Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Coastal Protection

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 3 July 2018

Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Ceisteanna (12)

James Browne


12. Deputy James Browne asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform the position regarding coastal protection in County Wexford, particularly at Ballygeary and Rosslare Harbour; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [29067/18]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí ó Béal (8 píosaí cainte)

I ask the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform the position regarding coastal protection in County Wexford, especially at Ballygeary and Rosslare Harbour, and if he will make a statement on it.

I visited Wexford. Wexford has done very well since the announcement of the catchment flood risk assessment and management, CFRAM, scheme when we announced two schemes in Wexford town and one in Enniscorthy. Everybody in the House has raised questions about coastal erosion and put it down that my Department deals with coastal erosion when it is in the remit of local authorities. We work closely with every local authority to see if we can establish and come up with a scheme to make it work.

I am advised that a detailed study commissioned by Wexford County Council which fully investigates the problem of coastal erosion and flood risk at Rosslare and examines the full range of management options to address the problem is nearly completed and that a submission based on the study findings will be made shortly by the county council to the Office of Public Works about coastal protection for the Rosslare area in general. When received, the submission will be given due consideration by the Office of Public Works. With regard to Rosslare, which the Minister of State, Deputy Kehoe, has raised with me on a number of occasions, as the Deputy has in recent months, I am in a position to say that once that report comes to my desk, we will be able to fast-track that, and we are working closely with local authorities.

I would be particularly concerned about this issue because we know that Irish Rail has threatened to shut down the railway line between Dublin and Rosslare Europort, especially south of Gorey. I would hate to see this as being a badge of convenience for Iarnród Éireann to shut down that railway line. There was a report from the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport which said that Irish Rail faces shutting down this railway line due to coastal erosion within ten years if action is not taken.

I note that the Minister of State says it is the responsibility of the local authority. The costs involved in protecting the coastline around this railway line include handling very high cliffs. The local authority would not be in a position to fund that in and of itself. I expect that the Department will properly fund Wexford County Council. We cannot lose that railway line in the face of Brexit. It is vital to the survival and development of Wexford tourism, to the county itself economically and for access to Rosslare Harbour where our roll-on, roll-off trucks will inevitably have to gain access to the Continent.

We are waiting for the report that will come in from the local authority to my Department. At that stage, we may have to engage with the different bodies that this affects, such as, as the Deputy says, CIÉ and other bodies that this may fall on. We will have to work together to make sure that what the Deputy is outlining does not happen. It is unfair for anyone in the House to say that something may close or may happen to tourism. We should prefer to say to wait for the report. When dealing with that report, we can try to find a solution for all so that what the Deputy has outlined does not happen.

I do not think it is unfair.

Perhaps if the Minister of State had invited people other than Government politicians to Rosslare Harbour, he might have been given an alternative view. Be that as it may, Iarnród Éireann, in its own report, threatened the closure of the railway line south of Gorey. It is not me saying this. I am relying on Iarnród Éireann which made that information public. The coastline is rapidly being eroded and that must be addressed urgently. I ask the Minister of State to engage with the local authority to ensure the necessary funding is provided.

I am aware that funding for flood relief in Enniscorthy has been moved to the next stage but that was done two years behind schedule. Promises were made on this issue and we cannot afford to wait. If the railway line closes, it will cause serious economic damage and not just to County Wexford. Following Brexit, access to Rosslare Europort will have to be developed. I note there is still no plan for the port, despite the likelihood of a hard Brexit coming down the line.

In fairness, I met Deputy Browne the day we launched the flood relief plan for Enniscorthy. It is widely known that I travelled around all of County Wexford on that day. I was on social media and the local radio station and others were well aware of where I was. Deputy Browne was welcome to attend the launch if he wanted. Perhaps he would be better off posing his question on rail services to the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport. I will not know what is in the report until it is put on my desk. The right way to deal with the issue is to wait for the outcome of the report and meet the various Departments. It is very easy for Deputy Browne to say this and that did not happen.

The Deputy asked a question about Enniscorthy. Since taking office, I have delivered on the scheme for Enniscorthy.

The Minister of State is two years behind schedule.

The scheme is on public display. The people of Enniscorthy look forward to the project going ahead. I have given Deputy Browne a positive answer to what he has asked me today. We will deal with the matter, but it may require other Departments to sit around the table also. I do not like people saying CIÉ will stop rail services. That is unfair until the report comes to my desk and we can deal with it properly.

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