Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Mobile Telephony Services

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 21 June 2018

Thursday, 21 June 2018

Ceisteanna (215, 216)

Tom Neville


215. Deputy Tom Neville asked the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment if he will request mobile phone operators to provide mobile phone coverage in an area (details supplied) in County Kerry; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [27298/18]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Tom Neville


216. Deputy Tom Neville asked the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment if he will request mobile phone operators to provide mobile phone coverage in an area (details supplied) in County Kerry; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [27299/18]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

I propose to take Questions Nos. 215 and 216 together.

I do not have statutory authority to require commercial companies to rollout services and make specific investments in particular locations. The Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg) consumer helpline is accessible at consumerline@comreg.ie and I would urge consumers who feel they have not received an appropriate response from service providers to make contact with the Regulator.  Providing telecommunications services, including mobile phone services, is a matter for the relevant service providers operating in a fully liberalised market regulated by the Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg), as independent Regulator.

Notwithstanding ComReg's independence, I recognise the frustration felt by Irish consumers where telecommunications networks are not always delivering the services people expect. Accordingly, I specifically included in the Programme for Government a commitment to a Mobile Phone and Broadband Taskforce. The Taskforce worked with key stakeholders to produce a report in December 2016, available on my Department’s website, which contained 40 actions to alleviate some of the deficits. The Implementation Group I co-chair with Minister Kyne is overseeing implementation of the actions and comprises all key stakeholders responsible for delivery. This includes ComReg, which attends as both an action owner, and in an observer capacity in its role as the independent Regulator.

Minister Kyne and I published the Mobile Phone and Broadband Taskforce Implementation Review 2017 on 21 February 2018, which comprehensively outlines the progress made in 2017 on the actions identified by the Taskforce. Of the 40 actions, 29 have been completed, with work on the remaining 11 carrying into the 2018 Work Programme. Following close engagement with stakeholders at the National Stakeholder Forum, an additional 23 new measures have been identified for delivery in 2018, which will lead to improvements for consumers across Ireland.

The fifth meeting of the Taskforce Implementation Group was held on 25 April 2018, and the Quarter 1 2018 Progress Report has since been published on my Department’s website. This report offers progress updates on all Q1 actions.

In terms of addressing mobile coverage blackspots, various initiatives are under way:

- My Department and the Department of Rural and Community Development have worked to achieve a greater consensus around site selection for deployment of telecoms infrastructure and therefore improve mobile phone coverage.

- Both Departments also worked with a pilot group of local authorities to identify the issues associated with mapping local blackspots. This pilot exercise has been completed, with all local authorities having been asked to map local blackspots and identify infrastructure that could potentially be used to provide additional coverage on an economic basis. This exercise is ongoing under the 2018 Taskforce Work Programme. It is planned to have dedicated Geographic Information System (GIS) resources in place to support this.

- A review was conducted to identify recommendations to address blackspots. A focus group is continuing this work in 2018, to inform future policy development and initiatives. The work of this focus group will provide guidance on location categories where high quality mobile phone coverage should be made available as a priority, taking account of customer expectations.

- ComReg is also developing a composite national coverage map, which will, in tandem with its work on handset testing and awareness raising activities, allow people across Ireland to optimise the services available to them.

In tandem with the work of the Taskforce, the release by ComReg of the 3.6GHz radio spectrum band, which has been identified at EU level as a primary band suitable for 5G rollout, will also contribute to addressing increasing mobile data demands and improve mobile coverage. Mobile operators’ commercial investment has also resulted in improved services, following ComReg's 2012 multi-band spectrum auction. At least one operator now has in excess of 90% 4G population coverage.

All of these initiatives should help enhance the quality of mobile phone and data services, particularly in rural areas.
