Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Afforestation Programme

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 28 June 2016

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Ceisteanna (479)

Mick Wallace


479. Deputy Mick Wallace asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine his plans for any additional afforestation schemes to work alongside the afforestation scheme, the native woodland conservation scheme and the environmental enhancement of forests scheme, which would be directed specifically at tackling flooding; if he has spoken to the Minister for Environment, Community and Local Government on this issue; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [18336/16]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

The Office of Public Works (OPW) leads and coordinates Ireland’s whole of government approach to flood risk prevention and management. The Interdepartmental Flood Policy Co-ordination group was established to support the OPW in this role. This group is currently preparing a final report for Government that will contain recommendations for appropriate actions to mitigate the risks posed by flooding. The critical and varied role that forestry performs in combating flood risk in vulnerable areas will be reflected in the report. My Department operates a Forestry Programme that provides funding for the creation and management of a wide range of forest and woodland types. These schemes as listed by the Deputy, aim to realise a variety of environmental, economic and social benefits and services forest development brings. Included in these benefits is flood alleviation when these measures are used strategically as part of a wider response within a catchment to the threat of flooding. There are no plans to introduce any further schemes to help address the issue of flooding.

The existing schemes can help reduce the risk of flooding in the following ways:

- As part of the Afforestation Scheme, native woodland establishment provides grant aid to cover the full cost of establishment and pays the highest annual premium of all planting categories to create new native woodland on greenfield sites. This measure can be utilised to fund the development of new native woodland on natural floodplains increasing retention capacity in these areas.

These forests also help in retaining floodwaters for a longer period upstream, such areas result in the alleviation of flooding further downstream (mainly in urban areas) and the reduction of damaging high flow rates during spate events.

- Native Woodland Conservation Scheme provides grant aid (along with a 7 year premium, for private woodland owners) to undertake the appropriate restoration of existing woodlands, and also, the conversion of conifer forest to native woodland. One possible application of this scheme is the conversion of existing conifer forests into native woodland at strategic points within catchments, accompanied by drain-blocking and other site restoration measures to reinstate natural site hydrology and retention capacities.

- Woodland Improvement: - Environmental Enhancement: This scheme, which is due for launch in August 2016, provides financial support to forest holders to enhance the environmental qualities of existing forests, including the reinstatement or enhancement of water setbacks and other open areas and, appropriate blocking of existing forest drains. These actions can contribute to flood alleviation by slowing down the flow of heavy rainfall into lower lying areas. 

The schemes above were approved by Government in December 2014.
