Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Garda Station Refurbishment

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 24 October 2018

Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Ceisteanna (63)

Robert Troy


63. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform if he will advance the necessary funding to upgrade Mullingar Garda station. [43703/18]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí ó Béal (16 píosaí cainte)

There are serious capacity issues in Mullingar Garda station. I will give the Minister of State the opportunity to outline how he may be able to help it acquire the necessary funding to address those capacity issues.

I thank the Deputy for raising this question. In order to advance the necessary funding an exercise has to be completed by the Garda estate management, the Office of Public Works and the Department of Justice and Equality. Regarding the current accommodation shortage issues, there are two options to be explored further. One involves alternative accommodation to be sourced in a suitable property in the area of the existing station for consideration by all parties involved. The availability and suitability of properties will be explored by the Garda estate management and the Office of Public Works management service. A new extension to the back of the existing station is to be considered to determine how much extra space could be made available by building on the site. Following further exploration of the options, we will be able to determine whether the accommodation issues of the station can be resolved in one location.

I am slightly disappointed with the Minister of State's reply. In January of this year the station lost its conference room. It was redesignated as a regional cybercomputer examination room. Even though the redesignation happened in January of last year, the posts have yet to be advertised. I accept that is not the Minister of State's responsibility but is a justice issue. The loss of that conference room means that training is now taking place in hired hotel rooms in the town. IT training is taking place in the Army barracks in Athlone, which means subsistence and travel payments are made to the gardaí who must travel to the location. We have a community policing unit which comprises of one sergeant, six gardaí and a clerical officer who are working out of a prisoner interview room. We expect our sergeant with responsibility for community policing and six gardaí to work from the room where prisoners are interviewed. A child protection unit is due to be established but it cannot be because no office is available for it. Proposals have been submitted as to how this could be addressed. The only issue to be dealt with is for those proposals to receive approval from the OPW to advance, and that will address the serious capacity issues in Mullingar Garda station.

I am fully aware of the issues regarding Mullingar Garda station. I can assure the Deputy I am working closely with the different Departments within my own area and I am working with the Minister, Deputy Flanagan. I advise the Deputy that people from the architectural service visited the station on 9 October 2018. It clearly set out what is required, and what is being sought, in the Garda station. We are exploring two options and based on the outcome of that work, I would say we will have good news on what is to happen in Mullingar Garda station in the not-too-distant future.

I thank the Minister of State for his brevity.

I thank the Minister of State for his reply. The two options under consideration are acquiring alternative accommodation and building onto the station. There is the possibility of putting a second-storey prefab on the existing prefab at the back of the station and there is also the possibility of building up over the cells in the station. As I outlined, the lack of space is impeding the members of the Garda in doing their work. They are protecting the people day in, day out and deserve a work environment that is fit for purpose. I appreciate the Minister of State stating the process involved will be accelerated and that he will have good news in the not-too-distant future. I ask that the process involved be accelerated, as it has been ongoing for a long time, and that the Minister of State revert to me at the earliest opportunity with the OPW's preferred route and a clear timeframe for delivery.

Since I took up ministerial office a year and a half ago, a number of issues regarding the Garda were outlined. I for one know exactly the conditions under which some gardaí work. The Government has set out to reopen six pilot projects and they are now on the way.

They are not opened.

The works have started-----

They have not.

-----on the reopening of three headquarters. Works are taking place on planning with respect to the public private partnerships. I am fully aware of what the Government has committed to and the conditions under which gardaí are working. I am working closely with the gardaí in Mullingar to address their needs. The Deputy will be aware we faced a similar problem in the Longford constituency area. We put our money where our mouths are and invested money in that area. We now have a building in Athlone. We are also looking at Ballymahon and are closely monitoring what is happening there. The Deputy wants me to say today that this is going to happen. We are exploring two options and as soon as there is an outcome from that process-----

Give me a timeframe.

The Deputy has been long enough in the House to know that one cannot simply flick one's fingers and have something happen overnight.

I am not asking for it to happen overnight. I am just asking for a timeframe.

We have to explore the options and I will personally revert to the Deputy when I get the outcome of that process.

I am sure the constituency will be well looked after with the work of the Minister of State and the Deputy.

Questions Nos. 64 to 69, inclusive, replied to with Written Answers.