Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Departmental Reports

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 19 July 2016

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Ceisteanna (800)

Timmy Dooley


800. Deputy Timmy Dooley asked the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the name, costs, date of commission, date or expected date of publication and name of the external consultant of all external reports commissioned by his Department since March 2011, in tabular form. [22172/16]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

My Department administers a very diverse, complex and technical brief across critical and strategic sectors of the Irish economy. While it has a total complement of around 250 full time equivalent staff of whom a number are technical personnel, the technical, commercial, legal complexity and evolving nature of sectors with which the Department deals requires access to external professional expertise to assist in discharging its functions. In procuring these specialised services, my Department always seeks to ensure value for money and that these services contribute to project delivery and informed, robust and evidence based policy making. The bulk of the studies are technical and specialist in nature and were necessary to address specific issues as they arose and enable the Department to discharge its policy and project responsibilities in the areas concerned.

Details of the external reports commissioned by my Department are set out in the table:

Consultancy Name



Date of Commission

Date or expected date of publication

Environ UK Limited

Corrib gasfield project – monitoring compliance with the Conditions of the Department’s Letter of Consent dated 25 February 2011


June 2011

Report published on the Department’s website Dec 2015.

Dr Michael Johnson

Silvermines Vegetation Study


August 2011

This Report will not be published until completion of land purchase.

Camp Dresser McKee CDM

Sampling of Gortmore and Silvermines Vegetation


July 2011

This Report will not be published until completion of land purchase.

Purvin & Gertz

Strategic Case for Oil Refining requirements


August 2011

July 2013

PA Consulting Group

National Digital Research Centre


July 2011

This report has not been published.

OHH Energy Ltd

Independent Commission on Meath Tyrone Power Line


July 2011



Independent Commission on Meath Tyrone Power Line


July 2011


2B Energy

Independent Commission on Meath Tyrone Power Line


July 2011


SLR Consulting

Core Library Holdings Review


Sept 2011 – Dec 2011

Jan 2012

Jenny Deakin

Preparation for the Graigue Group Water Scheme Report


April 2011 – Sept 2011

Sept 2011

Indecon Economic Consultants

Economic/Socio-Economic Analysis of options for rollout of next generation broadband


May 2012

This Report will not be published as it is commercially sensitive and may impact on Government procurement in Broadband provision.

Analysys Mason

Analysis of options for potential State intervention in the rollout of next generation broadband


May 2012

This Report will not be published as it is commercially sensitive and may impact on Government procurement in Broadband provision.

Thornton’s Chartered Surveyors

Provision of land valuation and negotiation services


July 2012

This Report will not be published until completion of land purchase.

Indecon International Economic Consultants

Assessment of Economic Contribution of Mineral Exploration and Mining in Ireland


October 2012

Published September 2013.

Indecon (Ireland)

Provision of a Macro-Economic Research Exercise under the National Digital Strategy to Determine the Value of Internet/Digital to the Irish Economy


November 2012

Published July 2013.

CDM Smith Ireland Limited

Environmental Monitoring at former mining areas of Silvermines, Co. Tipperary and Avoca, Co. Wicklow


December 2012

On completion of scheduled reports.

AMEC Earth & Environmental (UK) Ltd

Expert Services to Monitor Mining Activities and Compliance with terms of State Mining Leases/Licences.


December 2012

This Report will not be published as it is commercially sensitive.

Wardell Armstrong LLP

Provision of Expert Services for Mine Inspection, Environmental Advice and Compliance with terms of State Mining Leases/Licences.

No costs to date

May 2016

This Report will not be published as it is commercially sensitive.

Pricewaterhouse Coopers Ltd

Scheduled review of INFOMAR Project


Dec 2012 – May 2013

Published September 2013.

BEC consultants

Assistance with statutory assessment of Environmental Statements and Natura Impact Statements accompanying applications for (1) a 2D regional seismic survey and (2) an offshore exploration well (Dunquin) (2 reports received)


February 2013

Reports published on the Department’s website.

Det Norske Veritas

Expert technical advice to the Department in connection with offshore drilling


March 2013

Not published. Commercially sensitive.

Neary Marketing & Communications

Review of Irish Geoscience Sector


March 2013 – June 2013

This Report will not be published as it is commercially sensitive.

BEC consultants

Assistance with statutory assessment of Environmental Statements and Natura Impact Statements accompanying applications for geophysical surveys including 2D/3D offshore Seismic Surveys and exploration drilling applications (six reports completed in 2013)


(€3,044 fee payable for each report received)

April 2013

Reports published on the Department’s website.

Norcontel (Ireland) Ltd

Market analysis of backhaul infrastructure in Mayo and Galway


May 2013

Published June 2013.

Selgovia Limited

Offshore exploration well technical assessment


July 2013

Not published. Commercially sensitive.

Doyle Kent Planning Partnership Ltd.

To provide draft Strategic Environmental Assessment Scoping Report for the Renewable Energy Policy and Development Framework


September 2013

This report has not been published but is expected to be published shortly.

Environ UK Ltd

Establishment of an Administrative Framework for the Conduct of an Irish Offshore Strategic Environmental Assessment


November 2013

Not published. Commercially sensitive.

Environ UK Ltd

Establishment of an Administrative Framework for the Acquisition of Baseline Information on Marine Species


November 2013

Not published. Commercially sensitive.


Economics and Financial Consultancy


November 2013

This Report will not be published as it remains confidential.

Indecon (Ireland)

Economic Analysis of the Advertising Market in Ireland


December 2013

Report published on the Department’s website.

BEC consultants

Assistance with statutory assessment of Environmental Statements and Natura Impact Statements accompanying applications for geophysical surveys including 2D/3D offshore Seismic Surveys and exploration drilling applications (five reports completed to date in 2014).


(€3,653 fee payable for each report received)

February 2014

Reports published on the Department’s website.

Wood Mackenzie

Review of Ireland’s Oil and Gas Fiscal System




June 2014

Neary Marketing & Communications

Review of Geoscience Ireland Business Cluster


March 2014 – July 2014

This Report will not be published as it is commercially sensitive.

PA Consulting

Post Project Evaluation of the Tellus Border project


March 2014-July 2014

Published July 2014

Perspective Associates Ltd

The provision of independent expert advice relating to the identification of an appropriate framework for determining whether a compilation of programme material offered by a contractor under s. 71 of the Broadcasting Act 2009 has the ‘character of a public service’.



Report published on the Department’s website

Environ UK Ltd

Assistance with the Production of the Irish Offshore Strategic Environmental Assessment (IOSEA) 5


October 2014

Report published on the Department’s website Sep 2015.

KN Network Services

To provide a due diligence assessment on the current status of the Galway-Mayo telecoms duct.



The report will not be published, it will be used to assist with the appointment of a Management Services Entity for the duct.


To provide a privacy impact assessment for the National Postcode System.


August 2014

The report is published and available on the Departments website.

Ricardo - AEA

REFIT 3 Review

€4,500 (excl VAT)


This document remains part of the deliberative process and contains commercially sensitive information.

Doyle Kent Planning Partnership Ltd.

Assistance with the screening of the National Broadband Intervention Strategy for Strategic Environmental Assessment and Appropriate Assessment.



This report will be published on completion of the consideration of the SEA/AA assessments.

RPS Group Limited

To undertake a Strategic Environmental Assessment / Appropriate Assessment on the Draft Bioenergy Plan

€54,930 (ex VAT)

September 2015

March 2016

Indecon International Economic Consultants

Review of Designated Events of Major Importance to Society under the Broadcasting Act 2009.


23 October 2015

The report will not be published, it is used to assist in the review of designated events.


Provision of TV Licence Database and System Review.


29 October 2015


Compass Informatics,

Scoping Study for a National Geological Data Centre

€29,625 excluding VAT

October 2015

December 2015

Ramboll Environ UK

Corrib Pipeline Consent environmental consultancy services for gap analysis for Corrib pipeline consent to operate


August 2015

Report published on the Department’s website December 2015.

BEC consultants

Assistance with statutory assessment of Environmental Statements and Natura Impact Statements accompanying applications for geophysical surveys including 2/3D offshore seismic survey and exploration drilling applications.

€21,918.60 (€3,653 fee payable for each report received.

April 2016

Reports published on the Department’s website.


Financial advice relating to the concessionaire model for the Metropolitan Area Networks (MANS)

€22,950 (exclusive of VAT)

30 March 2016

This report is commercially sensitive and confidential, and will not be published.


Assessment of the Macro-Economic Impact of Internet/Digital on the Irish Economy

€74,070 (exclusive of VAT)

30 November 2015

Published on the Department’s website on 31 May 2016.

Eamon Halpin & Co. Ltd

Valuation Report and advice on Waterford & Dungarvan MAN Networks

€5,000 (exclusive of VAT)

25 November 2015

This report forms part of an ongoing legal process and will not be published.

costs are recouped from the operator of the Corrib gasfield project.
