Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Tuesday, 6 Nov 2018

Written Answers Nos. 107-131

Seanad Reform

Ceisteanna (107)

Robert Troy


107. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Taoiseach the status of the work of the Seanad reform implementation group and in particular its considerations on the extension of Seanad election voting rights to additional third-level institutions. [45028/18]

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The Seanad Reform Implementation Group is finalising its deliberations and is expected to report in the coming weeks.

Departmental Communications

Ceisteanna (108)

Fiona O'Loughlin


108. Deputy Fiona O'Loughlin asked the Taoiseach the amount spent on making videos in each month since he became Taoiseach. [44621/18]

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In communicating the work of Government, it is important to provide information to citizens in a manner in which they wish to receive it, which includes the medium of video.

Below is the breakdown of costs which have been processed by my Department relating to video production from June 2017 to September 2018. Note that amounts below represent payments fully processed through the finance system. There may be some outstanding payments relating to invoices which have yet to be presented.

Campaigns include:

- Healthy Ireland

- Self-Employed Benefits

- Project Ireland 2040

- Luas Cross-City Launch video

- Global Ireland

- Legislation video

- Ireland.ie

- Rugby World Cup bid

- Budget 2018

- Back to School

- 25th Anniversary of the decriminalisation of homosexuality.

Taoiseach's Meetings and Engagements

Ceisteanna (109)

Micheál Martin


109. Deputy Micheál Martin asked the Taoiseach if he will report on his discussion with the Japanese Prime Minister, Mr. Shinzo Abe, when they met in Brussels on 18 October 2018. [44651/18]

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I attended the Asia Europe Summit in Brussels on 19 October. On the margins of the meeting, I had the opportunity to meet with a number of Asian leaders, including the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. I recalled the Prime Minister's visit to Ireland in 2013 and spoke of the continuing close relationship between Ireland and Japan. I also outlined the reasons Ireland has sought election to the UN Security Council for the term 2021-2022.

Departmental Staff Data

Ceisteanna (110)

Róisín Shortall


110. Deputy Róisín Shortall asked the Taoiseach the breakdown of the staff in his Department by grade. [44653/18]

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The information requested by the Deputy (as at 6 November 2018) is set out in the following table.


*Number of Staff

Secretary General


Second Secretary General


Assistant Secretary


Principal Officer


Assistant Principal Officer


Higher Executive Officer


Administrative Officer


Executive Officer


Clerical Officer


Services Staff


* Excluding politically appointed staff.

Departmental Meetings

Ceisteanna (111)

Catherine Murphy


111. Deputy Catherine Murphy asked the Taoiseach if he, his departmental officials and-or his predecessors have met companies and an organisation (details supplied) and-or representatives of same in the past three years to date; and if so, if a schedule of those meetings and the associated minutes will be published. [44783/18]

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As I have stated in the House recently, I was invited by Science Foundation Ireland to present Mr. David McCourt (CEO Granahan McCourt), with the Science Foundation Ireland St. Patrick's Day Medal at a public event held in Washington DC in March 2018 at which the media were present and which was reported at the time. We did not discuss the national broadband programme.

Mr. McCourt wrote to me on two occasions, in June 2017 congratulating me on my appointment and seeking a meeting to discuss his portfolio of companies, and in 2018 to invite me to launch his book. The 2017 correspondence was acknowledged by my office, and an email declining the invitation to launch his book was issued to the 2018 correspondence.

I have had no other meeting or discussion with Mr McCourt regarding the National Broadband Plan.

Departmental records show that my predecessor Mr. Enda Kenny was invited by Mr. David McCourt to attend the launch of ALTV.com on 2 June 2016 at the RHA Gallery, 15 Ely Place, Dublin 2. The then Taoiseach did not attend this launch and referred Mr. McCourt’s correspondence to his colleague the then Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Ms. Mary Mitchell O’Connor.

Following an invitation from Mr. Conal Henry, as CEO of Enet, Mr. Kenny attended Enet’s Fibre to the Home launch event on 29 January 2016 at the Ballyseedy Home and Garden Centre in Tralee, Kerry.

A search of Departmental records indicates that there weren't any meetings between officials in the Department of the Taoiseach and representatives of the Enet Irish Infrastructure Fund in the past there years.

Departmental Consultations

Ceisteanna (112, 113)

Louise O'Reilly


112. Deputy Louise O'Reilly asked the Taoiseach the location of the submissions made to the consultations undertaken by his Department in each of the past ten years in tabular form. [44866/18]

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Louise O'Reilly


113. Deputy Louise O'Reilly asked the Taoiseach the consultations undertaken by his Department in each of the past ten years in tabular form. [44884/18]

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I propose to take Questions Nos. 112 and 113 together.

Details of the public consultations undertaken by my Department in the years 2008 to 2017 and to date in 2018, and the location of submissions where published, are set out in the following tables.



Details of Consultation undertaken by Department of An Taoiseach

Web address for submissions where published


Consultation on a draft Official Languages Scheme for the Department of An Taoiseach



Details of Consultation undertaken by Department of An Taoiseach

Web address for submissions where published


Consultation by the Innovation Taskforce to inform its report on 'Innovation Ireland'

Originally published on www.innovationtaskforce.ie



Details of Consultation undertaken by Department of An Taoiseach

Web address for submissions where published




Details of Consultation undertaken by Department of An Taoiseach

Web address for submissions where published


Consultation on Ireland’s National Reform Programme in advance of its submission to the European Commission.



Details of Consultation undertaken by Department of An Taoiseach

Web address for submissions where published


Consultation on Ireland’s National Reform Programme in advance of its submission to the European Commission.



Details of Consultation undertaken by Department of An Taoiseach

Web address for submissions where published


Consultation on the proposed Government Policy Statement on Sectoral Economic Regulation.






Consultation on Ireland’s National Reform Programme in advance of its submission to the European Commission.



Details of Consultation undertaken by Department of An Taoiseach

Web address for submissions where published


Consultation on the Reform of the Seanad (Manning Group).



Consultation on Ireland’s National Reform Programme in advance of its submission to the European Commission.



Call for submissions on the Department of the Taoiseach’s Statement of Strategy 2015 – 2017.


Call for submissions on the Regulation of sponsorship by alcohol companies of major sporting events.




Consultation on the Preparation of a new Strategy for the International Financial Services Sector.


Consultations on the draft National Risk Assessment.




Details of Consultation undertaken by Department of An Taoiseach

Web address for submissions where published


Consultation on Ireland’s National Reform Programme in advance of its submission to the European Commission.



Consultations on the draft National Risk Assessment.



Consultation on a draft Official Languages Scheme for the Department of An Taoiseach.



Details of Consultation undertaken by Department of An Taoiseach

Web address for submissions where published


Consultation on Ireland's approach to the digital age of consent.



Consultation on Ireland’s National Reform Programme in advance of its submission to the European Commission.




Call for submissions on the Department of the Taoiseach’s Statement of Strategy 2016 – 2019


Consultations on the draft National Risk Assessment




Details of Consultation undertaken by Department of An Taoiseach

Web address for submissions where published


Consultations on the draft National Risk Assessment




Consultation on the establishment of a National Policy Statement on the Bioeconomy.



Consultation on Ireland’s National Reform Programme in advance of its submission to the European Commission.





Details of Consultation undertaken by Department of An Taoiseach

Web address for submissions where published


Consultation on National Digital Strategy. **


Consultation on Regulation of Online Political Advertising in Ireland - launched 21.09.18. **


Consultations on the draft National Risk Assessment.




Consultation on Ireland’s National Reform Programme in advance of its submission to the European Commission.



** Consultations still in progress

Departmental Contracts

Ceisteanna (114)

Fergus O'Dowd


114. Deputy Fergus O'Dowd asked the Taoiseach if a company (details supplied) has undertaken work within his Department's remit to build or renovate projects over the past ten years; if so, the project name and location; the year in which it was built; if building fire safety inspections have been carried out on the projects since construction; and the details of same. [45207/18]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

My Department does not have any budget for capital expenditure or infrastructure. Therefore the company named has not undertaken any work for my Department or any agency under its remit in the past ten years. The properties occupied by my Department and by the National Economic & Social Development Office (NESDO) are provided and maintained by the Office of Public Works.

Departmental Meetings

Ceisteanna (115)

Mattie McGrath


115. Deputy Mattie McGrath asked the Taoiseach the details of engagements, meetings or correspondence that each Minister of State in his Department has had with a person (details supplied) in the past three years. [45465/18]

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There are currently four Ministers of State, including the Government Chief Whip assigned to my Department. The Minister of State with special responsibility for Defence, the Minister of State for European Affairs and the Government Chief Whip are based at the Department of the Taoiseach. Their offices have confirmed that the Ministers have had no engagements, meetings or correspondence with the named individual in the past three years.

The Minister of State with special responsibility for Trade, Employment, Business, EU Digital Single Market and Data Protection is based in the Department of Enterprise & Innovation. The Minister for Business, Enterprise & Innovation has outlined the position of the Minister for State in that regard.

In addition, over the period in question the then Minister of State with special responsibility for the Diaspora was based at the Department of the Taoiseach. This office is now located in the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade and the Tánaiste has responded in respect of the Minister of State.

Commissions of Investigation Data

Ceisteanna (116)

Tony McLoughlin


116. Deputy Tony McLoughlin asked the Taoiseach the amount his Department has spent in 2018 on carrying out commissions of investigations and State inquiries as recommended by the independent review mechanism and State tribunals; the number and name of these investigations; and the individual costs of same. [45916/18]

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My Department has no responsibility in relation to any commissions of investigation, State inquiries or State Tribunals which arose from recommendations of the Independent Review Mechanism. Accordingly, the issue of cost does not arise for my Department.

Defence Forces Training

Ceisteanna (117)

Fiona O'Loughlin


117. Deputy Fiona O'Loughlin asked the Taoiseach and Minister for Defence the status of progress on the plans for an institute for peace support and leadership training at the Curragh; when the feasibility study under way is due to be received; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [44628/18]

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The White Paper on Defence includes a commitment to evaluate the potential development of a new Institute for Peace Support and Leadership Training at the Defence Forces Training Centre in the Curragh. The current Programme for a Partnership Government also includes a commitment to develop this Institute. It is foreseen that the new Institute would have international standing and contribute to the overall development of knowledge and experience in the areas of peace support, leadership and conflict resolution.

Scoping work was carried out on the proposal throughout 2016. A concept paper was developed and some initial consultations took place with national and international third level and research institutes, as well as potential philanthropic contributors. Arising from this, it was decided to conduct a formal feasibility study. Following a tender process in 2017, a contract was awarded to a consultancy body to complete this study. Work on the study commenced in January 2018 and an interim report is expected to be finalised shortly. This interim report will inform the next steps to be taken.

Air Corps Strength

Ceisteanna (118)

Seán Haughey


118. Deputy Seán Haughey asked the Taoiseach and Minister for Defence his plans to reopen the Air Corps pilot service commitment scheme; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [44693/18]

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As the Deputy will be aware, under my direction, the Department of Defence brought the issue of the retention of certain specialists, including Air Corps pilots, to the attention of the Public Service Pay Commission in 2017. This matter is referenced in paragraph 6.29 of the Commission's report of May 2017.

I have previously stated that there are difficulties in recruiting and retaining specialists in the PDF. This includes pilots and certain other technical specialists. The Government has tasked the Public Service Pay Commission with examining recruitment and retention challenges in the Defence Sector in more detail and issues relating to Air Corps pilots will be examined within this forum. In this context, the Public Service Pay Commission requested detailed information from the Department of Defence which was duly forwarded to the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform. The Public Service Pay Commission will report in due course. The findings and proposals arising will be considered at that time.

Defence Forces Recruitment

Ceisteanna (119)

Seamus Healy


119. Deputy Seamus Healy asked the Taoiseach and Minister for Defence if leaving certificate results obtained in two sittings can be accepted for entry into the Army cadets; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [44743/18]

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Freagraí scríofa

The Terms and Conditions relating to minimum educational qualifications for school leavers/non graduates applying for an Army Cadetship in the 2018 competition included the specific requirement for Leaving Certificate results to be obtained in a single sitting. This requirement has been included in the Terms and Conditions for the Cadetship competitions for a significant period of time.

A candidate who applied for a cadetship in the Army in 2018 initiated legal proceedings by way of a Judicial Review in the High Court.

The Court is due to give a reasoned judgment on 13 November 2018. The judgement will be considered at that time and will inform further action by the Department of Defence.

Departmental Meetings

Ceisteanna (120)

Catherine Murphy


120. Deputy Catherine Murphy asked the Taoiseach and Minister for Defence if he, his departmental officials and-or his ministerial predecessors have met companies and an organisation (details supplied) and-or representatives of same in the past three years to date; if so, if a schedule of those meetings and the associated minutes will be published; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [44773/18]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

In the past three years neither I, my ministerial predecessor in this Department, nor any of my Department officials, have met with the company referred to by Deputy, or any of its representatives.

Departmental Consultations

Ceisteanna (121, 122)

Louise O'Reilly


121. Deputy Louise O'Reilly asked the Taoiseach and Minister for Defence the location of the submissions made to the consultations undertaken by his Department in each of the past ten years in tabular form; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [44856/18]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Louise O'Reilly


122. Deputy Louise O'Reilly asked the Taoiseach and Minister for Defence the consultations undertaken by his Department in each of the past ten years in tabular form; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [44874/18]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

I propose to take Questions Nos. 121 and 122 together.

The consultations undertaken and the location of submissions made to the consultations undertaken by my Department in each of the past ten years are as follows:

Consultation Topic/Subject


Location Where Submissions are Stored

How to Access the Submissions

Irish Language Scheme


Hard copies are held in Department.

Access to these submissions is subject to normal data protection and FOI considerations.

Department of Defence and Defence Forces Strategy Statement 2011-2013


Electronic copies and hard copies are held in Department.

Access to these submissions is subject to normal data protection and FOI considerations.

Department of Defence and Defence Forces Strategy Statement 2011-2014


Electronic copies and hard copies are held in Department.

Access to these submissions is subject to normal data protection and FOI considerations.

Irish Language Scheme


Hard copies held in Department

Access to these submissions is subject to normal data protection and FOI considerations.

The Green Paper on Defence, initiated a public consultation process which informed the subsequent development of the White Paper on Defence 2015


Electronic copies and hard copies are held in Department.

Access to these submissions is subject to normal data protection and FOI considerations.

Irish Language Scheme


Hard copies are held in Department.

Access to these submissions is subject to normal data protection and FOI considerations.

Defence Forces Recruitment

Ceisteanna (123)

Jack Chambers


123. Deputy Jack Chambers asked the Taoiseach and Minister for Defence the number of applicants recruited despite failing a psychometric test for recruitment campaigns undertaken in the Defence Forces in 2017 and to date in 2018; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [44999/18]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

I will revert to the Deputy with this information as soon as I have the details.

Health and Safety

Ceisteanna (124)

Aengus Ó Snodaigh


124. Deputy Aengus Ó Snodaigh asked the Taoiseach and Minister for Defence the action he has taken or plans to take on foot of the O'Toole report which was sent to the whistleblowers 12 months ago and feedback received a number of months ago; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [45046/18]

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Freagraí scríofa

The State Claims Agency is currently managing 7 claims taken by former and current members of the Air Corps for personal injuries alleging exposure to chemical and toxic substances whilst working in the Air Corps.

Three written disclosures were made, in November and December 2015 and January 2016, under the provisions of section 8 of the Protected Disclosures Act 2014, relating to alleged failings in the Defence Organisation in the area of Health and Safety. Legal advice was sought on how best to progress certain disclosures as elements related to matters which are the subject of the ongoing litigation. I appointed an independent reviewer to examine the disclosures.

Following receipt of the report of the independent reviewer, I invited the views of those who had made the disclosures and published the report. I also sent the report to the Chief of Staff for the views and actions of the military authorities to be set out. In parallel to the independent review, following an inspection in 2016, the Air Corps had continued to work with the Health and Safety Authority (HSA) to improve its health and safety regime. I have been informed by the military authorities that the HSA has formally noted the considerable progress made to date by the Defence Forces towards implementation of a safety management system for the control of hazardous substances. Subject to completion of the improvement plan the HSA investigation is closed. However, it must be noted that in the Air Corps health and safety is a matter of ongoing monitoring, supervision and adjustment.

I am considering the responses I received from the parties and legal advice in the context of ongoing active litigation before deciding on the next steps to be taken.

Defence Forces Recruitment

Ceisteanna (125)

Aengus Ó Snodaigh


125. Deputy Aengus Ó Snodaigh asked the Taoiseach and Minister for Defence the reason a person (details supplied) was not able to start their military training on the date advised to them; the steps the Defence Forces is taking to ensure that this person can start training as soon as possible; if the person will start training before the end of 2018; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [45051/18]

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Freagraí scríofa

I have made inquiries into this matter and I am pleased to inform you that an offer of employment has been made to the person in question.

Departmental Funding

Ceisteanna (126)

Aengus Ó Snodaigh


126. Deputy Aengus Ó Snodaigh asked the Taoiseach and Minister for Defence the annual allocation for defence in each budget since 2008; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [45053/18]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

Details of the gross annual allocations since 2008 for Defence, including both Vote 35 - Army Pensions and Vote 36 - Defence, are outlined in the following table.


Vote 35 Army Pensions

Vote 36 Defence


















































The Vote 36 budget allocation provides for pay and allowances, Defence Forces standing and operational costs and also facilitates investment in essential equipment and infrastructure. Vote 35 provides for the payment of retirement benefits to former members of the Defence Forces and certain dependants.

Departmental Contracts

Ceisteanna (127)

Fergus O'Dowd


127. Deputy Fergus O'Dowd asked the Taoiseach and Minister for Defence if a company (details supplied) has undertaken work within his Department's remit to build or renovate projects over the past ten years; if so, the project name and location; the year in which it was built; if building fire safety inspections have been carried out on the projects since construction; the details of same; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [45197/18]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

I can confirm that my Department has not undertaken any building or renovation projects with the company referred to by the Deputy.

Departmental Correspondence

Ceisteanna (128)

Clare Daly


128. Deputy Clare Daly asked the Taoiseach and Minister for Defence further to Parliamentary Question No. 106 of 26 September 2018, when a copy of DMC47 will be furnished. [45337/18]

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In my written reply to the Deputy's question on 26 September 2018, I advised that the matter was receiving attention and I would revert to her in due course.

The position is that the document referred to by the Deputy is one that relates to matters that may arise in the course of current litigation. As the Deputy will be aware there are a number of claims made by current and former members of the Defence Forces who allege personal injury as a consequence of their consumption of the anti-malarial Mefloquine (Lariam). The State Claims Agency who manages these claims has advised that a case is listed for hearing in the High Court on 20 November 2018. In these circumstances, it would be inappropriate for me to furnish any internal military documents which may fall to be considered in the context of such litigation.

Departmental Meetings

Ceisteanna (129)

Mattie McGrath


129. Deputy Mattie McGrath asked the Taoiseach and Minister for Defence the details of engagements, meetings or correspondence that each Minister of State in his Department has had with a person (details supplied) in the past three years; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [45455/18]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

In the past three years, I have not met with, nor had any engagements with, the person referred to by the Deputy.

Defence Forces Recruitment

Ceisteanna (130)

Brendan Griffin


130. Deputy Brendan Griffin asked the Taoiseach and Minister for Defence his views on a matter (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [45581/18]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

The Terms and Conditions relating to minimum educational qualifications for school leavers/non graduates applying for an Army Cadetship in the 2018 competition included the specific requirement for Leaving Certificate results to be obtained in a single sitting. This requirement has been included in the Terms and Conditions for the Cadetship competitions for a significant period of time.

A candidate who applied for a cadetship in the Army in 2018 initiated legal proceedings by way of a Judicial Review in the High Court.

The Court is due to give a reasoned judgment on 13 November 2018. The judgment will be considered at that time and will inform further action by the Department of Defence.

Air Corps Strength

Ceisteanna (131)

Aengus Ó Snodaigh


131. Deputy Aengus Ó Snodaigh asked the Taoiseach and Minister for Defence the number of personnel employed in a full-time flight safety role in the Air Corps; and the ranks of each. [45753/18]

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Freagraí scríofa

The Flight Safety Office is currently staffed by 4 personnel comprising of 1 Lieutenant Colonel, 1 Captain, 1 Sergeant Major and 1 Sergeant.

In addition to the personnel outlined, the Deputy will appreciate that, similar to all aviation organisations, flight safety responsibilities extend across a range of roles and personnel in the Air Corps, including, for example, the General Officer Commanding the Air Corps as Director of Military Aviation, commanding officers, squadron commanders, aircraft commanders, pilots and the technical staff who maintain and certify aircraft.
