Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Quality and Qualifications Ireland Accreditation

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 15 April 2015

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Ceisteanna (693)

Jonathan O'Brien


693. Deputy Jonathan O'Brien asked the Minister for Education and Skills where the leaving certificate applied fits within the quality and qualifications Ireland framework. [14050/15]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

The Leaving Certificate is treated as a single award in the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) maintained by Quality and Qualifications Ireland. The Leaving Certificate award spans levels 4 and 5 of the NFQ and incorporates the Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA), the Leaving Certificate Established and the Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP).
