Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Tuesday, 6 Nov 2018

Written Answers Nos. 735-758

Services for People with Disabilities

Ceisteanna (735, 736)

Mary Lou McDonald


735. Deputy Mary Lou McDonald asked the Minister for Health the reason a centre (details supplied) has not received the additional funding of €150,000 which was granted to it in 2016 by the HSE. [45755/18]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Mary Lou McDonald


736. Deputy Mary Lou McDonald asked the Minister for Health when a centre (details supplied) will receive the additional funding promised in 2016 which has now accumulated to €428,625.83; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [45756/18]

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Freagraí scríofa

I propose to take Questions Nos. 735 and 736 together.

The Government is committed to providing services and supports for people with disabilities which will empower them to live independent lives, provide greater independence in accessing the services they choose, and enhance their ability to tailor the supports required to meet their needs and plan their lives. This commitment is outlined in the Programme for Partnership Government, which is guided by two principles: equality of opportunity and improving the quality of life for people with disabilities.

As the Deputy's question relates to service matters, I have arranged for the question to be referred to the Health Service Executive (HSE) for direct reply to the Deputy.

Health Reports

Ceisteanna (737)

Peter Burke


737. Deputy Peter Burke asked the Minister for Health the status of the report for a model of care for lymphoedema and lipoedema services; if a plan is in place with regard to the treatment of persons suffering from lymphoedema; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [45760/18]

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I am advised that the report of the Working Group on a Model of Care for Lymphoedema and Lipoedema Treatment in Ireland is under consideration by the HSE.

The recommendations arising from the report will be considered by my Department once they become available, with a view to progressing implementation by the HSE.

Services for People with Disabilities

Ceisteanna (738)

Tony McLoughlin


738. Deputy Tony McLoughlin asked the Minister for Health the status of a service (details supplied); if additional funding will be allocated to the service to enable it to continue its service in County Sligo from its location in the county; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [45766/18]

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Freagraí scríofa

The Government is committed to providing services and supports for people with disabilities which will empower them to live independent lives, provide greater independence in accessing the services they choose, and enhance their ability to tailor the supports required to meet their needs and plan their lives. This commitment is outlined in the Programme for Partnership Government, which is guided by two principles: equality of opportunity and improving the quality of life for people with disabilities.

As the Deputy's question relates to a service issue, I have arranged for the question to be referred to the Health Service Executive (HSE) for direct reply to the Deputy.

Medical Card Applications

Ceisteanna (739)

Charlie McConalogue


739. Deputy Charlie McConalogue asked the Minister for Health the reason a medical card application by a person (details supplied) has not been processed under EU regulations; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [45777/18]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

As this is a service matter, it has been referred to the Health Service Executive for attention and direct reply to the Deputy.

Medical Card Eligibility

Ceisteanna (740)

Paul Kehoe


740. Deputy Paul Kehoe asked the Minister for Health his plans to alter the medical card eligibility for persons (details supplied) due to the large increase in those taking part; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [45783/18]

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Freagraí scríofa

Under the Medical Card assessment process apprenticeships are not among the schemes where persons may retain their eligibility for a medical card while participating on certain Government employment or education schemes. There are no plans at present to change this position.

All persons on apprenticeships schemes are, however, encouraged to apply to the HSE for a Medical Card Assessment in their own right to determine if their weekly assessed earnings are less than the Medical Card threshold for a single person living with a family.

Hospital Facilities

Ceisteanna (741)

Peter Burke


741. Deputy Peter Burke asked the Minister for Health further to Parliamentary Question No. 207 of 5 July 2018, the status of the planned rehabilitation unit at Roscommon University Hospital; the progress which has occurred in the past three months; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [45796/18]

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Freagraí scríofa

In relation to the particular query raised, as this is a service matter, I have asked the HSE to respond to the Deputy directly.

Health Services Staff Remuneration

Ceisteanna (742)

John Brassil


742. Deputy John Brassil asked the Minister for Health when community pharmacists will be provided with a pathway out of FEMPI; when negotiations will commence with the contractors involved; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [45802/18]

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Freagraí scríofa

I acknowledge the contribution made by pharmacists and other health professionals who provide services under contract on behalf of the HSE in addressing the unprecedented economic crisis which the State faced over recent years.

The Public Service Pay and Pensions Act 2017 has put the setting and varying of payments for contractors on a non-emergency statutory basis, which will enable the determination of payments to contractors based on a range of considerations, including affordability and value for money.

My Department intends to consult with contractor representative bodies on putting in place a new multi-annual approach to payments, in return for service improvement and contractual reform and in line with Government priorities for the health service. This approach is also intended to deliver a phased exit pathway from FEMPI for contractors and this will form part of the proposed consultation.

My Department has commenced work to determine the preferred approach to engagement with contractor representative bodies in this matter.

Community Pharmacy Services

Ceisteanna (743)

John Brassil


743. Deputy John Brassil asked the Minister for Health the reason cuts to the wholesale margin of products sold by pharmacists have not been considered as income in reviews conducted by his Department into the operation of FEMPI (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [45803/18]

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Freagraí scríofa

The 1996 Memorandum of Agreement between the Minister for Health and the Irish Pharmacy Union sets out the arrangements under which community pharmacy services are provided to public patients. The Agreement itself does not specify fees or mark-ups, other than “in accordance with such rates as may be approved or directed by the Minister from time to time after consultation with the Pharmaceutical Contractors Committee [of the IPU]”.

Section 9 of the 2009 Financial Emergency Measures in the Public Interest Act, as amended by the 2015 Financial Emergency Measures in the Public Interest Act, provides that, despite existing enactments or contractual or other arrangements, the Minister for Health may, by regulation made with the consent of the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, vary payments to health professionals for services provided to or on behalf of a health body.

Section 9(13) of the 2009 Act requires me, as Minister for Health, to carry out an annual review of the amounts and rates set by regulation for contracted health professionals. As Minister, I must consider the appropriateness of the amounts and rates, in line with criteria set out in section 9.

The most recent review, carried out in June 2018, noted a 14% increase in the number of pharmacy contracts between 2008 and 2017 and a 13% increase in the number of items dispensed through the community drug schemes in the same period. I concluded that the current rates for pharmacy services are appropriate.

I consider that changes in contractor payments should be linked to Government priorities for the health service and service expansion or contractual developments and based on available resources.

Community Pharmacy Services

Ceisteanna (744)

John Brassil


744. Deputy John Brassil asked the Minister for Health when the role of community pharmacists will be expanded in line with the commitment contained in A Programme for Partnership Government; the reason this has not been included in the Sláintecare implementation plan; the way in which the role will be expanded; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [45804/18]

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Freagraí scríofa

The Programme for Partnership Government is committed to expanding the role of community pharmacy where this can provide better outcomes for public patients. However, any expansion of services should address unmet public health needs, improve access to existing public health services delivered elsewhere or provide better value for money or patient outcomes if delivered through pharmacy.

Vaccination and emergency contraception services are already available in pharmacies. Other services, including in the areas of medicines management and treatment of minor ailments, will be considered in the context of available resources, the potential for health gain and Government priorities for the health service.

The Sláintecare Implementation Strategy sets out a vision where the vast majority of healthcare services will be available in the community, in the home or close to home.

One of the areas that the Strategy identifies for achieving this vision is the organisation and operation of community-based services based on population need and size, in line with the overall citizen care master plan and new models of care. This will require examining new or enhanced service delivery models for current community-based services by health professionals, with appropriate supports for new services to be delivered in community, rather than acute care, settings.

The Strategy is clear that all staff and contractors, including health professionals such as pharmacists, have a role to play in the implementation of reform.

Minor Ailments Scheme

Ceisteanna (745)

John Brassil


745. Deputy John Brassil asked the Minister for Health when a decision will be taken on the nationwide roll-out of a minor ailment scheme following the successful pilot in 2016; when he will publish the HSE report that has already been submitted to his Department; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [45805/18]

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In 2016 the HSE ran a three month feasibility study, across four centres, on a pharmacy-delivered minor ailment service in an Irish healthcare context.

While the study successfully tested operational and administrative procedures, the patient take-up was small (121 consultations) and no meaningful clinical or outcome data emerged. If this is to be progressed, more extensive trialling, with defined outcome measurement, would be required in order to assess whether a publicly funded minor ailments service represents an effective health intervention for medical card patients.

The report has been submitted to my department and is being examined by my officials.

Any expansion of services should address unmet public health needs, improve access to existing public health services delivered elsewhere or provide better value for money or patient outcomes if delivered through pharmacy. Expansion of publicly funded pharmacy services will be considered in the context of available resources, the potential for health gain and Government priorities for the health service.

Medicinal Products Regulation

Ceisteanna (746)

John Brassil


746. Deputy John Brassil asked the Minister for Health if pharmacies will be permitted to dispense oral contraception without prescription under plans for free contraception being considered; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [45806/18]

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Following the publication of the report of the Joint Committee on the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution, I established a group, under the chairmanship of the Chief Medical Officer, to consider the issues raised in the report's ancillary recommendations. The Government has approved my proposal to progress the ancillary recommendations.

Work is ongoing on planning for the implementation of the ancillary recommendations. This includes exploring issues associated with enhancing access to contraception, with a view to developing evidence-based policy in this area.

Vaccination Programme

Ceisteanna (747)

John Brassil


747. Deputy John Brassil asked the Minister for Health if, following the successful roll-out of flu vaccines in pharmacies, consideration is being given to the expansion of pharmacy-based vaccination services; the reason the cost of the essential pneumococcal vaccine is not yet reimbursed in pharmacies for public patients as the flu vaccine is; the timeframe for a decision in this regard; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [45807/18]

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Freagraí scríofa

The Programme for a Partnership Government has a commitment to expand the role of community pharmacies in managing the health of public patients. Any service expansion should address unmet public health needs, improve access to existing public health services or provide better value for money or patient outcomes if delivered through pharmacies, and such decisions should be evidence based.

Among the areas under consideration is the expansion of pharmacy-provided vaccination for public patients, in order to make such treatment as accessible as possible.

The seasonal influenza vaccine is recommended for the following at risk groups:

- persons who are 65 years of age and over;

- pregnant women;

- persons have a long-term health condition;

- persons who work in healthcare;

- carers;

- persons living in a nursing home or other long-term care facility; and

- persons in regular contact with pigs, poultry or water fowl.

Currently, influenza vaccinations are available in pharmacies for medical card and at-risk patients, as well as privately.

Pharmacies also provide pneumococcal and shingles vaccinations on a private basis.

National Treatment Purchase Fund Data

Ceisteanna (748)

Sean Fleming


748. Deputy Sean Fleming asked the Minister for Health the number of persons dealt with in respect of hip operations under the National Treatment Purchase Fund in 2016 and 2017 and to date in 2018; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [45815/18]

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Freagraí scríofa

With regard to the matter raised, officials of my Department are collating the data requested and will provide it directly to the Deputy.

Ministerial Meetings

Ceisteanna (749)

Bobby Aylward


749. Deputy Bobby Aylward asked the Minister for Health if he has had formal engagements with his EU counterparts over the past six months; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [45837/18]

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I engage regularly with my EU counterparts at the EPSCO (Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs) Council meeting of Health Ministers, as well as through bilateral meetings in capitals and on the margins of Council meetings.

I attended the EPSCO (Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs) Council meeting of Health Ministers in Luxembourg on 22 June 2018. I met with the Health Ministers of Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands, and the Director General of the Austrian Health Ministry on the margins of the Council Meeting to formally sign Ireland up to the BeNeLuxA Initiative on Pharmaceutical Policy Agreement (Letter of Intent). I also met UK Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Health, Lord O’Shaughnessy, to discuss Brexit and a range of health issues.

I met the German Federal Health Minister, Jens Spahn, when he visited Ireland on 3 August. We discussed among other matters Brexit and health issues.

Minister Catherine Byrne attended the Health Informal meeting of Ministers in Vienna on 10-11 September 2018. She met with Lord O’Shaughnessy, UK Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Health, to discuss Brexit and a range of health issues.

Minister Jim Daly met with the Lithuanian Minister of Health, Aurelijus Veryga, on 11 October during his visit to Ireland. The Ministers opened a Joint Session on Rare Diseases between the Department of Health and the Lithuanian Ministry of Health. They then held a bilateral meeting to discuss health system reform, alcohol control policy, and health promotion.

Minister Daly represented the Government at a visit to the border by the Austrian Minister for the EU, Gernot Blumel, on Friday 12 October 2018. The Ministers discussed the potential impact of Brexit on the border, on border communities, on trade and on the Peace Process.

Medical Card Reviews

Ceisteanna (750)

Niamh Smyth


750. Deputy Niamh Smyth asked the Minister for Health if a medical card review for a person (details supplied) will be expedited; the status of this issue; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [45839/18]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

As this is a service matter, it has been referred to the Health Service Executive for attention and direct reply to the Deputy.

Services for People with Disabilities

Ceisteanna (751)

Stephen Donnelly


751. Deputy Stephen S. Donnelly asked the Minister for Health if €100,000 in funding will be included in his final budget preparations for the roll-out of the just a minute card (details supplied). [45840/18]

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Freagraí scríofa

The Department of Health provides funding for specialist disability services for people with a disability and does not provide funding for schemes such as the one outlined by the Deputy.

Issues of equality, discrimination, tolerance and diversity in terms of gender, employment, racism and disability fall within the remit of the Department of Justice and Equality.

Medical Records

Ceisteanna (752)

Fergus O'Dowd


752. Deputy Fergus O'Dowd asked the Minister for Health the results of the HSE inquiry into the reason medical records containing significant personal and medical data of 12 patients from an acute hospital were found on the public road between Baltray and Queensborough, County Louth, on 28 November 2018 (details supplied); if the hospital will be held accountable for this serious breach of the law; if assurances will be given that this will not reoccur; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [45851/18]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

As this is a service matter, I have asked the HSE to respond to you directly.

Medicinal Products Reimbursement

Ceisteanna (753)

Robert Troy


753. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Health the status of an application for reimbursement for Nusinersen, also known as Spinraza, for the treatment of spinal muscular atrophy; if he has engaged with the HSE in order to advance this process; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [45852/18]

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Freagraí scríofa

The HSE has statutory responsibility for medicine pricing and reimbursement decisions, in accordance with the Health (Pricing and Supply of Medical Goods) Act 2013. The Act specifies the criteria for decisions on the reimbursement of medicines. As Minister for Health, I do not have any statutory function in relation to reimbursement of medicines.

Nusinersen (Spinraza) is indicated for the treatment of 5q spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), a disorder characterised by progressive muscle atrophy and weakness.

In October 2017, the HSE received a reimbursement application for nusinersen. In December 2017, the National Centre for Pharmacoeconomics completed a health technology assessment of nusinersen and did not recommend reimbursement at the price submitted. The application is being considered by the HSE's Rare Diseases Medicinal Products/Technology Review Committee and the HSE Drugs Group and is due to be considered by the HSE Leadership Team shortly, following which a final decision will be notified.

Services for People with Disabilities

Ceisteanna (754)

Eoin Ó Broin


754. Deputy Eoin Ó Broin asked the Minister for Health when a person (details supplied) will be transferred to the National Rehabilitation Hospital, Dún Laoghaire, County Dublin; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [45853/18]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

The Government is committed to providing services and supports for people with disabilities which will empower them to live independent lives, provide greater independence in accessing the services they choose, and enhance their ability to tailor the supports required to meet their needs and plan their lives. This commitment is outlined in the Programme for Partnership Government, which is guided by two principles: equality of opportunity and improving the quality of life for people with disabilities.

As the Deputy's question relates to a service issue, I have arranged for the question to be referred to the Health Service Executive (HSE) for direct reply to the Deputy.

Hospital Services

Ceisteanna (755)

Thomas P. Broughan


755. Deputy Thomas P. Broughan asked the Minister for Health the waiting time for X-rays to be read and advice given thereon to the referring general practitioner for Beaumont Hospital, Dublin 9; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [45864/18]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

As this is a service matter, I have asked the HSE to reply to you directly.

North-South Implementation Bodies

Ceisteanna (756)

Micheál Martin


756. Deputy Micheál Martin asked the Minister for Health if he will report on the allocation in 2019 to North-South bodies in his Department; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [45898/18]

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The Food Safety Promotion Board (Safefood) is the only North/South body funded by my Department. The 2019 allocation for the Food safety Promotion Board has yet to be decided.

Commissions of Investigation Data

Ceisteanna (757)

Tony McLoughlin


757. Deputy Tony McLoughlin asked the Minister for Health the amount his Department has spent in 2018 on carrying out commissions of investigations and State inquiries as recommended by the Independent Review Mechanism and State tribunals; the number and name of these investigations; the individual costs in relation to same; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [45912/18]

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Freagraí scríofa

In the main, bodies such as the Health Service Executive or the Health Information and Quality Authority carry out investigations or inquiries into health related issues.

There is one commission of investigation currently taking place under the remit of the Minister for Health. The Commission of Investigation (Certain matters relative to a disability service in the South East and related matters) was established under the Commissions of Investigation Act 2004 (No. 23 of 2004) to investigate the care and protection of “Grace” (pseudonym) and others in a former foster home in the South East, which has been the subject of abuse allegations. Department costs for 2018 are currently €1,284,693.

The Commission of Investigation (Mother and Baby Homes and certain related matters) comes within the remit of my colleague, the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs. My Department shares 50% of total cost with the Department of Children and Youth Affairs. Costs in 2018 in relation to identification of records for the Commission amount to €85,831.

Hospital Car Parks

Ceisteanna (758)

Robert Troy


758. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Health if he will direct the Regional Hospital Mullingar to provide disabled parking spots for the warfarin clinic (details supplied). [45925/18]

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Freagraí scríofa

As this is a service matter, I have asked the Health Service Executive to respond to you directly, as soon as possible.
