Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Residential Care Provision

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 25 June 2013

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Ceisteanna (75)

Joe Higgins


75. Deputy Joe Higgins asked the Minister for Health if he will consider making budgetary provisions for specialist care available in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Cork. [30837/13]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí ó Béal (7 píosaí cainte)

The HSE has advised that the individual concerned was previously accommodated in a 24-hour residential facility up to her recent admission to St. Finbarr's Hospital. She receives medical input by means of twice weekly ward rounds from the treating consultant. A structured timetable of activities at a day centre has also been developed, and staff members at the centre continue to encourage the individual to attend these activities. Senior clinical psychologist support by the nursing staff continues to provide the necessary ongoing support and interaction for the client.

The HSE has stated that the north Cork mental health services will continue to provide the best available care to the individual in line with HSE resources and priorities and that the ongoing recovery of the person is of paramount importance to the multidisciplinary team responsible for her care. As there is no budget provision for any private care options at this time, the HSE indicates that it is not in a position to provide any additional services over and above the assessed requirement for the specialist acute service currently provided by St. Stephen's Hospital.

My question relates to a 40 year old autistic woman, whom I shall call Emma, who received a diagnosis only six years ago. As the Minister of State knows, a highly functioning autistic person can be bright and intelligent while also facing very serious issues in regard to social adjustment and so on. To clarify, Emma is currently being cared for in St. Stephen's Hospital, not St. Finbarr's Hospital.

Yes, I referred in my reply to St. Stephen's Hospital.

I accept that the Minister of State simply made a mistake.

The problem here is not the quality or commitment of Emma's carers. In fact, her mother, who is in the Gallery today, has expressed her appreciation for what the staff have tried to do. The problem is that Emma is not being cared for in the appropriate location, having been dealt with more as a patient with mental health or intellectual disability issues rather than specifically autism issues.

I appeal to the Minister of State to talk to the HSE, even to get the 12-week residential assessment in a particular location that has been pinpointed by her specialist. That would be a good beginning.

I do not think there is any disagreement here. We know that there are people who have a dual diagnosis, who have anxiety, depression and other mental health issues, even people who have a disability diagnosis. Last year we did not allocate any posts in the areas of disability and old-age psychiatry. That is the priority issue for this year. With regard to this woman's mental health difficulties, she is in a very good service. Obviously, it would be better if the service could have been provided in her previous location, but that could not happen. The priority in this instance is to ensure that she recovers to good mental health and that she can return to a more appropriate setting, as the Deputy rightly says. The priority at the moment is the mental health issue.

We are talking about a human being with very specific needs, as we are whenever a difficult situation such as this arises. The problem is that this woman will not make the necessary progress if she is not receiving treatment in a location that is specifically geared towards the special needs of a person with autism. That is the issue, not the quality of care or the staff, whom her family praise. She really needs the specialist input of those who deal on a daily basis with autism issues. This is in the Minister of State's area. Will the Minister of State have a real dialogue with the HSE and, even if it will not make a long-term commitment about a specific health care centre that has been named, at least ask it to provide the opportunity for a 12-week residential assessment? The matter can then be taken from there.

I cannot give any commitment. It is very clear that there is no budget for private facilities. The only commitment I can give is that I will contact the director of services for disabilities in Cork. We will see what can be done but I am not making any promises.
