Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Thursday, 21 Jun 2018

Priority Questions

Film Industry Tax Reliefs

Ceisteanna (1)

Niamh Smyth


1. Deputy Niamh Smyth asked the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht the engagement she has had with the Department of Finance on the extension of section 481 film relief; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [27284/18]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí ó Béal (7 píosaí cainte)

Deputy Ó Cuív is to introduce this question.

Unless it is renewed, section 481 expires in 2020. Uncertainty in the film industry will lead to loss of business. It can take five years of planning before a production comes on stream as they need to plan considerably ahead. What discussions have taken place between the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and the Department of Finance to ensure the renewal of this very important support for our film industry?

As a tax relief, section 481 is a matter in the first instance for my colleague, the Minister for Finance. It is a film tax credit, which provides a critical support for the Irish production sector, generating thousands of jobs and providing a strong value proposition for the public purse. As the Deputy noted, the existing tax credit extends to 31 December 2020. 

The Department of Finance is now undertaking a full review of section 481 in line with tax expenditure guidelines in advance of any formal decision to extend the extension of tax credit. My Department is working closely with the Department of Finance on an ongoing basis on the issue, including the provision of information for input into the review.

Pillar 4 of the Creative Ireland programme focuses on Ireland's potential to be a global leader in film production, TV drama, documentary, children's storytelling and animation. Central to this pillar is the production of an audiovisual action plan, which I will publish very shortly, on 27 June, and which will aim to put in place a strategic and coherent approach to making Ireland a leader in this sector. The audiovisual action plan is being informed by a number of key inputs including a report by economic consultants Olsberg with Nordicity entitled, An Economic Analysis of the Irish Audiovisual Sector, which includes policy recommendations; the outcomes of a media production workshop at the Royal Hospital Kilmainham, hosted by my Department last year under my predecessor, which was attended by more than 150 representatives of the film, broadcast and animation sectors; and a report on a strategy for the development of skills for the audiovisual industry in Ireland, which was commissioned jointly by the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland and the Irish Film Board, prepared by consultants Crowe Horwath. The plan will also be underpinned by the Government's capital investment plan.

With certain justification, the now President of Ireland but then Minister for Arts, Culture and the Gaeltacht, Michael D. Higgins, was credited with being the powerhouse behind the introduction of what is now section 481. It was a different section at that time. Whereas technically I appreciate that it is the responsibility of the Minister for Finance and that is why the question is framed as it is, the driving force behind this has to be the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and it has to be driven home to the financial conservatives that this is of huge importance. Can the Minister tell me when publication will take place of the economic analysis of our screen-based creative industries? That would be a very important tool in the armoury the Minister will need to persuade the Minister to renew this in the next budget and to renew it for ten years. Can the Minister further confirm that she is seeking that it be renewed for ten years to create certainty in the industry?

The Olsberg report will be published on 27 June, together with my audiovisual plan, which I mentioned in my response. Changes to the tax code are always budget announcements. However, the necessary work to enable announcement in this year’s budget is under way. It is a tax expenditure and is therefore subject to the requirements of the Department of Finance tax expenditure guidelines. As a requirement under the guidelines, reliefs such as section 481 are required to be reviewed periodically. This review is under way and the Olsberg report will feed into this review. We are also very aware of the importance of the tax credit system in supporting the industry in Ireland and the need to be competitive with other jurisdictions, which have support for the industry.

The origins of section 481 lay in the business expansion scheme in 1984, which allowed individuals to claim tax relief on investments in film production and other designated enterprise sectors.

Does the Minister agree this should have been renewed last year or the year before because of the five-year minimum lead-in for the big productions? There are many series made by Netflix and Amazon Prime and so on. We are in a very new world of a screen, where all the different technologies are merging and it is not just film in the old-fashioned sense. The lead-in is quite extraordinary. Can the Minister absolutely confirm to the House that a decision will be announced in the budget because the industry needs that certainty to get out in the market and to be able to say we will have this relief? Can the Minister also confirm that it will be for ten years because anything less would be useless?

I do not intend to predict the outcome of the review but the Deputy may have noted that I changed the name of the Irish Film Board to Fís Éireann, which encompasses much of the revolution in the media and is forward thinking. The Department is aware of the need to ensure early certainty on the continuation of the tax credit support. While the present extension is only half way through its lifespan, many of the investments being considered in the sector are unlikely to come on line until after the State makes a decision. Major studios work years ahead to plan their productions with films for 2019 being prepared in detail and outline plans for 2020 being made. This incentive also applies to feature film, TV drama, animation and creative documentary. Galway has a very strong reputation in the film industry, for example, Telegael and the impact of TG4 has been very strongly felt in Connemara.

Plean Forbartha Náisiúnta

Ceisteanna (2)

Peadar Tóibín


2. D'fhiafraigh Deputy Peadar Tóibín den Aire Cultúir, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta cén fáth nach bhfuil a Roinn ag caitheamh ach 15% dá caiteachas caipitil ar an nGaeltacht agus na hOiléan sa Phlean Forbartha Náisiúnta i comparáid leis an bplean náisiúnta a bhí ann roimhe seo, Transforming Ireland ina raibh 22% den chaiteachas caipitil geallta don Ghaeltacht. [27054/18]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí ó Béal (13 píosaí cainte)

Is oth liom a rá go bhfuil an Teachta Tóibín ag bainis inniu. Cuirfidh mé sin in iúl roimh ré. Cén leithscéal nó cosaint atá ag an Aire Stáit i leith na fírice go raibh 22% de chaiteachas caipitil idir 2007 agus 2013 geallta don Ghaeltacht agus do na hoileáin ach nach bhfuil i gceist faoi Project Ireland 2040 ach 15% den bhuiséad caipitil? Déanfaidh an difir seo damáiste do tharrtháil tograí Gaeilge agus Gaeltachta.

Gabhaim buíochas leis an Teachta faoi choinne na ceiste. Tá muid ag pointe difriúil anois i saol eacnamaíochta na tíre seo ná mar a bhíomar nuair a foilsíodh Athrú Mór ar Éirinn, nó Transforming Ireland, in 2007, plean nár cuireadh i bhfeidhm go hiomlán de bharr na géarchéime eacnamaíochta. Faoi Thionscadal Éireann 2040, déanfar cúram d’fhás inmharthanach agus rath na hÉireann agus cuirfear béim faoi leith ar an uathúlacht a bhaineann le cultúr saibhir na hÉireann agus a thábhachtaí atá sé é a chaomhnú agus a chothú. Ar ndóigh, tá an Ghaeilge mar chuid lárnach den chultúr sin agus tá tábhacht faoi leith ag an nGaeltacht mar fhearann dúchais na Gaeilge. Beifear ag féachaint chuige, mar sin, go dtapaítear gach deis chun go n-aithnítear é sin mar is cuí.

I mí Aibreáin na bliana seo, foilsíodh "Infheistíocht inár gCultúr, inár dTeanga agus inár nOidhreacht 2018-2027", plean na Roinne Cultúir, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta faoi Thionscadal Éireann 2040. Tá beartaithe sa phlean seo go ndéanfaidh an Rialtas infheistíocht chaipitil de €178 milliún sa Ghaeilge, sa Ghaeltacht agus sna hoileáin as seo go ceann deich mbliana. Clúdaíonn sé seo: infheistíocht de €105 milliún ag Údarás na Gaeltachta i gcruthú fostaíochta; infheistíocht de €33 milliún mar bhuntaca don phróiseas pleanála teanga; infheistíocht de €13 milliún i líonraí Gaeilge agus i mbailte seirbhíse Gaeltachta; agus infheistíocht de €27 milliún in infreastruchtúr na n-oileán.

Is plean meáite é Tionscadal Éireann 2040 agus an tír seo ag teacht chuici féin tar éis blianta de chiorruithe. Is méadú de thart ar 78% é an €178 milliún atá luaite leis an bplean ar an allúntas a bheifí ag súil leis thar thréimhse deich mbliana dá mbainfí úsáid as allúntas 2018 mar bhunlíne.

Measaim nach dtuigeann iad ar thug an freagra don Aire Stáit go díreach cad atá i gceist agam. Molann an plean forbartha náisiúnta caiteachas caipitil iomlán de €1.188 billiún idir 2018 agus 2027. As an iomlán sin ní chaithfear ach €178 milliún, 15% den chaiteachas, ar an nGaeilge, an Ghaeltacht agus na hoileáin. Sa phlean forbartha náisiúnta, Transforming Ireland, a bhí ann roimhe - idir 2007 agus 2013 - cuireadh €2.1 billiún i leataobh do na healaíona, an oidhreacht, an Ghaeltacht agus na hoileáin ach bhí 22% den fhigiúr seo geallta don Ghaeltacht. Tá difríocht mhór idir 22% agus 15%. Ní mise a chuir na figiúirí sin le chéile ach grúpa a dhein taighde air seo, grúpa darb ainm Teacht Aniar. Chuir an grúpa sin na figiúirí faoi bhráid an phobail. Cén cúis atá leis an titim ollmhór ó thaobh céatadán de agus ó thaobh airgeadais de? An dtuigeann an tAire Stáit go bhfuil an teanga go mór i mbaol agus gur gá caiteachas a mhéadú seachas go mbeadh ciorruithe ann?

Tuigim an cheist. Tá figiúir difriúil ann ó 2007. Bhí an t-am thar a bheith difriúil. Bhí an t-airgead ag fás ar na crainn ag an am sin.

Tá sé sin seafóideach.

Níl an Teachta Ó Cuív ag cur na ceiste orm. Tá plean forbartha don Ghaeltacht agus do na hoileáin againn anois. Mar shampla, beimid ag brú ar aghaidh leis an uasghrádú ar roinnt príomhchampas de chuid na coláistí samhraidh Gaeilge. Meallann na tionscadail sin os cionn 26,000 scoláirí chun na Gaeltachta achan bhliain. Mar shampla eile, táimid ag soláthar saoráidí tacaíochta teanga agus cúrám leanaí a bheidh suite in áiteanna straitéiseacha. Beidh oifigí nua ann do chomharchumainn agus saoráidí pobail ar Inis Meáin. Tá cúpla sampla eile - síneadh le Cé Inis Oírr lena n-airítear tonnchosc, oibrithe ar Ché Inis Meáin, uasghradú ar Ché Mhachaire Rabhartaigh a dhéanfaidh freastal ar Thóraigh, agus rudaí faoi leith do Thóraigh fosta. Cúpla sampla iad sin. Tá an t-am atá ann anois difriúil ón am a bhí ann in 2007.

Beidh freagra eile ag an Aire Stáit.

Tá an ceart ag an Teachta Ó Cuív arís. Ní thuigeann an tAire Stáit an cheist.

Ní thuigeann an Teachta an freagra.

Ní thuigeann sé é.

Maidir leis an airgead atá i gceist, ba é an tréimhse atá i gceist - 2008 go dtí 2016 - an tréimhse ina raibh muid in ísle brí. Caitheadh €224 milliún faoi Transforming Ireland. An rud atá i gceist sa tréimhse amach anseo ná go gcaithfear €178 milliún. Tá níos lú airgid le caitheamh againn anois mar is é sin €46 milliún níos lú ná mar a bhí againn sa tréimhse ina raibh muid in ísle brí. Níl muid ag dul chun tosaigh, táimid ag dul ar chúl. An dream a dhein an taighde seo - Teacht Aniar - dhein siad é le cur faoi bhráid chomhdháil pleanála teanga. Ní feidir pleanáil teanga ceart a dhéanamh muna dhéanfar infheistíocht cheart. Tá beagán athruithe ag tarlú ach measaim nach dtuigeann an córas ina iomlán an géarchéim mhór atá ann. Ba chóir go mbeadh an buiséad ag fás seachas a bheith ag dul ar chúl.

Tuigim an cheist. Tá an figiúr difriúil. B'fhéidir nach bhfuil a fhios ag an Teachta ach níor chuir muid an plean i bhfeidhm in 2007. Ní raibh an t-airgead ar fáil. Bhí an ghéarchéim ag teacht ag an am agus d'athraíodh an plean sin a bhí socraithe. Níor chuir an Rialtas an plean i bhfeidhm ag an am sin. Ní raibh muid ábalta an gealltanas a thug an Rialtas ag an am sin in 2007 a chur i bhfeidhm mar ní raibh an t-airgead ar fáil. Ach anois, céim ar chéim, tá cúrsaí eacnamaíochta ag bogadh ar aghaidh. Beidh airgead breise ar fáil. Dá mbeadh airgead breise ar fáil faoi choinne infreastrúchtúir nó pleanála teanga ba mise an fear a chaithfeadh an t-airgead. Tá sé difriúil anois ó 2007. Ní bheidh mé ag déanamh gealltanais cosúil leis an cheann a rinneadh.

Níl mé ag caint faoin méid a bhí le caitheamh i Transforming Ireland. Is é seo an méid a caitheadh agus a bhí sa bhuiséad chuile bhliain.

Limistéir Pleanála Teanga

Ceisteanna (3)

Éamon Ó Cuív


3. D'fhiafraigh Deputy Éamon Ó Cuív den Aire Cultúir, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta céard é líon na bpleananna teanga atá á gcur i bhfeidhm i mbliana, taobh istigh agus taobh amuigh den Ghaeltacht faoi seach; cén caiteachas atá ceadaithe do na pleananna seo i mbliana; céard é an caiteachas go dáta; agus an ndéanfaidh sí ráiteas ina thaobh. [26804/18]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí ó Béal (10 píosaí cainte)

Caithfear faire amach don fhoclaíocht sa cheist seo. Níl mé ag iarraidh a fháil amach faoi phleananna atá á réiteach. Tá mé ag caint ar phleananna atá á gcur i bhfeidhm. Cé mhéad plean teanga atá á chur i bhfeidhm taobh istigh agus taobh amuigh den Ghaeltacht? Cén caiteachas atá ceadaithe do na pleananna sin? Níor chóir go gcuirfeadh an tAire Stáit san áireamh airgead atá curtha i leataobh le pleananna a réiteach, mar níl sé sin sa gceist.

Ar bhonn an cheist a fuair mise, maidir le staid reatha an phróisis pleanála teanga trí chéile ó thaobh na Gaeltachta de, tá an próiseas idir lámha i ngach aon cheann den 26 limistéar pleanála teanga Gaeltachta faoi láthair. Tá ocht bplean teanga ceadaithe faoin bpróiseas go dáta. Is iad na limistéir atá ceadaithe ná: Cois Fharraige; Gaoth Dobhair, Rann na Feirste, Anagaire agus Loch an Iúir; Cloch Chionaola, Gort an Choirce, An Fál Carrach agus Machaire Rabhartaigh; Na Déise; Muscraí; Ciarraí theas; Dúiche Sheoigheach agus Tuar Mhic Éadaigh; agus Ciarraí thiar. Tá na ceanneagraíochtaí sna limistéir seo i mbun ullmhúchán chun na pleananna a chur i bhfeidhm dá réir, i gcomhar le hÚdarás na Gaeltachta. Tá pleananna teanga á mbreithniú ag mo Roinn faoi láthair i leith an ceithre limistéar a leanas: An Cheathrú Rua; Maigh Eo thuaidh; Árainn Mhór; agus Conamara láir.

Lena chois sin táthar ag súil leis go mbeidh pleananna i leith an sé limistéar a leanas á gcur faoi bhráid na Roinne ag Údarás na Gaeltachta idir seo agus deireadh na bliana: Ceantar na nOileán; Ráth Chairn agus Baile Ghib; Dún na nGall theas; Tóraigh; tuaisceart Dhún na nGall; agus Oileán Árann.

Ceaptar go mbeidh pleananna teanga i leith an naoi gceantar eile atá i gceist curtha faoi bhráid mo Roinne chun críche faofa roimh 2020. Maidir leis na bailte seirbhíse Gaeltachta, a bhí san áireamh sa cheist a chur an Teachta, tá ullmhúchán pleananna ar siúl faoi láthair i leith: Daingean Uí Chúis; An Clochán Liath; cathair na Gaillimhe; cathair Chorcaí; Leitir Ceanainn; Trá Lí agus Dún Garbháin.

Maidir leis na líonraí Gaeilge, tá ullmhúchán pleananna idir lámha i leith Cluain Dolcáin, Inis agus Baile Locha Riach.

Mar a bhaineann sé le 2018, tá allúntas ar fiú €2.65 milliún curtha ar fáil faoin gciste sa bhliain reatha. Bainfear úsáid as an gciste seo chun na rudaí seo a leanas a dhéanamh go príomha: leanúint le tacaíocht a chur ar fáil mar a bhaineann sé le hullmhúchán pleananna; agus allúntas ar bhonn limistéir pleanála teanga Gaeltachta, ar fiú suas le €100,000 go bliantúil a chur ar fáil chun tacú le feidhmiú pleananna faofa.

Níl fhios agam ar léigh an tAire Stáit an cheist. An cheist a bhí ann ná cad iad líon na bpleananna teanga atá á gur i bhfeidhm i mbliana taobh istigh nó taobh amuigh den Ghaeltacht. Thug an tAire Stáit freagra, nach mór, ar an gcuid sin den cheist. Níl aon bhaint aige leis an airgead atá ceadaithe do rudaí eile leis an gcaiteachas atá ceadaithe do na pleananna seo i mbliana. Céard é an caiteachas cothrom le dáta atá leis seo? An bhféadfá a rá liom, mar a d'iarr mé, ceist an-simplí í, cé mhéad airgead atá ceadaithe do na pleananna atá faofa ag an Aire Stáit cothrom le dáta atá le caitheamh i mbliana? Uimhir a dó, cé mhéad de sin atá caite cothrom le dáta? Glacaim leis go bhfuil a fhios ag an Aire gurb é seo an 21 lá de Mheitheamh 2018.

Go raibh míle maith agat. Tá Foras na Gaeilge freagrach as na pleananna teanga taobh amuigh den Ghaeltacht agus tá Údarás na Gaeltachta freagrach as na pleananna teanga a chur i bhfeidhm le pobal na Gaeltachta laistigh den Ghaeltacht, mar a bhfuil a fhios ag an Teachta. Ní bheidh mise nó an Roinn freagrach as an airgead a ghabháil díreach chuig na grúpaí éagsúla. Táim ag fanacht ar na billí ó Údarás na Gaeltachta agus Foras na Gaeilge, dá bharr níl a fhios agam inniu cé mhéad a bheidh i gceist. B'shin an fáth leis seo. Thug mé gealltanas €2.6 milliún a thabhairt d’Údarás na Gaeltachta, d’Fhoras na Gaeilge agus do phobal na Gaeilge laistigh den Ghaeltacht agus lasmuigh den Ghaeltacht, agus tá €2.6 milliún ar fáil i mbliana fa choinne na pleananna teanga a chur i bhfeidhm. Anois tá ocht díobh ag bogadh ar aghaidh laistigh den Ghaeltacht, mar a bhfuil a fhios ag an Teachta, agus idir €100,000 agus €150,000 i gceist le haghaidh dreamanna difriúla. Anois táim ag fanacht-----

Taobh amuigh den Ghaeltacht-----

Duine amháin le bhur dtoil---

Bunaithe ar an meán de €150,000, má mhéadaíonn duine €150,000 - mar a d'admhaigh an tAire féin níl €150,000 i gceist le cuid acu - faoi 13, ní bhfaighidh duine €2.67 milliún. Tá go leor rudaí eile clúdaithe faoin gceannteideal pleanála teanga. I gcónaí riamh, bhí Aire na Gaeltachta in ann eolas a fháil ó Fhoras na Gaeilge agus ó Údarás na Gaeltachta maidir le ceisteanna Dála.

An bhfuil an tAire ag rá liomsa nach raibh sé in ann a fháil amach ó Fhoras na Gaeilge agus ó Údarás na Gaeltachta cé mhéad airgead atá ceadaithe acu do chur i bhfeidhm pleananna teanga i mbliana, agus nach bhfuil a fhios ag an Roinn é sin, agus nach raibh sé in ann ceist a chur orthu cé mhéad de sin atá caite cothrom le dáta ar chur i bhfeidhm pleananna teanga nó an é atá ar bun ag an Aire ná go bhfuil sé ag seachaint na gceisteanna?

Níl na sonraí agam inniu i dtaobh an cheangail idir Fhoras na Gaeilge, an Roinn agus Údarás na Gaeltachta maidir leis an airgead a bhí i gceist i dtaobh na mbillí ach bheinn sásta na sonraí sin a fháil amach agus é sin a dhéanamh don Teachta.

D'ardaigh an Teachta ceist i dtaobh na difríochta idir €100,000 agus €150,000 fosta agus tá an ceart ag an Teachta. Bhí conspóidí móra ag an am a sheolamar an plean. Bhí €100,000 i gceist agus d'athraigh mé le linn dom comhrá a bheith agam faoi ag an am agus bhí coimhlintí ollmhóra idir phobail na Gaeltachta agus Roinn na Gaeltachta. Ba iad na daonraí láidre agus an tíreolaíocht láidir na príomh-spriocanna agus na coinníollacha ba chúis leis an rogha a dhéanamh faoi cén dream agus cén limistéar pleanála teanga a bheadh ag fáil an t-airgead breise.

Maidir leis an gceist i dtaobh sonraí na mbillí a bheidh ag teacht ó Fhoras na Gaeilge agus Údarás na Gaeltachta, beidh mé sásta na sonraí sin a fháil agus beidh mé i dteagmháil leis an Teachta.

Question No. 4 replied to with Written Answers

Wildlife Protection

Ceisteanna (5)

Eamon Ryan


5. Deputy Eamon Ryan asked the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht her plans to submit amendments to the Heritage Bill 2016 on Report Stage in Dáil Éireann to remove the extension of the hedge-cutting and burning seasons into August and March, respectively, in view of the effects such an extension would have on wildlife; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [27283/18]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí ó Béal (11 píosaí cainte)

I tabled this question because I believe Ireland should set itself a national goal to restore the curlew, to stop the Irish curlew becoming extinct and to maintain the cry of the curlew on our land. It is of deep importance to us to maintain a connection to nature. It would be a tragedy to lose that bird or to lose the yellowhammer, which is also under threat from the provisions of the Heritage Bill that the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Deputy Madigan, is bringing forward. I would go as far to say that we should go all out to try to protect the corncrake. In doing that we would be protecting our natural environment, which protects us and our place on this planet.

Will the Minister, Deputy Madigan, consider doing this in amendments to the Heritage Bill?

Section 40 of the Wildlife Act, as amended, prohibits the cutting, grubbing, burning or destruction of vegetation, with certain strict exemptions, from 1 March to 31 August.

Following a review of section 40, which included consideration of submissions from interested parties, proposals were announced in December 2015 to introduce legislation to allow for managed hedge cutting and burning at certain times within the existing closed period on a pilot two-year basis. The relevant legislation is included in the Heritage Bill 2016, which was published in January 2016.

The Bill has completed its passage through Seanad Éireann and completed Committee Stage, when Deputy Ryan contributed, in Dáil Éireann last month. In the meantime, the existing provisions relating to section 40 of the Wildlife Act remain in force.

The provision on burning in the Bill will not allow all landowners to burn vegetation on any day during the month of March. It provides that the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht may make regulations to allow burning in certain areas of the country, for example in a county or counties or parts of a county, at specified periods in the month of March. It does not , therefore, allow for widespread burning of vegetation, which in turn relates to the Deputy's concerns around wildlife.

The regulations will permit controlled burning only and only in years where the winter rainfall is higher than average. The regulations will refer to the requirements for consent on any Natura-designated sites and refer also to other relevant legislation on burning of lands. In addition to regulations, advice and guidelines will be issued to ensure that best practice will be followed in respect of burning.

I am fully aware that hedgerows are a very important wildlife habitat, providing food, shelter, corridors of movement, nest and hibernation sites. It is my intention that the change in timing of cutting set out in section 7 of the Heritage Bill would not interfere with this.

Ireland has some 300,000 km of hedgerow mainly surrounding fields and properties across the country and only roadside hedges are subject to the provisions of the Heritage Bill, which is a fraction of the entirety of the total hedgerow resource in this country.

The Minister is aware that BirdWatch Ireland, An Taisce and the Irish Wildlife Trust all raise real concerns that the provisions in the Minister's Bill will actually threaten the revival of the curlew and the survival of yellowhammers in Ireland. I put it to the Minister that these organisations are important voices in this matter because of their huge experience and their work in the area, and they should be listened to.

Last year the Department set up a special task force to look at the protection of the curlew. Where is that task force at? What is the Minister going to do and how will we do it? What is the Minister's plan so we do not lose the cry of the curlew? It is where we are going currently. There has been a 95% drop in curlew numbers in the past 40 years.

This is largely due to the loss of habitat, a situation that will be worsened by the provisions in the Minister's Bill. Will she not join with BirdWatch Ireland, An Taisce and others in this iconic and necessary challenge? What will she do to bring these birds back?

The Deputy is aware that the curlew has been in longitudinal decline. The Green Party did not put a conservation programme in place, but we have done so, as the Deputy mentioned. We established the curlew task force and the curlew conservation programme in order to help the curlew. In the period 2016 to 2018, my predecessors and I approved €500,000 for the curlew conservation programme.

The primary issues for breeding curlew in Ireland include habitat loss, degradation and fragmentation, exacerbated by unsustainable predation rates. According to Dr. Barry O'Donoghue, however, whose testimony the Deputy is aware I gave on Committee Stage and who is the national expert on the curlew, burning is not suspected to be a significant cause of the population decline, given that localised burning was a traditional practice in the hills throughout the time when the curlew and other species like red grouse flourished in Ireland while the strongholds for curlew in Britain happened to be on the grouse moors, which are managed, including by burning.

Regarding the Heritage Bill, there are regulations on the cutting of hedges and provisions on burning.

What the Minister is doing is loosening the regulations. Last Monday, we saw what happened when there was no proper enforcement of environmental laws, with people ignoring the laws that restrict illegal dumping. I have a similar fear that, when the Minister gives the go-ahead for people to start cutting hedges in August and burning uplands, we will see a further degradation of the key environments that we need to protect to maintain birdlife and all other associated life, for example, butterflies, bees, etc. The Minister is engaging in a destruction of the environment, which will lead inexorably to a loss of species and a narrowing of biodiversity. I am sickened. The Government was lined up yesterday to talk about how we would be great on the environment and climate but there is a connection between being good on the climate and protecting habitats, restoring diversity, marshlands and uplands and allowing nature to flourish. The Government cannot be seen as being serious on one if, on the other, it is telling people to start the flails going in August and to burn the hills in March. Everyone knows that having no enforcement of environmental rules is a recipe for disaster but the Minister is lighting the flame-thrower and bringing the hedge cutters. She will be responsible for that.

It is important that when we discuss issues as significant as our natural heritage, we not scaremonger or use hyperbolic or emotive language in place of an examination of the facts. For example, it is a fact that the regulations on cutting will limit the current year's growth only. There will be no widescale deep cutting or cutting with heavy machinery or flails. The Deputy is aware of another fact, that being it is an offence under section 22 of the Wildlife Act to destroy, injure or mutilate wilfully the eggs or nests of any bird species. It is a crime to touch a nest and anyone cutting the hedge is obliged to check for nests. There is enforcement of these provisions under the Wildlife Acts, as the Deputy is aware.

The Bill's provisions on burning are being introduced on a pilot basis only, will restrict and regulate burning to just one month and will have a limited timespan of two years. After that time, we will be in a position to be informed on how the pilot has worked. As we know, 14% of the country is designated under the habitats and birds directives, so burning in any designated area is an ARC, that is, an activity requiring ministerial consent.

We must now move on to Other Questions.

May I make a final comment?

To aid in having a factual debate, will the Minister please send me the data via written response on the number of prosecutions under the section she just mentioned? Show me the evidence that we have any effective enforcement. I might believe her then but I do not now. By loosening the regulations, she will make matters worse.

I will send the data. That would be no problem.
