Permanent Defence Forces, the Garda and Teachers sets out the nomination process for the Board and its appointment by Government

Public Appointments Service

Name of Appointee

Date  Appointed /Re-appointed

Mr. Eddie Sullivan, Chairman

1st September 2011

Mr. Des Dowling, Assistant Secretary - Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government

Dr Deirdre O’Keeffe, Assistant Secretary - Department of Justice and Equality

Ms. Patricia Coleman, Director - Department of Public Expenditure and Reform

Mr. Seán McGrath - National Director of HR in the HSE (has since resigned)

Ms Judith Eve – former Chairperson the Civil Service Commissioners, Northern Ireland

Dr. Eddie Molloy – Management Consultant

Mr. Dan Murphy, former General Secretary of the PSEU

20th March 2012 – on appointment as CEO

Mr. Bryan Andrews as CEO of the PAS holding office on an ex officio basis.

Replaced by Ms. Fiona Tierney, CEO, PAS

The appointments were not made using the new procedures and the previous Chairman was reappointed to the role on the new board. The reason for not following the new procedures in relating to board appointments is that the Public Service Management (Recruitment and Appointments) Act, 2004 states that I, as Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform (in consultation with Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government, the Minister for Health and the Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence) should appoint members of the Board of the Public Appointments Service.

The Board is meant to be representative of our client base. The majority of the board is therefore civil or public servants, nominated by the relevant Minister. There is also a union representative nominated by ICTU. I reappointed the outgoing Chairman and the two external members were appointed by me because of their expertise in strategic change and public service recruitment respectively.
