Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Child Care Services Provision

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 26 September 2012

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Ceisteanna (9)

Dessie Ellis


9. Deputy Dessie Ellis asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs if she will provide an update on the development of the Inter-Jurisdictional protocol for the transfer of child care cases between this State and the North of Ireland. [40710/12]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí ó Béal (7 píosaí cainte)

The inter-jurisdictional protocol for the transfer of child care cases between Northern Ireland and the Republic was launched on 2 February 2012. This protocol is designed to formalise cross-border information-sharing practice when agencies learn that families of children at risk are moving, or have moved, across the Border, thereby ensuring that children and families moving between the two jurisdictions will receive the care and protection they need in a timely and appropriate manner. The protocol represents a collaborative approach to best practice, with the aim of allowing the agencies to assess and manage risk in respect of children and families that move into their respective jurisdictions.

Information relating to children who are in care, who are on the child protection register or in respect of whom there is a level of concern and who move between Northern Ireland and the Republic will be shared between the statutory authorities in both jurisdictions. This will allow for a greater focus on those children at risk through enhanced information sharing. The latter will permit better assessments to be carried out in respect of each specific child’s needs and circumstances.

The protocol is available to download from relevant departmental websites. It represents a very positive and practical outcome from the co-operation on child protection which is overseen by the North-South Ministerial Council and which is being taken forward by my Department and officials in the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety in Northern Ireland. This matter has been on the agenda at quite a number of the meetings of the council at which I have been in attendance. There has been extremely good co-operation in respect of best practice with regard to information sharing in order to ensure that children at risk will be assisted in an effective manner within both jurisdictions.

Am I correct in noting that this is no longer a draft protocol but that it has been approved?

When I received the previous reply on this matter from the Minister in July, the protocol was still awaiting approval. I welcome its introduction. It is extremely important that this practical area of understanding and addressing mutual problems should be part and parcel of normal political life across the island of Ireland. The protocol is going to be of assistance in terms of building levels of ongoing co-operation between the respective authorities North and South.

How will the protocol operate in the context of the establishment of the new child and family support agency, which was the subject of the previous question, on 1 January next? The protocol is, of course, just a statement of shared intent and outlook in respect of specific issues that present. Does the potential exist to move on from the protocol and take a further step of co-operation on a new level and not only in respect of matters relating to child protection? In other words, will it be possible to foster co-operation and information sharing with regard to those who constitute a risk to children? At present, there is a significant deficiency in the context of the position relating to the Six Counties and that of this State.

This protocol is in place. It relates to thresholds for the sharing of information and taking agreed action - when such information is shared - in the context of protecting children. The relevant front-line staff are aware of its existence and when families are moving between the two jurisdictions, information sharing is actually taking place.

The Deputy's point in respect of the North-South Ministerial Conference and the potential to develop our work in this area is relevant. We are considering a number of areas in respect of which information can be exchanged. One of the new work streams relates to examining the death of children in care in both jurisdictions and discovering the lessons we might learn and share in this regard. We are also considering what constitutes best practice in the context of safeguarding children generally. The Deputy referred earlier to specialist services and we are examining ways to provide these on a cross-Border basis in order to assist in meeting the needs of children and families in circumstances where a high volume of expertise is required. That matter is being jointly examined by the authorities in the two jurisdictions.

Is Deputy Ó Caoláin happy with that?

Yes. This is a very positive development.
