Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Fish Quotas

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 27 October 2016

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Ceisteanna (28)

Thomas Pringle


28. Deputy Thomas Pringle asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the efforts that have been made in formalising the allocation of herring for the north west; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [32189/16]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

The International Council for the Exploration of the Seas - ICES, determined that there were two herring stocks in the north western waters and, correspondingly, two separate ICES Total Allowable Catch or TAC areas. In previous years, ICES gave separate advice for herring in 6A North and 6A South. Since 2015, ICES has found that while there are two separate herring stocks it was not possible to provide definitive, separate scientific advice and better scientific information is needed in order to provide advice on the separate stocks.

In order to provide for the collection of scientific data, the EU Council set a TAC of 1,630 tonnes for Area 6A South and 4,170 tonnes for Area 6A North involving an Irish quota of 1,482t for 6A South and 630t for 6A North.

In order to support carrying out a scientific acoustic survey to help inform the state of the Area 6A North herring stock, Ireland transferred 630 tonnes to the UK as our contribution towards carrying out this survey.  In addition, a small available quota in Area 6A North, transferred from 2015, was distributed in accordance with Ministerial policy.  This is intended to cover by-catches of herring in other pelagic fisheries.

In relation to 6a South herring, the Marine Institute prepared a scientific sampling methodology for data collection.  In addition, the industry proposed an acoustic survey in Area 6A South, similar to that already undertaken in Area 6A North. 

The industry representatives on the Quota Management Advisory Committee comprising Producers Organisations and the Inshore Forum reached an agreed compromise regarding the allocation of available quota to meet the sampling requirements set down by the Marine Institute.

I issued the proposal for public consultation which ended on 20 October 2016. There were eight written responses received.  It was clear from the submissions that there was strong support for the Quota Management Advisory Committee proposal, which I have now adopted.  My Department has advertised seeking expressions of interest by Tuesday 1st November.  If numbers in any category are over-subscribed, a lottery for the authorisations will take place in the Department Offices on Wednesday 02 November.  It is intended that the Marine Institute will work closely with operators to support the collection of the necessary samples in the specified areas.  In addition there will be an allocation to allow for the acoustic survey to be completed in Area 6A South.  This will be carried out by 1 or 2 vessels in line with  the survey  work already completed in Area 6A North.
