Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Defence Forces Strength

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 20 March 2018

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Ceisteanna (5)

Michael Healy-Rae


5. Deputy Michael Healy-Rae asked the Taoiseach and Minister for Defence his plans to address matters raised in correspondence (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [12000/18]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

Given the unique and demanding nature of military life, there is understandably a relatively high level of turnover among Defence Forces personnel. This is not new and the Defence Forces have always had a level of turnover that far exceeds other areas of the public service. I am advised that 1,902 personnel left the Defence Forces in the 3 year period from 2015-2017, inclusive.  This includes 459 personnel who did not complete their training.

In order to balance personnel turnover there is significant ongoing recruitment at both enlisted and officer level.  751 personnel were inducted into the Permanent Defence Force during 2017. This includes general service recruits, apprentices, cadets and direct entry officers.

The capabilities maintained by the Defence Forces are based on detailed consideration of capability requirements and agreed by military authorities. With the support of the Chief of Staff and within the resources available, the Government is committed to retaining the capacity of the Defence Forces to operate effectively across all roles and to undertake the tasks laid down by Government both at home and abroad.

Unlike other areas of the Public Service and due to the nature of the duties performed, overtime payments are not available to members of the Defence Forces. A Military Service Allowance is paid to all ranks up to the level of Colonel. Military Service Allowance is designed to compensate for the special disadvantages associated with military life. This includes unsocial hours of duty, exposure to danger and the restrictions inherent in military discipline.

In addition to basic pay and military service allowance a range of duties attract additional allowances, including Security Duty and Naval Service Patrol Duty. Overseas Peace Support Allowance is paid to members of the Permanent Defence Force participating in overseas military operations on direction of the Government. Certain positions in the Defence Forces also attract specialist and technical pay.

Defence Forces pay is increasing in accordance with public sector pay agreements. The focus of these increases is weighted in favour of those on lower pay. The Public Service Stability Agreement 2018-2020 provides for increases in pay ranging from 6.2% to 7.4% over the lifetime of the Agreement with the focus of the agreement once again being on the lower paid. The first instalment of 1% due from 1 January 2018 has been paid to members of the Permanent Defence Force. The restoration of allowances will be considered in the context of the Agreement.

Following these revisions in pay, the starting pay for a newly qualified three star private, and their Naval Service equivalent, (inclusive of military service allowance) is €27,257, gross annual earnings, with scope for further income from duty allowances. This is a significant increase on the €21,800 per annum which was the annual amount prior to the implementation of the increases in pay received through recent pay agreements.

The starting pay for a Corporal, including Military Service Allowance, is over €37,000 per annum. The first point on the payscale for a Sergeant, including Military Service Allowance, is €40,000 per annum.

The Working Family Payment (formerly the Family Income Supplement) provides a means to supplement a family’s income, be they employed in the public or private sector. Eligibility for Working Family Payment is determined having regard to criteria such as family income and the number of dependents. Pay levels in the Public Service, including the Defence Forces, are determined having regard to the particular requirements for specific positions, and are not weighted in accordance with family circumstances.

The Government has tasked the Public Service Pay Commission with examining recruitment and retention challenges in the Defence Sector in more detail. The Public Service Pay Commission has commenced this work and has requested detailed information from the Department of Defence. Defence management are preparing their submission which will be sent to the Commission in the coming weeks. 

The Public Service Pay Commission is due to complete this exercise in the second half of 2018. The findings and proposals arising will be considered at that time.
