As I have stated previously, the Irish Embassy in Brussels has been closely following developments in relation to this case. As the Deputy will be aware, the company has engaged the services of a French-based agency to act on its behalf in relation to the claims submitted to the Belgian Customs for reimbursement of excise duties paid in 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012. I am pleased to note that payment in respect of the 2012 claims will be made by the customs authorities on 4 December. However, I regret that the position in relation to the pre-2012 claims is less positive and I can fully appreciate the concern of the company to learn that the claims for the years prior to 2012 have been deemed ineligible on the basis that Belgian customs law requires that a company must first be authorised before it is able to claim for reimbursement of excise duty.
I note that, as provided for under the relevant legislation, the company is appealing the decision of the Belgian Customs to disallow the pre-2012 claims and I hope that the appeal will be successful. Given the independence of the Belgian Customs Service and the necessity to respect the integrity of the appeals process, the Deputy will appreciate that it would not be appropriate for me to become directly involved in the case.