Robert Troy
Ceist:402. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs her plans to have a community child care service reopened (details supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter. [33167/17]
Amharc ar fhreagraDáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 12 July 2017
402. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs her plans to have a community child care service reopened (details supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter. [33167/17]
Amharc ar fhreagraSince early 2015, my Department has supported intensive engagement with Pobal and Longford County Childcare Committee to maintain childcare provision in the service in question. Unfortunately, following an EGM of the board in March 2016, my Department was informed of the intention to proceed with an orderly wind-down of the service. Following this closure I delegated Pobal, as agents of my Department, along with Longford County Childcare Committee, to work with local bodies in relation to McEoin Park and the re-establishment of a service for the local community. Proposals were requested from a number of existing community based services in May 2016 and none were forthcoming at that time. As the Deputy will be aware, my Department does not directly provide childcare - rather we work with individuals, companies and community/not-for-profit groups to fund childcare provision. Pobal and Longford CCC have had discussions with a number of groups regarding the re-opening of a childcare facility, and are still pursuing options locally in this regard. Longford County Council have also been proactive in making a suitable premises available, and in the refurbishment and maintenence of same.
Unfortunately, to date we have not yet been able to secure a partner to operate this service. Pobal and Longford CCC are still pursuing options locally in this regard, and I am open to receiving proposals from local/community groups who may be in a position to assist. I understand that officials in my Department have been in direct contact with the Deputy about this, and I have asked them to continue to keep you up to date on this matter.