Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Tuesday, 6 Nov 2018

Written Answers Nos. 471-494

Ministerial Meetings

Ceisteanna (471)

Catherine Murphy


471. Deputy Catherine Murphy asked the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation if the Minster of State, Deputy Pat Breen, has met with broadband providers and/or telecoms providers in the past three years, to date; if she will provide a schedule of the meetings he has had, including company names, location of meetings and persons present; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [45000/18]

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As advised in previous responses to the Deputy, I attended the following meetings with David McCourt of Granahan McCourt. These included one speaking engagement at an event that I attended in June 2016 on request from the Department of Foreign Affairs, and two meetings recorded in the Departmental diary for October and December 2016.



2 June 2016

At the request of the Department of Foreign Affairs, I made some closing remarks at the launch of ALTV – a video/social media site owned by Granahan McCourt – at which David McCourt was present

20 October 2016

Breakfast meeting with David McCourt at Merrion Hotel

2 December 2016

Meeting with Chairman and CEO of Shannon Group at which David McCourt was present

In my capacity as a local representative for County Clare, I met with Paul Bradley (Director of Corporate Affairs) and Gary Healy (Director of Public Policy) of EIR to discuss broadband issues in Clare. This meeting took place on 21 November 2017.

I also met with a local representative of SIRO Network on 14 May 2018 to discuss their delivery of broadband services in Shannon town.

I was also guest of honour at an Ennis Townhall launch by ESB/Vodafone/SIRO on 7 April 2017 of their Gigabit Broadband Network.

In March 2018, I received a delegation from IBEC to discuss data protection, in the context of the forthcoming GDPR, and digital technology. This delegation included a representative of Eir.

There was no discussion of the National Broadband Plan at any of these meetings.

Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement

Ceisteanna (472)

Billy Kelleher


472. Deputy Billy Kelleher asked the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation when she plans to publish an account of the investigative failures identified by a person (details supplied); and the steps she is taking to address them, following the trial of a person. [45004/18]

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It is intended to publish an account of the investigative shortcomings identified by Judge Aylmer shortly. The purpose of publishing the account is to understand the factors that led to such investigative shortcomings and to take appropriate steps to address them.

These steps include ongoing reform within the Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement, including ongoing recruitment of specialist expertise and the establishment, as announced by Government last November, of the Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement as an agency, to provide it with greater autonomy and ensure it is better equipped to investigate increasingly complex breaches of company law. It is expected that the General Scheme of a Bill to give effect to this decision will be considered by Government shortly.

Work Permits Applications

Ceisteanna (473)

Clare Daly


473. Deputy Clare Daly asked the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation the likely date on which a support letter for a person (details supplied) will issue in order that they can obtain a stamp 4 critical skills visa. [45031/18]

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Officials from the Employment Permits section of my Department inform me that a Stamp 4 Letter of Support issued for the person concerned on 5th November 2018.

Question No. 474 answered with Question No. 462.

Legislative Measures

Ceisteanna (475)

Fiona O'Loughlin


475. Deputy Fiona O'Loughlin asked the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation the status of the proposed legislation to tackle the issue of expiry dates on gift vouchers; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [45115/18]

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On 12 June 2018, the Government approved the drafting of the Unfair Contract Terms (Gift Vouchers) Bill 2018. The Bill provides, firstly, that gift vouchers must be valid for a minimum term of five years and, secondly, that the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation would have power to make regulations setting fees for the issue and replacement of gift vouchers and for inactive balances on gift vouchers (commonly referred to as dormancy or maintenance fees).

Following the Government decision, my Department launched a public consultation on 19 July seeking information and views on gift voucher fees in order to assist in future decisions on the level of fees, if any, that should apply. Views were also sought on the proposed expiry date provision and in particular on any difficulties which it might present for businesses issuing certain types of gift voucher. Twenty-three responses were received from consumers. Twenty-nine responses were submitted by businesses, business associations, consumer bodies and public representatives.

Officials of my Department are currently working on the text of the Bill with the Office of the Parliamentary Counsel. I expect to be in a position to publish the Bill in the coming weeks.

Work Permits Applications

Ceisteanna (476, 483)

Clare Daly


476. Deputy Clare Daly asked the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation if additional resources will be provided to facilitate the speedy processing of applications for work permits following the implementation of the Luximon judgment; and if not, the reason therefor. [45147/18]

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Clare Daly


483. Deputy Clare Daly asked the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation if additional resources are being provided to the relevant sections within her Department for processing the increased number of work permit applications arising out of the implementation of the Luximon judgment; and if not, the reason therefor. [45661/18]

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I propose to take Questions Nos. 476 and 483 together.

I am advised that the matter at issue relates to visa permissions and therefore falls under the remit of my colleague, the Minister for Justice and Equality.

Departmental Contracts

Ceisteanna (477)

Fergus O'Dowd


477. Deputy Fergus O'Dowd asked the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation if a company (details supplied) has undertaken work within her Department's remit to build or renovate projects over the past ten years; if so, the project name and location; the year in which it was built; if building fire safety inspections have been carried out on the projects since construction; the details of same; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [45193/18]

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Accommodation for my Department and its Offices is provided by the Office of Public Works (OPW) in buildings which are either State-owned or leased by OPW on our behalf. Typically, the Department is in shared accommodation with other Government Departments or public bodies.

Any building or renovation works across the property portfolio occupied by the Department and its Offices is undertaken by the OPW in conjunction with relevant contractors, where applicable. The information being sought is therefore a matter for the OPW.

Audiovisual Sector

Ceisteanna (478)

Joe Carey


478. Deputy Joe Carey asked the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation the work she is carrying out with respect to the business development of eSports here; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [45412/18]

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The Government's role in the development of eSports and the wider audiovisual (AV) sector concerns a number of Departments including my own. The audiovisual sector including Film, TV, Animation, and Games contributes to the economy through exports, employment and cultural activity. The audiovisual sector has considerable scope for further growth over the next 5 years and beyond. Ireland has the creative and technical talent and the international credibility to grow and sustain a vibrant creative audiovisual sector.

The games industry, a key driver of eSports (competitive video gaming) employed 2,040 full time equivalents and generated €3.3m in exports in 2016. A variety of degree, diploma and certificate courses are available for the games sector across the country in institutions such as Ballyfermot College of Further Education, DIT, UL, Dundalk IT, Limerick IT, Tralee IT, Letterkenny IT and Pulse College. These courses include game design, 3D for games, composing for games and online game development. Indigenous developers have established a new representative body called ‘Imirt’ (www.imirt.ie) and www.developers.ie provides a platform for networking and information sharing.

The games industry is a small but growing industry and further development would encourage the growth of eSports activities here. I understand that , ‘Three Ireland’s EStars’ which took place in May of this year was the biggest ever eSports tournament held in Ireland demonstrating that there is a growing appetite for eSports in the country. An Audiovisual Sector Brief produced by my Department (to be made available in the coming months) notes that eSports is a growing market globally and is projected to be worth about $1.5 billion by 2020.

In terms of the supports available through my Department, Enterprise Ireland works with clients in the TV, Film, Animation, Games, AR/VR, Post Production & Visual Effects (VFX). The agency offers a range of supports that are tailored to the needs of the companies in these areas. Individual company financial support has been provided through innovation vouchers, strategic consultancy engagement, key manager employment, technical feasibility projects, market research, management development, business acceleration engagement, innovation vouchers, exhibition at trade fairs, strategic marketing review exercises, market access, eMarketing, R&D, Business Innovation, Expansion, etc. Based on forging a strong client relationship and with deep sectoral and market knowledge, Enterprise Ireland works in partnership with enterprises to help them start, scale, innovate and win export sales in global markets. Enterprise Ireland’s Competitive Start Fund (€50k equity) has funded over 20 games companies since December 2010.

EI overseas office executives and teams provide in-market expertise and build networks responding to company needs. The EI overseas offices support inward buyer visits to Ireland, identifying new opportunities. Teams in the US, Canada, UK, Europe, the Middle East and Asia provide a range of non-financial expertise to AV sector clients. Enterprise Ireland regularly hosts market knowledge events for example, ‘Focus on Animation & VFX – Opportunities in Asia.’

IDA Ireland partners with existing and potential clients to help them to establish or expand their operations in Ireland in a range of sectors including technology, media and content. There are a number of entities within IDA Ireland’s client base in the Audiovisual sector. IDA Ireland is conscious of eSports as a growth area of opportunity. IDA Ireland continues to monitor this new and evolving segment and will engage with its new and existing clients as appropriate.

Earlier this year my Department published our research priority areas for the period 2018 to 2023. ICT research remains a key priority for Irish research and priority areas have been broadened to reflect emerging areas of technology including Digital Platforms, Content and Applications, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality. These underpin developments in the audiovisual and gaming industries. This year saw record budget allocation to my department which, amongst other priorities, will further boost innovation.

I also note that my colleague the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht published The Audiovisual Action Plan in June 2018 which outlines the Government’s strategy in relation to AV including the games industry. Recommendations set out in the plan include capital funding for the film sector, tax relief to Ireland’s games sector, marketing measures, business skills development and funding for areas like new Irish TV drama. While there are no specific actions in relation to business development of eSports activities, marketing and business development of the broader games industry is addressed including a recommendation to develop “Irish Games” branding at events which I understand that Screen Ireland, Enterprise Ireland, and IDA Ireland are examining. Screen Ireland will review supports to visit markets in consultation with Enterprise Ireland.

My Department will continue to work with stakeholders to support the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and Screen Ireland in the delivery of its Audiovisual Action Plan.

Departmental Meetings

Ceisteanna (479)

Mattie McGrath


479. Deputy Mattie McGrath asked the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation the details of engagements, meetings or correspondence that each Minister of State in her Department has had with a person (details supplied) in the past three years; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [45451/18]

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Freagraí scríofa

Minister Halligan's office have advised me that Minister Halligan has not met or had any correspondence with the person in question in the last three years.

Minister Breen's office have advised me that the following is a schedule of meetings that Minister Breen had with the person in question. These include one speaking engagement at an event that the Minister attended in June 2016 on request from the Department of Foreign Affairs, and two meetings recorded in the Departmental diary for October and December 2016.



2 June 2016

At the request of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Minister Breen made some closing remarks at the launch of ALTV – a video/social media site owned by Granahan McCourt – at which David McCourt was present

20 October 2016

Breakfast meeting with David McCourt at Merrion Hotel

2 December 2016

Meeting with Chairman and CEO of Shannon Group at which David McCourt was present

Minister Breen's office have advised that there is no record of any further correspondence with the person in question in the last three years.

The Deputy may also wish to refer to the statement of 11th October 2018 by Minister Breen which is available at: https://merrionstreet.ie/en/News-Room/Releases/Statement_by_Minister_of_State_Pat_Breen.html

Regional Development

Ceisteanna (480)

Lisa Chambers


480. Deputy Lisa Chambers asked the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation her plans for further investment in the region in view of the recent Galway-Mayo relocation survey 2018 which was carried out by a company (details supplied) in conjunction with IDA Ireland; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [45538/18]

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IDA Ireland continues to highlight the benefits of expanding or locating in every part of Ireland, including in Counties Galway and Mayo. There are now over 122,000 people employed across 649 firms in IDA client companies located outside of Dublin, with 45% of all new foreign direct investment (FDI) jobs created last year based in regional locations. The IDA is focused, as am I, on increasing those numbers further.

FDI trends remain positive in both counties which together have a strong base of well-established companies in the areas of medtech, technology, global business services and life sciences, including firms such as Allergan, Baxter, Merit Medical and Boston Scientific. The IDA is working hard to attract further such investment to Galway and Mayo.

The Galway-Mayo Relocation Survey, carried out by Collins McNicholas, shows that there is potential to attract new FDI to the area, as well as increase employment in companies already located there. The survey will support the IDA's marketing efforts to win secure investments in the West, where the Agency is already working productively with key stakeholders - including local authorities, the education sector, companies from its own client base and indigenous firms - to create new employment. The IDA also owns sites in both counties that are being actively marketed to its clients.

Work Permits Applications

Ceisteanna (481)

Brendan Griffin


481. Deputy Brendan Griffin asked the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation her views on a matter (details supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter. [45546/18]

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The Employment Permits Section of my Department inform me that an application for a Critical Skills Employment Permit for the person concerned was received on 15th October 2018.

As the Employment Permits Section is currently processing Trusted Partner applications received on 1st October 2018, this application should be considered in the next 2-3 weeks.

UN Conventions

Ceisteanna (482)

David Cullinane


482. Deputy David Cullinane asked the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation his views on the draft convention on violence and harassment in the world of work; his plans to propose amendments to the convention; if so, whether he has informed the International Labour Organisation, ILO, of these prior to the 8 November 2018 deadline; and if so, the details of the amendments. [45617/18]

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As the Deputy is aware, the ILO is the UN agency with responsibility for employment matters with a unique tripartite nature in which Governments, Workers and Employers have an equal voice. Ireland is currently a Titulaire (voting) member of the Governing Body of the ILO for the first time since we joined the ILO in 1923.

The proposed ILO Convention on Violence and Harassment in the World of Work, and accompanying draft Recommendation, is being finalised over a two year discussion at the ILO’s International Labour Conference (ILC). The first discussion took place at the ILC which took place in May/June of this year, and the final discussion will take place at next year’s International Labour Conference, which will coincide with the ILO’s centenary year.

Ireland was represented at this year’s ILO ILC by a tripartite delegation comprising representatives of my Department and the Department of Justice and Equality, ICTU and IBEC, and Ireland had tripartite representation on the ILC Committee on Violence and Harassment.

The Government response to the ILO report containing the draft Convention and Recommendation on Violence and Harassment in the World of Work is currently being finalised by officials from my Department, in consultation with the Workplace Relations Commission and the Health and Safety Authority, and with the Department of Justice and Equality. We are also consulting with the social partners, ICTU and Ibec and any proposed amendments to the text of the draft Convention and Recommendation will be discussed with the social partners prior to transmission to the ILO. Ireland considers that the adoption of a convention on combatting Violence and Harassment in the World of Work, which is as widely ratifiable as possible, would be a very fitting way to mark the centenary of the ILO and will work to this end.

Question No. 483 answered with Question No. 476.

Startup Funding

Ceisteanna (484)

Brendan Griffin


484. Deputy Brendan Griffin asked the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation the start-up grant aids available to a business (details supplied) in County Kerry; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [45700/18]

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Subject to certain criteria, the LEOs are the ‘first-stop-shop’ for advice and guidance, financial assistance and other supports for those starting or growing their business.

The LEOs provide a signposting service in relation to other relevant State supports available through agencies such as Revenue, the Department of Social Protection, Education and Training Boards, the Credit Review Office etc. The LEOs can also offer advice and guidance in areas such as Local Authority rates, Public Procurement and other regulations affecting business.

The LEOs can offer direct grant aid to microenterprises (10 employees or fewer) in the manufacturing and internationally traded services sectors which, over time, have the potential to develop into strong export entities. The LEOs do not provide direct grant-aid to areas such as retail, personal services, local professional services, construction/local building services, equestrian centres as it may give rise to the displacement of existing businesses.

For anyone interested in starting or growing a business, the LEOs may be able to offer ‘soft’ support in the form of training (e.g. a Start Your Own Business course); a mentor to work with the business proposer; or targeted programmes such as Lean for Micro (to help boost business productivity and competitiveness).

Micro-enterprises may also avail of the Trading Online Voucher Scheme (TOVS) from the LEOs. The Scheme offers the opportunity for businesses to develop their website or digital marketing strategy by availing of vouchers of up to €2,500 or 50% of eligible expenditure.

Anyone with a viable business proposal can also use the LEO to make an application to MicroFinance Ireland, which offers support in the form of loans of up to €25,000 to start-ups with viable business propositions that do not meet the conventional risk criteria applied by the banks. Successful applicants can avail of a more favorable interest rate from MFI if they make their application through the LEO.

I should also draw your attention to the ‘Supporting SMEs’ Online Tool, which is a cross-governmental initiative to help start-ups navigate the range of Government business supports for which they could be eligible. The tool is available at www.supportingsmes.ie . By answering the eight questions in the Online Tool, a small business will, in one location, be able to:

- find out which of the over 170 Government business supports from 27 different Government Departments, Agencies and Initiatives are available to them;

- obtain information on the range of Government supports for accessing credit;

- identify their nearest Local Enterprise Office where they can discuss the outcomes of the guide further;

- download all these filtered results into a document for their further use.

The Deputy should be aware that the centre may be eligible for capital funding by my colleague Minister Ring through the LEADER programme, depending on the type of operation being funded.

IDA Ireland

Ceisteanna (485)

Brendan Ryan


485. Deputy Brendan Ryan asked the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation further to Parliamentary Question No. 362 of 18 September 2018, if the IDA has met with the new owners of a site (details supplied); if the owners have agreed to allow the IDA to continue to market the facility to both existing and potential clients in order to help attract new investment in the area; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [45728/18]

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I understand that the IDA met with representatives of the owner of the site last month. It was agreed that the IDA would be provided with marketing material for the facility, which the Agency will use to try and attract new investors.

The IDA will though continue its efforts to win further investment for County Kildare and I am hopeful that new jobs and projects can be secured in due course.

InterTradeIreland Funding

Ceisteanna (486)

Micheál Martin


486. Deputy Micheál Martin asked the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation if she will report on the allocation in 2019 to North-South bodies in her Department; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [45890/18]

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InterTrade Ireland (ITI) is one of the six North-South Implementation Bodies established under the Good Friday Agreement. It operates a wide range of enterprise support programmes to develop cross border business and assist SMEs with growth, capacity building, and research and innovation. ITI is jointly funded by my Department and its Northern Ireland counterpart, the Department for the Economy.

The Expenditure Report 2019, published in October, set out the summary capital and current allocations for my Department for 2019. While definitive allocations for the Department and its agencies and bodies will not be finalised until the Revised Estimates Process is complete, it is my intention to provide an additional €1m in capital funding to ITI, which will bring its total allocation to €9.125 million.

ITI is playing a significant role as part of the response to Brexit and the body is facing increased demand for its services. This additional funding - an increase of 17.5% - will help it to meet demand in existing programmes, develop new initiatives and to support firms facing the particular North-South challenges associated with Brexit.

Commissions of Investigation Data

Ceisteanna (487)

Tony McLoughlin


487. Deputy Tony McLoughlin asked the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation the amount her Department has spent in 2018 on carrying out commissions of investigations and State inquiries as recommended by the Independent Review Mechanism and State tribunals; the number and name of these investigations; the individual costs in relation to same; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [45905/18]

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My Department has not carried out any commissions of investigations or State inquiries in 2018.

Medical Card Data

Ceisteanna (488)

Tony McLoughlin


488. Deputy Tony McLoughlin asked the Minister for Health the number of persons in possession of a medical card and general practitioner visit card, respectively in counties Sligo and Leitrim; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [44597/18]

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As this is a service matter, it has been referred to the Health Service Executive for attention and direct reply to the Deputy

Child and Family Agency Staff

Ceisteanna (489)

Clare Daly


489. Deputy Clare Daly asked the Minister for Health if information on the rate of staff turnover at an organisation (details supplied) is kept by either her Department or Tusla; and if so, the rate of turnover in each of the years 2013 to 2017 and to date in 2018. [44796/18]

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As this is a service matter, I have asked the Health Service Executive to respond to you directly, as soon as possible.

Child Abuse

Ceisteanna (490)

Clare Daly


490. Deputy Clare Daly asked the Minister for Health the timeline for forensic examination of a child following a disclosure of sexual abuse by that child. [45124/18]

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Freagraí scríofa

As this is a service issue it has been referred to HSE for direct response.

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services

Ceisteanna (491)

Bernard Durkan


491. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Health if he is satisfied with the adequacy of support services for children and teenagers identified as having a tendency to self-harm; the number of instances of such vulnerable young persons brought to his attention in the last three years; the extent to which it has been possible to make a positive intervention; if particular deficiencies have been identified; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [45368/18]

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As this is a service matter I have asked the Health Service Executive to respond directly to the Deputy as soon as possible.

Ministerial Meetings

Ceisteanna (492)

Pat Buckley


492. Deputy Pat Buckley asked the Minister for Health if he will meet a person (details supplied) who recently corresponded with him in relation to efforts to secure mental health support for their child; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [44595/18]

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As with all requests submitted to my office, my officials will consider the appropriateness of meeting with the particular organisation or person and I will revert to the requesters after considering the many competing demands on my diary. I would like to point out to the Deputy that no request for a meeting was included in the correspondence referred to by the Deputy on this occasion. As outlined above, I would be happy to consider such a request that would perhaps include the Deputy attending should same be submitted to my office.

Maternity Services Provision

Ceisteanna (493)

Niamh Smyth


493. Deputy Niamh Smyth asked the Minister for Health the timeframe for a scan (details supplied) to be rolled out to all expectant women in counties Cavan and Monaghan; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [44604/18]

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The National Maternity Strategy is very clear that all women must have equal access to standardised ultrasound services. The Strategy is being implemented on a phased basis and this work is being led by the National Women and Infants Health Programme. The Programme's Implementation Plan for the Strategy includes a number of actions to facilitate the provision by all maternity hospitals/units of dating and anomaly scans to all pregnant women.

Furthermore, additional development funding of €4.15 million is being allocated to maternity services this year. The Programme has prioritised improving quality and safety, establishing community midwifery teams and increasing access to anomaly scans. I understand that the Programme has approved the appointment of an additional 28 ultrasonographers which was the total requirement identified to provide 100% access to anomaly scanning.

Pending the completion of the requisite recruitment and training processes, I am assured that the Programme will continue to work with the six Hospital Groups to assist in increasing access to anomaly scans for those units with limited availability. The Programme is also working with the Maternity Networks to ensure foetal medicine expertise is available when an anomaly is identified. In relation to the specific query raised by the Deputy, I have asked the HSE to reply to you directly.

Medical Aids and Appliances Expenditure

Ceisteanna (494)

Eugene Murphy


494. Deputy Eugene Murphy asked the Minister for Health if there is a scheme or allowance which can be paid towards the ongoing maintenance and repair of an arterial assist machine which is a medical necessity for a person (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [44609/18]

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As this is a service matter it has been referred to the HSE for direct reply to the Deputy.
