Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Radon Control Strategy

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 12 March 2014

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Ceisteanna (9)

Thomas Pringle


9. Deputy Thomas Pringle asked the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government the timeframe for the implementation of the radon control strategy; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [11913/14]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí ó Béal (4 píosaí cainte)

The question asks the timeframe for the roll-out of the national radon strategy.

The National Radon Control Strategy, which I published on 17 February last, was developed by an inter-agency group and sets out some 48 recommendations, under six thematic areas, with the ultimate aim of reducing the number of radon-related lung cancer cases of which there have been 250 in the past number of years. While it is envisaged that the recommendations set out in the strategy will be addressed over a four-year period, it is also recognised that the full impact of the strategy may not be fully realised within this period, as many of the measures that require to be implemented will continue to reduce the radon risk in subsequent years.

Successful implementation of the National Radon Control Strategy will require action from a range of Departments, public bodies and other stakeholders, and will require clear identification of responsibilities, good co-ordination between the various stakeholders and effective monitoring of progress. Accordingly, I have established a co-ordination group, under my Department's chairmanship and comprising representatives from key Departments and agencies, to implement and track the key recommendations outlined in the strategy. This group will co-ordinate policies and actions on radon across the relevant Departments and agencies; monitor implementation of the strategy; report annually on progress; and at the end of the four-year period covered by the action plan, make recommendations to the Government on what further actions it considers necessary at that time.

I expect the first meeting of the group to take place in April.

I thank the Minister for the response. In the actions outlined in the strategy, I am struck by how it appears to be done to minimise cost in terms of implementing the strategy. Given the high probability of radon-affected areas in the country appears to be fairly well mapped at this stage, I wonder whether the Minister would give consideration to a targeted grant-aid or assistance programme for those who must remediate their properties or, initially, to provide a free test - the radon test costs €56.90 - for those areas. The areas are fairly well mapped and defined, and we know the areas of highest risk. Targeting those areas, either with free testing or assistance towards remediation, would be an effective measure that should be considered.

Residents will not shy away from €56 if they think they will save their lives. We can include it as part of the home renovation scheme, perhaps, in terms of some of the remediation measures required in dwellings. That is some help. I am not making a big deal of it but it certainly needs to be included because it is a serious issue.

There was no work done on this until I became Minister. I made it a priority because the south east, the north west and the west were clear areas of identification and nothing was happening in regard to how we could deal with this radon problem which was killing 250 persons from lung cancer each year.

There are high radon areas in almost every county, but in some parts of the country, mainly in the areas mentioned, I will consider Deputy Pringle's overall principle to see whether we can target additional resources at the areas that are identified and mapped out as the areas of highest incidence of radon.
