Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Vacancies on State Boards

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 12 May 2015

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Ceisteanna (407)

Joe Costello


407. Deputy Joe Costello asked the Minister for Justice and Equality the State boards, bodies or committees on which vacancies currently exist, or on which vacancies are anticipated to arise, up to and including 1 January 2016; the number of vacancies in each case; when the vacancy arose or will arise; if the vacancy relates to a chair or a member; if she will provide details of the appointment process in each case; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [18480/15]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

The information requested by the Deputy is set out in the following table.

Name of Board

Number of Vacancies Chair/Member

When vacancy arose/will arise

Appointment Process

Property Registration Authority

2 Members

27 May, 2015

4 August, 2015

(i) Nominated by Bar Council

(ii) Nominated by Law Society

(both nominations in accordance with Section 11 of the Registration of Deeds and Title Act 2006)

Property Services Appeal Board

1 Chairperson

15 September, 2014

via Stateboards.ie

Classification of Films Appeal Board

1 Chairperson

8 Members

30 April, 2013

via Stateboards.ie

Censorship of Publications Appeal Board

1 Chairperson

4 Members

12 February, 2012

via Stateboards.ie

Judicial Appointments Advisory Board

1 Member

7 June, 2014

via the Public Appointments Service

Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission

1 Chairperson

30 January, 2015

The appointment of members of the Ombudsman Commission is governed by section 65 of the Garda Síochána Act 2005.

Audit Committee of the Department of Justice and Equality

1 Member

Scheduled to arise after the September 2015 Audit Committee meeting

Appointments to vacancies on the Audit Committee are made by the Secretary General of the Department.

Parole Board

 4 Members

16 July, 2015

Appointments will made by the Minister for Justice and Equality based on experience and expertise which is essential to the work of the Parole Board and in accordance with Guidelines on Appointments to State Boards.

Criminal Injuries Compensation Tribunal

1 Member


Will be filled on foot of expressions of interest sought.

Legal Aid Board

1 Member

May 2015

Will be filled in line with Section 4 of the Civil Legal Aid Act 1995 and with Guidelines on Appointments to State Boards.

Irish Legal Terms Advisory Committee

1 Member

June 2015

Discretionary post. If filled it will be in line with the relevant provisions of the Irish Legal Terms Act 1945

Finally, I wish to inform the Deputy that, in the time available to do so, it has not been possible to provide the information required in respect of prison visiting committees. The information will be forwarded to the Deputy as soon as it is to hand.
