Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Consultancy Contracts Expenditure

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 13 December 2016

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Ceisteanna (230)

Niall Collins


230. Deputy Niall Collins asked the Minister for Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government the external consultant reports commissioned by his Department since March 2011 per annum in tabular form; the costs per report; the company involved; the title of the report; and the publication date. [39485/16]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

The information requested is set out in the following table:

Year Commissioned

Consultant/Author etc.

Name/Description of Report/Review/Study

Date or Expected Date of Publication

Amount Spent Since March 2011


ARUP Consulting Engineers

Study in respect of provision of fire detection and alarms systems in dwellings.

Not intended for publication. It is a technical report, to inform work in the Department.



Barrow Archaeological Services

Archaeological reports on Met Éireann site at Valentia.

Not intended for publication as it is a technical report relating to a site on Valentia Island where Met Éireann are building an Air Monitoring Facility.



Building Research Establishment Ltd

Retrofitting Code of Practice.

Published March 2014.

(1) €21,190


Dr. Eoin O'Sullivan, Trinity College Dublin

Review of the Homeless Strategy 2008-2013.

Published November 2012.



Housing & Sustainable Communities Ltd.

Toolkit for Local Authorities on regeneration.

Not intended for publication. This was a report intended to provide assistance to Local Authorities in drawing up proposals for the regeneration of their areas.



Malachy Walsh & Partners

EIS Screening Report for site at Valentia.

Not intended for publication as it is a technical report relating to a site on Valentia Island where Met Éireann are building an Air Monitoring Facility.



Marine Institute

Marine Strategy Framework Directive (1) Initial Assessment;

(2) Development of a Monitoring Programme; and (3) Development of a Programme of Measures necessary to achieve Good Environmental Status in Irish Marine Waters.

(1) Initial Assessment - the technical report was published on the Department's website in Q2 2013 and the summary report was published in Q4 2013.

(2) Monitoring Programme – sent to the EU Commission in April 2015.

(3) Drawing up of programme of Measures - completed and published July 2016.

(2) €2,676,479


Murtagh & Partners

Review of Dublin Region Homelessness Services and Funding in 2011.

Published October 2011.



National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI)

Audit reports for ISO9001:2008 in 2011 and 2012.

Not intended for publication. These reports are for internal use only as an input for ongoing development of a Divisional Quality Management System.



Price Waterhouse Coopers

Independent assessment on establishment of National Water Utility.

Irish Water - Phase 1 report and appendices published January 2012. Implementation Strategy published December 2012.



Pyrite Panel

Report of the Pyrite Panel - Independent report to provide options for the Minister to deal with the pyrite problem.

Published July 2012.




Cost optimal study for non-domestic buildings.

Published March 2013.



DKM Economic Consultants

Review of Part V of the Planning and Development Act 2000.

Published July 2013.








Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI)

Analysis of Property Tax Options - a report to the Interdepartmental Expert Group on Property Tax.

Published December 2012.



Flynn Furney Consultants Ltd.

Environmental Management Services re: review of CEMP at Valentia Site (Method Statement).

Not intended for publication as it is a technical report relating to a site on Valentia Island where Met Éireann are building an Air Monitoring Facility.



Glas Ecology

Environment Management Plan (Breeding Chough and Peregrine Survey, Valentia Island, Co. Kerry).

Not intended for publication as it is a technical report relating to a site on Valentia Island where Met Éireann are building an Air Monitoring Facility.








Housing and Sustainable Communities Agency

Review of leasing model.

Not Intended for publication. Report for internal use only.









Feasibility study on a Tenancy Deposit Protection Scheme.

Published November 2012.

(3) €42,706


Mr. Hendrik W van der Kamp

Independent Evaluation of the Planning Review Report 2012.

Published January 2013.



Mr. Seamus Woulfe SC

Review of the management by the Department of an application by Wicklow County Council for loan approval in respect of the compulsory purchase of land at Charlesland, Co. Wicklow - Phase 1.

Published March 2012.



Mr. Seamus Woulfe SC

Review of the compulsory acquisition of land by Wicklow County Council at Charlesland, Co. Wicklow - Phase 2.

Published April 2013.



Munster Archaeology

Report on archaeological investigation/survey of Met Éireann site at Valentia.

Not intended for publication as it is a technical report relating to a site on Valentia Island where Met Éireann are building an Air Monitoring Facility.



Padraic Thornton Planning & Environmental Consultancy

Preparation of EIA Guidelines.

Published March 2013.



Version 1

Evaluation of ICT Disaster Recovery configuration and capability.

Internal Management Report. Not intended for publication.



Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI)

Affordability aspects of the provision of water services in Ireland and subsequent analysis.

Published in May 2014 as Appendix 2 and Appendix 5 of the "Report of the Inter-Departmental Working Group on Affordability Measures".



Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Article 29(2) Report on Progress on Implementation of the EC (Good Agriculture Practices for the Protection of Waters) Regulations 2010.

Published April 2014.



Garrett Fennell Solicitor

Independent Review of the registration arrangements for Architects under the Building Control Act 2007.

Published on the Department's website.

Nil (report produced on a pro-bono basis)


Housing and Sustainable Communities Agency

Review of CALF assessment process.

Not Intended for publication. Report for internal use only.



Housing and Sustainable Communities Agency

Business Process Design of the Housing Assistance Payment.

Not Intended for publication. Report for internal use only.









Assessment of Potential Merits of New Initiative re Purchase of Local Authority Houses by Existing Tenants.

This report is available on request from the Department.

Nil (report produced on a pro-bono basis)


KW Research & Associates

NTACC Research into why Travellers leave Traveller-specific accommodation.

Published on the Department's website April 2014.



RPS Group

Public consultation process on the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and producing a report.

Published November 2013.




Usage survey on the Met Éireann website.

Internal Management Report. Not intended for publication.

Nil (provided as a free sample)


Glas Ecology

Environment Management follow up Report (Breeding Chough and Peregrine Survey, Valentia Island, Co. Kerry).

Not intended for publication as it is a technical report relating to a site on Valentia Island where Met Éireann are building an Air Monitoring Facility.



MacCabe, Durney Barnes

Independent Planning Review.

Published December 2015.



Padraic Thornton Planning & Environmental Consultancy

Independent Review of Draft S31 Directions in Westmeath.

Published May 2014.



Patricia Thornton

Tom Philips Associates

Independent Review of Draft S31 Directions in Limerick.

Published August 2014.




Additional cost optimal calculations for domestic and non-domestic buildings.

Published February 2015



Behaviour & Attitudes Ltd.

Market Survey to determine weather forecast consumption behaviour of the Irish public.

Not intended for publication. Report for internal purposes, primarily to inform strategic business decisions.




Business Case Review for the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP).

Not intended for publication. Undertaken as part of technical work to update financial modelling related to the preparation of the original business case.



Dr. Dagmar Stengel

Best practice in relation to the sustainable exploitation and management of intertidal seaweed resources. 

Not intended for publication. Informative research sought to address a gap in knowledge at the time.



Independent Review Group

An Bord Pleanala - Organisational Review.

Published March 2016.



IT Executive Focus

Review of the Structure and Delivery Model of the ICT Services for the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government.

Internal Management Report. Not intended for publication.



MartinPlan Consulting

To consider the implications of the C-50 judgment in the context of waste water discharge licensing and to make any necessary recommendations.

Not expected to be published. Report forms part of an ongoing deliberative process.



Mazars Consulting

Independent Review of Homeless Services (2015).

Published on the Department's website January 2016.



Rory Mulcahy, Senior Counsel

Review Report in relation to Certain Planning Matters in respect of Donegal County Council.

Issue of publication to be considered following completion of report.



Steering Group on Fire Safety Review (Chaired by Martin Riordan)

Review of Fire Safety arrangements in multi-unit developments where concerns arise regarding non-compliance with statutory requirements.

Date of publication to be decided. The report remains under consideration pending clarification on a number of issues.



Bruce McCarthy

Independent Review of Draft S31 Direction in Westmeath.

Published in August 2016



Des Johnson

Independent Review of Draft S31 Direction in Louth.

Published February 2016



Des Johnson

Independent Review of Draft S31 Direction in Kildare.

Published in June 2016.



Housing and Sustainable Communities Agency

Review by the Housing Agency of the scheme of loans & grants for purchase of caravans by Travellers.

Not Intended for publication. Report for internal use only.



Housing and Sustainable Communities Agency/PACEC

Independent Review of funding for Traveller-specific Accommodation since 2000 in the context of the delivery and implementation of Local Authority Traveller Accommodation Programmes.

Expected to be published in Q2 2017.



Mr. Hendrik W van der Kamp

Independent Review of Draft S31 Direction in Donegal.

Published in August 2016



RPS Group

Strategic Environmental Assessment and Appropriate Assessment of the draft River Basin Management Plans.

Will be published with the River Basin Management Plans in December 2017.



School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin

Review of CISM (Critical Incident Stress Management) in fire service.

Not intended for publication. It is a technical report, to inform work in the Department.


(1) The contract was in conjunction with the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland. Total cost of the study is €169,302 (inclusive of VAT). My Department's contribution was €21,190 (inclusive of VAT) with the balance met by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (i.e. €148,112 inclusive of VAT).

(2) The Initial Assessment report, monitoring programme and programme of measures each arise from a broader process connected with Ireland’s obligation to implement the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). The work primarily consists of a determination of the status of Ireland’s marine waters, the measures necessary to achieve, or maintain, the required Good Environmental Status by 2020 and a programme to monitor this. The preparation of a draft Initial Assessment (under Art. 8 of the MSFD) including proposals for Good Environmental Status (Art. 9) and for draft Environmental Targets (Art.10) is underpinned by a suite of monitoring measures to measure the maritime environment against these targets (Art. 11). Where human activities are preventing these targets from being met, a Programme of Measures to mitigate the effect of these activities, or halt them as appropriate (Art.13) has been finalised.

(3) This report was co-funded by my Department and the Private Residential Tenancies Board. The cost to my Department of €42,706 represents 50% of the total cost.
