Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Departmental Staff Rehiring

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 20 September 2012

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Ceisteanna (60)

Mary Lou McDonald


60. Deputy Mary Lou McDonald asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform if he will provide the name of the Assistant Secretary on Reform appointed from each Department assigned. [39889/12]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

Following the publication of the Government’s Public Service Reform Plan last November, a Reform Delivery Board was established to oversee and monitor the delivery of Public Service Reform at a strategic level and provide assurance to the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform and to the Cabinet Committee on Public Service Reform that reform is being successfully delivered. The Board consists of senior officials, primarily at Assistant Secretary level, responsible for leading and coordinating Public Service Reform in their respective Departments and Offices. In addition, the Board also includes senior officials from the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform.

The full membership of the Board, including the lead officials from Departments/Offices, is:

Mr. Paul Reid, Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (Chair)

Mr. Niall Barry, Department of Social Protection

Mr. Philip Carroll, Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine

Ms. Liz Canavan, Department of Children & Youth Affairs

Ms. Ruth Carmody Department of Education & Skills

Ms. Patricia Coleman, Department of Public Expenditure and Reform

Mr. Gary Comiskey Department of Finance

Mr. Des Dowling, Department of Environment Community & Local Government

Mr. Tim Duggan, Department of Public Expenditure and Reform

Mr. Michael Errity, Department of Public Expenditure and Reform

Mr. Gerry Harrahill, Office of the Revenue Commissioners

Ms. Deirdre Hanlon, Department of Public Expenditure and Reform

Ms. Mary Hurley, Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht

Mr. Philip Kelly, Department of Jobs, Enterprise & Innovation

Mr. Fergal Lynch, Department of Health

Mr. Conan McKenna, Houses of the Oireachtas

Mr. Eamonn Molloy, Department of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources

Mr. Donagh Morgan, Department of Transport, Tourism & Sport

Ms. Éilis O’Connell, Office of Public Works

Ms. Deirdre O’Keeffe, Department of Justice and Equality

Mr. Chris O’Toole, Office of the Attorney General

Mr. Maurice Quinn, Department of Defence

Mr. Barrie Robinson, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Mr. John Shaw, Department of the Taoiseach

Mr. Joe Treacy, Central Statistics Office
