Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Departmental Reports

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 26 September 2012

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Ceisteanna (176)

Derek Keating


176. Deputy Derek Keating asked the Minister for Health if she will provide in tabular form the number of reports that he commissioned from 2000 to 2004; the cost of these reports in individual format and the benefits to the State of such reports; if he will outline what was achieved, what was learned and in his opinion if these reports serve any purpose or benefit to him; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [40797/12]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

During the period specified by the Deputy a total of 105 external reports were commissioned by the Department. Details of these reports are set out in the tables below.

Many of the reports can be traced back to the development of services for cancer, cardiovascular health, health promotion and the subsequent evaluation of these strategies. A number of the reports deal with complex and ethical issues, for example, the Commission on Assisted Human Reproduction.

A strong feature of a number of the reports related to engagement in widespread public consultation. National and international expert advice are critical and vital components in the development of health strategy.

Reports Commissioned in 2000

Carried out by


Name of Report

Dublin City University University of Leeds


Final Report of the Empowerment of Nurses and Midwives Steering Group: An Agenda for Change

Mary Codd


Acute Hospital Bed Capacity: A National Review

RCC Consultants


Ambulance Service Communication Study

Inspectorate of Mental Hospitals


Annual Report of the Inspector of Mental Hospitals for 2000



Critique of earlier Health Strategy ‘Shaping a Healthier Future’

Cap Gemini Ernst and Young


Feasibility Study relating to implementation of Case-Mix based Risk Equalisation

Advisory Group established by Minister


Report of the Forum on Fluoridation Ireland

Institute of Public Health


Report of the Working Group on National Anti-Poverty Strategy and Health

Peter Bacon and Associates


Report on the Current and Future Supply and Demand Conditions in the Labour Market for Certain Professional Therapies

Maureen Lynott


Review of the Organisation and Management of “An Bord Uchtála” (The Adoption Board)

Alpha Consulting


Review of the organisational structures of the ERHA

The Commission on Assisted Human Reproduction


Report of The Commission on Assisted Human Reproduction

Institute of Public Administration/Royal College of Surgeons


The Development of Radiation Oncology Services in Ireland – Consumer survey of radiotherapy services in Ireland

Deloitte and Touche


Value for Money Audit of the Irish Health System

Reports Commissioned in 2001

Name of Report

Carried out by


Annual Report of the Inspector of Mental Hospitals for 2001

Inspectorate of Mental Hospitals


Evaluation of the North Eastern Health Board’s Out of Hours Co-operative

Conall Devine


Evaluation of the Pilot Programme for the Education of Health Care Assistants

University of Ulster


Final Report on Options for System Development and Implementation

Social Information Systems Ltd.


Report on the steps open to the State to instigate an effective inquiry into the role of the international pharmaceutical companies into the infection with HIV and Hepatitis C of persons with haemophilia

Paul Gardiner


Heart Health Task Force Progress Report July 1999 – June 2001

Heart Health Task Force


Impact of Alcohol Advertising on Teenagers in Ireland

McDonald Glennon


Market research for the Department on the public’s attitude to health matters

Irish Marketing Surveys Ltd.


National Blood Strategy Implementation Group Report

University College Dublin


National Evaluation of the Role of the Clinical Placement Co-ordinator

Royal College of Surgeons


Pharmacy Review Group Report

Pharmacy Review Group


Policy Paper 1 - "The Invisible Student" Young Parents in Education - Policy Paper 2 - "I Hadn't a Penny"

Centre for Social and Educational Research


Provision of Medical Indemnity Report: Provision of Clinical Indemnity Scheme Helpline service on behalf of State Claims Agency.

CIRCA Healthcare Consulting


Report on the Regulation of Practitioners of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Ireland

Institute of Public Administration


Report on the Strategic Options for the Voluntary Health Insurance Board

Davy Corporate Finance Ltd./William Fry


Report to the Minister for Health and Children: Independent Examination related to the Medical Council and the South Eastern Health Board

Maureen Lynott


Review of Dáil na nÓg 2001 – Professional Solutions

Michael Bruton


Review of potential liabilities of Portiuncula Hospital

Marsh Ireland


Reports Commissioned in 2002

Name of Report

Carried out by


A feasibility study on the costs and benefits associated with the introduction of a dedicated Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS)



Analysis of Question 1 of Public Consultation to the National Health Strategy “Quality and Fairness: A Health System for You” (2001)

Jean Tubridy


Annual Report of the Inspector of Mental Hospitals for 2002

Inspectorate of Mental Hospitals


Report of the Commission on Financial Management and Control Systems in the Health Service

The Commission on Financial Management and Control Systems in the Health Service


National Task Force on Medical Staffing

Task Force appointed by Minister

€ 741,050

Audit of Structures and Functions in the Health System

Prospectus Strategy Consultants


Childline Review – Children’s Research Centre

Trinity College Dublin


Dental Epidemiology

Oral Health Research Centre


Evaluation of Pharmacy Regulations

Indecon International Economic Consultants


Inquiry into the Handling of Allegations of Child Sexual Abuse relating to the Diocese of Ferns

George Bermingham


National Children’s Advisory Council – Facilitation for Young People and Report on Young People’s Participation on the Council

Anne Colgan


National Children’s Advisory Council – Report of the Voice of the Child – National Youth Council of Ireland

Marian Brattman


National Children’s Advisory Council – Report on the Implementation of Children First and Vetting

Lynne Peyton


Paediatric Palliative Care Needs Assessment – ‘A Needs Assessment for Children’



Position Paper on Feasibility of Introducing a Cost of Disability Payment



Report of Mr Kevin Bonner on Monaghan General Hospital

Kevin Bonner


Report of the Independent Review Panel to the Minister for Health and Children concerning the birth of Baby Bronagh Livingstone on 11 December 2002

Maureen Lynott


Report on Social Work Workload Management

Social Information Systems Ltd.


Review of funding of sheltered workshops



Review of Governance and Accountability in the General Medical Services Scheme

Deloitte and Touche


Review of Proposed Pharmacy Models



The Evaluation of 'Cancer Services in Ireland' A National Strategy 1996

Deloitte and Touche


Report of The National Implementation Committee on Pre-Registration Nursing Degree Education

The National Implementation Committee on Pre-Registration Nursing Degree Education


The Nursing and Midwifery Resource – National Study of Turnover in Nursing and Midwifery - Dept of Nursing Studies



Reports Commissioned in 2003

Name of Report

Carried out by


Promoting the Well-Being of Families and Children: A Study of Family Support Services in the Health Sector in Ireland and; A Census of Family Support in Ireland: Results of a Census of Family Support Services which were funded by Health Boards in 2002

Kieran McKeown, Madeline Clark, Michael Little, Trutz Hasse


A Guide to the Children Act, 2001

University College Cork


Adoption Legislation Consultation

Geoffrey Shannon


Adoption Legislation Consultation

Jim Halley


Annual Report of the Inspector of Mental Hospitals for 2003

Inspectorate of Mental Hospitals


Children’s Understanding of Well - Being

National University Of Ireland


Evaluation of the South Eastern Health Board’s Out of Hours co-operative

Trinity College


Family Support in Ireland - Definition and Strategic Intent

JR Pinkerton


Heart Health Task Force Second Report on Implementation of the Cardiovascular Health Strategy July 1999 – September 2002 ‘Ireland’s Changing Heart’

Heart Health Task Force


Interim Report of the National Breastfeeding Committee



Irish Health Service Reform Programme – Dialogue on Implementing Reform – Communication and Consultation Programme July – September 2003

Office for Health Management


Men and Domestic Violence: What Research Tells Us

K. McKeown Ltd.


National Children’s Advisory Council – Report on Alcohol Use/Misuse by Young People

Lynne Peyton


National Health & Lifestyle Surveys National and Regional Reports – Phase 2

NUI Galway


National Standards on Foster Care – Children’s Version

Siobhan Parkinson


Report of the Expert Group on Mental Health Policy 'A Vision for Change'

Expert Group on Mental Health Policy


Report of the Postgraduate Medical Education and Training (MET) Group (Buttimer Report)

Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Group


Report of the Task Force on Assaults on Psychiatric Nurses

Task Force on Assaults on Psychiatric Nurses


Report of the Working Group on Treatment of Under 18 year olds presenting to Treatment Services with Serious Drug Problems

Addiction Research Centre


Report of the Working Group on Undergraduate Medical Education and Training (Fottrell Report)

Working Group on Undergraduate Medical Education and Training


Report on the Regulation of Health and Social Care Professionals



Review of circumstances surrounding the death of Róisín Ruddle

Review Panel


Review of internal controls in the Department of Health and Children with a view to implementing the recommendations of the Mullarkey Report; and consultancy assistance with respect to the structure of the Management Information Framework (MIF) in the Department

Deloitte and Touche


Review of Library and Information Service

Brid McGrath


Survey and Report on Public Perceptions on Biomedical Research (RCSI)

Hannah Magee


Reports Commissioned in 2004

Name of Report

Carried out by


A Feasibility Study of the Inclusion of Blood and Tissue Data as a Component of the National Longitudinal Study of Children in Ireland


€ 75,504

Evaluation of Coronary Heart Attack Ireland Register (CHAIR)


€ 64,100

Evaluation of Heartwatch


€ 81,700

Giving Children a Voice: Investigation of children’s experiences of participation in consultation and decision making in Irish hospitals


€ 27,294

Investigating the Impact on Children of Witnessing Domestic Violence: Nature and Adequacy of Child-Centred Services

Waterford Institute of Technology

€ 46,518

Kidscreen National Survey 2005

Programme of Action for Children

€ 49,911

Lourdes Hospital Inquiry - An Inquiry into Peripartum Hysterectomy at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda

Justice Maureen Harding Clarke

€ 2,955,000

National Primary Care Steering Group Progress Report

National Primary Care Steering Group

€ 6,493

National Children's Advisory Committee – End of Term Report 2001 - 2004

Lynne Peyton

€ 12,783

Obesity the Policy Challenges – The Report of the National Taskforce on Obesity 2005

The National Taskforce on Obesity

€ 42,000

Play and Technology

Centre for Social and Educational Research

€ 49,368

Public Perceptions of Biomedical Research

Hannah Magee

€ 120,000

Report by the Care and Management Sub-Committee of the National AIDS Strategy Committee on HIV/STI Services in Ireland

The Care and Management Sub-Committee of the National AIDS Strategy Committee on HIV/STI Services in Ireland

€ 5,053

Report from the Evaluation of the National Health Promotion Information Project

Rita Burtenshaw and Associates

€ 13,600

Report on certain issues of management and administration in the Department of Health and Children associated with the practice of charges for long-stay patients in Health Board institutions (Travers Report)

John Travers

€ 93,150

Research on Children’s Understanding of Wellbeing

NUI Galway

€ 16,625

Review of the National Health Promotion Strategy

NUI Galway

€ 19,713

Review of the Structures and Support Needs of Comhairle na nÓg and Dáil na nÓg

Tony Murphy

€ 26,611

The Child’s Right to be heard in the Health Setting

University College Cork

€ 52,591

The Development and Implementation of Child Impact Statements

Carmel Corrigan

€ 25,410

The Process of Youth Homelessness: A Qualitative Longitudinal Cohort Study

Children's Research Centre

€ 44,506

‘What we Heard’ and ‘Speaking Your Mind’ – Reports on the Service User Consultation Process and the Public Consultation Process for the Expert Group on Mental Health Policy

Irish Advocacy Network/Carr Communications

€ 169,714

Young People’s Views about Opportunities, Barriers and Supports to Recreation and Leisure

Cork Institute of Technology

€ 45,325

Young Voices: Guidelines on how to involve children and young people in your work

National Children's Office/Children's Rights Alliance/National Youth Council of Ireland

€ 64,485
