Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Brexit Staff

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 31 May 2018

Thursday, 31 May 2018

Ceisteanna (117)

Barry Cowen


117. Deputy Barry Cowen asked the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation the additional staffing for her Department and other agencies to address Brexit and health and safety at work as announced in budget 2018; the amount of the €3 million allocation that has been spent; the number of persons hired; the purpose of the hiring; the agencies to which the persons were allocated; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [24213/18]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

In my Department, a dedicated Brexit Unit was established in 2016, led at Assistant Secretary level within the EU Affairs and Trade Policy Division, to coordinate and represent the Department and its Agencies response to Brexit.  During 2017, this Unit increased its staffing complement to lead on engagements with a broad range of stakeholder to further inform and validate this response.

Given the wide mission my Department has, and the continuing impact on all policy matters, officers across all policy areas of my Department may deal with Brexit-related issues.

In this context, staff expertise has been drawn from across a number of different policy areas, and these staff have been assigned to a number of additional postings across the whole Department that have been most impacted by Brexit.  We are continually prioritising the Brexit challenges and will actively keep the staffing requirements under review through workforce planning during 2018.

The State Agencies, listed below, received an additional pay allocation in Budget 2018 to manage the impact of Brexit. It is important to note however that the work of very many Business Units both within my Department and its Agencies are impacted by Brexit and are responding to it outside of the specific numbers mentioned below.

Enterprise Ireland

In 2018, Enterprise Ireland was allocated €1.3 million to recruit 18 additional staff members for Brexit related posts across the organisation.  To date six positions have been filled and the Agency is actively recruiting the remaining positions.


Budget 2018 saw the IDA allocated an additional €700,000 to further reinforce its staffing levels as a result of Brexit.  It is intended that the Agency will use this funding to create 10 new positions across a range of areas in the organisation.  It will also be used to hire five more graduates who will be on fixed term rolling three year contracts. The IDA has also established a specific Brexit Committee to oversee its response to the opportunities and challenges arising from the UK’s exit from the EU.  The Agency also has a clear Brexit Plan, which includes one-to-one investor engagements and public relations and media campaigns.

Science Foundation Ireland

Science Foundation Ireland were allocated an additional €400,000 in Budget 2018 and has filled four posts which have some Brexit Related Activities attached to their roles.  Three of these roles are within the Programmes & Investment Directorate and the Fourth is at Directorate level. 

The Health and Safety Authority

The Health and Safety Authority received an allocation of €400,000 for Brexit related posts for 2018.  Following a review of its Workforce Plan, a number of inspector posts were identified and business cases were submitted to the Department of Business, Enterprise & Innovation. Sanction has been given to fill seven inspector posts and the Authority has commenced the recruitment process for these positions with preliminary interviews scheduled to take place in mid- June. 

A recruitment process was also recently completed for an Accreditation Officer post and the successful candidate is taking up the position in early June.  This role will assist the Irish National Accreditation Board to manage the increase in applications for accreditation from UK based enterprises and to support Irish enterprise expand their business in response to Brexit.

A business case has also been submitted for a Grade 1 Inspector role for market surveillance of chemical products which is where the Authority estimates the bulk of Brexit impacts will be for Irish businesses. 
