Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Social and Affordable Housing Provision

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 31 January 2018

Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Ceisteanna (99)

Alan Farrell


99. Deputy Alan Farrell asked the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government the capacity for social housing development in the Howth, Malahide, Swords and Balbriggan areas, with specific reference to the locality of each proposed development; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [4348/18]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

The Government's Rebuilding Ireland Action Plan on Housing and Homelessness has put in place the funding required to accelerate the delivery of social housing across all local authority areas. €6 billion in exchequer investment has been secured to support its implementation and to deliver 50,000 social housing units through build, refurbishment, acquisitions and leasing, over the period to 2021.

The bringing forward of specific social housing developments is a matter for individual local authorities, having regard to the specific housing needs identified in their area.  Housing needs are identified by the annual Summary of Social Housing Assessments, the most recent results of which were published earlier this month by my Department and outline the level of housing need across all local authorities as at 28 June 2017. 

In relation to social housing developments, the latest status report for social housing construction projects, as at end Q3 2017, contains key information on current social housing construction activity in all local authority areas. The Q3 2017 report details 772 schemes recently completed, on site, or undergoing planning, design or procurement, which will deliver some 12,300 homes.  The Report is available on my Department's website at the following weblink:

http://rebuildingireland.ie/news/quarter-3-social-housing-construction-status-report/ .

The Report includes details of the significant level of activity being undertaken by Fingal County Council in conjunction with Approved Housing Bodies across 34 projects, which will deliver in the region of 850 homes. Some of these projects are located in the specific areas identified.

In addition to the provision of adequate funding, the availability of suitable lands for development is key to ensuring the delivery of sufficient housing supply and it is therefore crucial that the State's housing land bank is developed as soon as possible. To this end, details of some 1,700 hectares of land in local authority and Housing Agency ownership were published on the Rebuilding Ireland Housing Land Map, with these lands having the potential to deliver some 42,500 homes nationally. The map also includes details of some 300 hectares of land in ownership of other State or semi-State bodies, with the potential to deliver a further 7,500 homes. All of the mapped sites, including sites notified by Fingal County Council, can be viewed at the following link:


All local authorities have been requested to prepare Strategic Development and Management Plans for residential lands in their ownership to ensure they are brought forward for development at the earliest opportunity.  The Plans, including that submitted by Fingal County Council, are currently being reviewed by my Department. It is my intention to publish all the plans in due course.

In the context of his new role in driving and co-ordinating housing delivery, my colleague, Minister of State Damien English, will chair the State Land Management and Development Group, whose key role will be to drive delivery of housing from the local authority and broader State land bank. The work programme of the Group will include engagement with all local authorities, including Fingal County Council, to discuss their plans for the development of public lands in their areas.

Question No. 100 answered with Question No. 69.