Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Departmental Bodies

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 18 September 2012

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Ceisteanna (955)

Dara Calleary


955. Deputy Dara Calleary asked the Minister for Communications; Energy and Natural Resources the number of agencies, authorities, boards, committees, working groups, tribunals, council services, task forces, agencies or other quangos set up by his Department since February 2011; the number abolished since then; the extra cost of quangos which were established; the savings from the abolition of quangos; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [37241/12]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

I wish to advise the Deputy that twelve task forces, advisory groups, steering groups and project groups and committees have been established by my Department since February 2011.

I convened the Next Generation Broadband Task Force in summer 2011 to provide a forum for detailed discussions with certain industry stakeholders on their views regarding the optimal policy required to facilitate investment in next generation broadband infrastructure in Ireland. Five working groups were established under the Taskforce to consider issues such as appropriate targets for broadband speed; demand stimulation; the removal of barriers which are currently perceived as hampering investment, spectrum policy and the role of State entities in providing access to infrastructure and services. The report of the Task Force was published in May 2012 and includes the reports of the five working groups. The findings of the report, along with the outcome of a public consultation were considered in the development of a National Broadband Plan for Ireland which I Published in August this year. The NGBT operated on a voluntary basis. The cost associated with hosting the meetings and the publication of the report was €3,675.14.

I established the Oil Emergency Planning Task Force (OEPTF) in September 2011, with membership drawn from my Department, the Irish Petroleum Industry Association (IPIA) and the National Oil Reserves Agency (NORA). The purpose of the OEPTF is to develop and refine existing national oil supply disruption contingency plans. This has not resulted in additional costs.

An Advisory Group was set up in February 2011 to address matters relating to the digital switchover which will take place in October 2012. No additional costs have been incurred from establishment of this group.

The Corrib Consent Conditions Committee was set up to monitor the implementation of the conditions attaching to Ministerial consent to the construction of the Corrib pipeline. All costs are recoupable from the developer.

A steering group was set up in September 2012 to carry out a Value for Money Policy Review on the proposed Public Service Broadcasting Charge. Additional costs include the independent chairman’s fee of €1,200 which is an all inclusive to cover all meetings and any other work that may arise from the VFM Review.

Two Project Groups were set up in March 2012 to examine the potential merger of the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland and ComReg and the potential merger of Digital Hub Development Agency /Enterprise Ireland – IDA respectively. No additional costs were involved and both have now completed this work.

While no bodies have been abolished or merged by my Department in 2011 or to date in 2012, my Department has reviewed the rationalisation proposals for Agencies under its aegis as set out in the Public Service Reform Plan and the issue is due for consideration by Government. I would also mention that in 2010 my Department oversaw the creation of Inland Fisheries Ireland, a single body which replaced the functions of 8 Fisheries Boards, 8 Fisheries cooperatives and the National Salmon Commission.
